Mueller Report Imminent

Let them keep pushing it. The more they act this petty the less of a chance I’ll ever pull a blue Dim lever again in my lifetime.
Trump has not only increased but also solidified the divide. Of course we all knew that would happen from the start; it was his objective.
We were completely divided when Hussein was in. Nothing has changed.
Not the same in the least. There was only a small portion of the nation that felt Obama was a divider (you, volvanjustin, and most PF posters are members of that small group).
Now practically everyone feels the nation is more divided.
Obama tried to unite, which was divisive to some.
Trump tries to divide, which is divisive to all. Some just feel united by divisiveness. (same group)
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The divide is an American public who buys into and stands by and condones and allows the D.C. king's court to run unchecked and full of corruption, waste, and lacking the results of actual work elected to do because of 2 parties full of self preservation above duty, and 2 parties that shovel so much sh** that the mainstay media disperses the propaganda to keep the masses blind and dumb.

Versus us that are tired of it. Trump should be tearing down at any cost the old guard. Problem is, the dirty and corrupt and self serving pos on both sides are unwilling to allow the apple cart to be turned over.

We need an independent, apolitical, and capable group that can tear into the lives of the elected to make sure that the games and back door deals and selfish personal gain of them and their families and friends stops. This isn't a career, and it isn't s duty to self. That use to be the actual use of the "media" and news, used to be. Now, they are a complicit arm of D.C. and keeping the masses in the dark.

Let's talk about "infrastructure", and why these elected officials who have been in D.C. for DECADES, haven't been doing their jobs proactively and handling a major responsibility like making sure we have the money yearly to maintain and upgrade it..........instead of looking in the camera and telling me what crap they did yesterday, shut up, it's your fault, you didn't do what you should have been doing, and save the sanctimonious bs.
Not the same in the least. There was only a small portion of the nation that felt Obama was a divider (you, volvanjustin, and most PF posters are members of that small group).
Now practically everyone feels the nation is more divided.
Obama tried to unite, which was divisive to some.
Trump tries to divide, which is divisive to all. Some just feel united by divisiveness. (same group)

Race baiting is not how you “unite” anyone.
He was attempted to unite the races. The ones resistant to unification found that divisive and called it race baiting.

He did no such thing and quite the opposite actually. He had the most power in history to unify but took the typical race baiting route. Gots to keep it real I guess. Who resists unification and putting the past in the past? Go look in the mirror.
He did no such thing and quite the opposite actually. He had the most power in history to unify but took the typical race baiting route. Gots to keep it real I guess. Who resists unification and putting the past in the past? Go look in the mirror.
He did exactly that actually. The people (on both sides) that felt he was race baiting are telling on themselves.
He did exactly that actually. The people (on both sides) that felt he was race baiting are telling on themselves.

I mean when a black guy attacks someone and is shot and the prez says “if I had a son” is a sign unification then he’s doing it wrong. When a black guy robs a store, attacks a cop, and is shot dead and then the president blames law enforcement and allows a town riot, loot, and burn a community to the ground I wouldn’t call that unification. When the president says he’s gonna build a black boys club in Chicago after he leaves office isn’t exactly unifying either. If you have to put a racial label on everything and make special “rights” and privileges for a minority we will never be united.
I mean when a black guy attacks someone and is shot and the prez says “if I had a son” is a sign unification then he’s doing it wrong. When a black guy robs a store, attacks a cop, and is shot dead and then the president blames law enforcement and allows a town riot, loot, and burn a community to the ground I wouldn’t call that unification. When the president says he’s gonna build a black boys club in Chicago after he leaves office isn’t exactly unifying either. If you have to put a racial label on everything and make special “rights” and privileges for a minority we will never be united.
if that's not unity I don't know what is
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He did exactly that actually. The people (on both sides) that felt he was race baiting are telling on themselves.

Democratic leadership like that of the previous President's administration was worthless for 8 years.
It was pretty lame & very impotent and would lead from behind instead of being the power it truly is.

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