Mueller Report Imminent

sleeper cell.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised at this point. The press used to do stories on him the same way they would on McCain where they make him look like a truly honest outside politician that’s trying to do the right thing in government. I used to think that he was a good guy, but he’s done some things that don’t quite jive with his supposed position.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised at this point. The press used to do stories on him the same way they would on McCain where they make him look like a truly honest outside politician that’s trying to do the right thing in government. I used to think that he was a good guy, but he’s done some things that don’t quite jive with his supposed position.

His only position is his business being hurt by the China tariffs. He’s another sellout trying to protect his own/family self interests.

It’s hilarious to watch the weak minded jump on the “party break” narrative. They actually believe this POS is making an “ethical stand” for the greater good lol 😂
I had to choose, should I put this in the Iran thread or in the Mueller report thread? Had to choose this one just to keep it on the first page.


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