Mueller Report Imminent

If you still believe Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Strzok, Page etc acted with integrity then you're not going to wake up until the guilty verdicts are issued (if ever).

The OIG investigated and found some instances of professional misconduct.

He also concluded it had no impact on the investigation.
I at least know the meaning of the word treason...
Treason: noun. The crime of betraying one's country; especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

Trump is an idiot.
You actually believe this. Amazing job the media has done on the general public.

Trump is the most powerful person on the planet. He's no dummy. You're being manipulated.

The fact that you actually believe Trump doesn't understand the meaning of the word treason speaks for itself.
You actually believe this. Amazing job the media has done on the general public.

Trump is the most powerful person on the planet. He's no dummy. You're being manipulated.

The fact that you actually believe Trump doesn't understand the meaning of the word treason speaks for itself.
For crying out loud, read his tweet. It's clear that he is misusing the word "treason". That is not the media manipulating a statement to make him look bad. It's Donald Trump in his own words, showing his ignorance of what "treason" actually involves.
For crying out loud, read his tweet. It's clear that he is misusing the word "treason". That is not the media manipulating a statement to make him look bad. It's Donald Trump in his own words, showing his ignorance of what "treason" actually involves.

No **** he misused the word.

Does this mean you are going to start calling out everyone else doing the same?
For crying out loud, read his tweet. It's clear that he is misusing the word "treason". That is not the media manipulating a statement to make him look bad. It's Donald Trump in his own words, showing his ignorance of what "treason" actually involves.
Are you intentionally being obtuse?

The purpose of the illegal spying was to force Trump out of office via impeachment or resignation. The FISA warrant was the "insurance policy" mentioned in the Strzok-Page text messages.

A conspiracy / coup to remove a duly elected / sitting president seems to meet the definition of treason in my humble opinion.
Are you intentionally being obtuse?

The purpose of the illegal spying was to force Trump out of office via impeachment or resignation. The FISA warrant was the "insurance policy" mentioned in the Strzok-Page text messages.

A conspiracy / coup to remove a duly elected / sitting president seems to meet the definition of treason in my humble opinion.
You either haven't read his tweet or you are just as ignorant as he is... The tweet in question (where Trump is misusing the word "treason") begins with the words "My campaign was conclusively spied on...". He wasn't referencing any alleged activity that occurred while he was in office... this was alleged activity that occurred against a campaign (before he had taken office) - and therefore, in no way meets the definition of treason.
You either haven't read his tweet or you are just as ignorant as he is... The tweet in question (where Trump is misusing the word "treason") begins with the words "My campaign was conclusively spied on...". He wasn't referencing any alleged activity that occurred while he was in office... this was alleged activity that occurred against a campaign (before he had taken office) - and therefore, in no way meets the definition of treason.
Damn BB. Use your brain.

The 3 FISA renewals on Carter Page were active from January through September of 2017.

You're saying you support the FBI spying on a sitting President of the United States.

Damn BB. Use your brain.

The 3 FISA renewals on Carter Page were active from January through September of 2017.

You're saying you support the FBI spying on a sitting President of the United States.

Think about what you are saying... spying on Carter Page after the campaign was over, was not spying on a sitting President because Carter Page was never a member of the Trump administration.
Think about what you are saying... spying on Carter Page after the campaign was over, was not spying on a sitting President because Carter Page was never a member of the Trump administration.
You have no clue how a FISA warrant works.

It is retroactive for 18 months.

The FISA 2 hop rule covers electronic surveillance of LITERALLY thousands of people.

Pretty good article on FISA and the extent of its reach below

the implications of the two-hop version of the “license to hop” are bigger than they appear. To understand the extent of what the FBI was empowered to do by the FISA warrant for Carter Page, we must add another factor: the type of surveillance available for exploitation, and the breadth of data involved in it.

Some of the surveillance done under “warrant” approval from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) may be current surveillance, which may entail watching a subject’s texts, emails, phone calls, etc. as they occur in real time. But a great deal of what we call “surveillance” today is actually data-mining—using the fabled NSA database—or direct requests from federal agencies for customer data stored by telecoms and internet service providers.

Analysts look at communications patterns before trying to narrow down roles and identities in a conspiracy. They don’t probe beyond “metadata” for personally identifying information at random, or on every contact they see in the array of a subject’s communications. There is a good-faith overlay of rules, analytical judgment, and supervision on the entire process.

But: The use of controls should not obscure for us the scope of what’s actually going on. Data-mining, in particular, is inherently about hunting through data that’s already there, because it is routinely collected, or stored under legal requirements and made available to the US intelligence community on demand. For some types of communications data, it is possible to retrieve information from as much as five years back in the relevant database.

In the case of a subject like Carter Page, that means investigators who obtain a warrant in October 2016 can hunt through his communications going back several years before that date—and can use their “license to hop” to probe the first and second order of correspondents linked to him at any point during that period in the same fashion. (As mentioned at links above—here and here—analysts working national-security surveillance without a targeted warrant can routinely go back for an 18-month haul.) Links from the past can then be exploited going forward.

What this means in practice is that, under a single warrant, anyone Page had a text or phone call with in the Trump campaign during the brief months of his association with it in 2016, was fair game, as a direct connection, all the way through the end of the last warrant-extension period on Page in October 2017. The second-hop connections of those initial contacts—meaning everyone that those people had contact with—are also fair game. In other words, it’s likely that almost everyone on the Trump campaign staff was included in the universe of first- and second-order contacts of Carter Page. The entirety of theircorrespondence is therefore also covered by the initial warrant, regardless of whether or not they ever met or corresponded with Carter Page, or whether that correspondence referred to him in any way, directly or indirectly.

We got a glimpse of that reality from the recent report that Carter Page was in contact with Trump adviser Steve Bannon in January 2017, which could have allowed the FBI to look further into Bannon’s communications through October 2017. But it also allowed a probe of Bannon’s communications going back years before January 2017—as well as a probe of anyone Bannon was in contact with throughout that same period.

Think that over for a moment, and you can see why the Carter Page warrant is important. The possible abuse of that warrant for partisan political purposes would likely be a violation not just of Page’s rights, but of the rights of thousands of other Americans—and by extension, of the right of all Americans to be free from warrantless surveillance.

A final factor, one seldom discussed, conveys the sheer scope of the hopping effectively authorized with FISA surveillance. That factor is the national-security surveillance for which no special warrant is needed because it starts with a foreign subject. The FBI, from July 2016, was conducting a counterintelligence investigation of Russian activities as they related to the election. The American public has no sense at this point of the scope of any electronic surveillance of Russians incident to that investigation—because to perform surveillance of Russian nationals for national-security purposes, the FBI doesn’t need to obtain warrants from the FISC naming those individuals. And for routinely authorized types of searches, the two-hop rule still applies.

The two-hop surveillance rule is eye-opening to many people who haven’t been aware of it. But under current law, it is not a rogue operation. From the standpoint of specific conspiracy investigations, as well as of general, ongoing surveillance of actors and networks who pose a real, physical danger to American lives—e.g., tracking the networks of foreign spies, terrorists, and drug cartels—the license to hop is an essential counterintelligence tool. The original purpose of FISA—and still the central one—is not to prevent surveillance but to enable it, while also protecting the rights of American citizens.

When communications that are reasonably believed to be those of “U.S. persons” become significant to a counterintelligence investigation, the FBI is legally subject to constraints on handling them (as are other agencies). Investigations may not require “unmasking” the identities of all entities whose communications are of interest, and if it isn’t needed, it simply shouldn’t be done. Where it is necessary to probe the identifying information of U.S. persons, the attorney general has accountability reporting requirements to the FISC (often, if not always, after the fact). Other constraints are levied by FISA and its amendments. Executive Order 12333 and its revisions govern how the intelligence agencies, including the FBI, further handle, store, and protect the data when it has been processed to the extent of unmasking U.S. persons. (Watchdog groups were notably critical of a revision to E.O. 12333 made at the very end of the Obama administration. How reliable and effective those rules have actually been since 9/11 is widely disputed.)

Being aware of the legal constraints on government surveillance of U.S. citizens and the government’s respect or lack of respect for those constraints in practice is essential for an informed and engaged citizenry. If Andrew McCarthy is right, the statements of FBI and Justice Department leaders in 2017 that Trump was not a “suspect,” or the “subject” of an investigation, were at least somewhat misleading. Given the two-hop rule, we don’t know the extent to which he and his team were actually under surveillance. But we can guess. And for the health of our republic, we should probably find out.
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Pretty sure it's called a soft shell helmet.

But does it come with stickers and a short bus pass?
I get why people may be put off by his personality or view him as a self-promoter, but most of what he's said the last two years seems reasonable to me.

Where is it?
Horowitz OIG report scheduled to be released in May.

Hmmm, only 13 days left in May.
Comey at some point will be charged. He knows it. Rosenstein has publicly distanced himself from Comey because he knows what’s coming.
I’ll play. Can I get an indictment for 3 of the ones I listed? Case of beer or bottle of spirits of our choice. No damn exotic bottle of scotch from the back hollars of Scotland. Do we have a PM function on this board?

Already pussing out on all 11 being indicted. Fake predicition.

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