Mueller Report Imminent

Just my personal opinion, but I expect Trump to have people demand loyalty to him to the point they commit serious ethical violations, if not crimes.
He is way smarter than you or anybody else on your side is giving him credit for.

☝️That is what got your alls azz kicked in 2016 and what is going on now steaming in to 2020.
I have never doubted his ability to rally people to his side, not once. I surely don't doubt his ability to do the same in 2020.
I don't just mean ability to draw a crowd. Look at this Q stuff. Wasn't he screaming drain the swamp like 8 months before the election? It's like he already had people on the inside.
I don't just mean ability to draw a crowd. Look at this Q stuff. Wasn't he screaming drain the swamp like 8 months before the election? It's like he already had people on the inside.
There is no Q stuff. He hasn't drained the swamp, unless you count him appointing people to power that he turned around and fired and then put new people in power to continue the same before he fired them. He isn't interested in draining the swamp. He's interested in stroking his ego and having "yes men" in positions of power, nothing more.
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There is no Q stuff. He hasn't drained the swamp, unless you count him appointing people to power that he turned around and fired and then put new people in power to continue the same before he fired them. He isn't interested in draining the swamp. He's interested in stroking his ego and having "yes men" in positions of power, nothing more.
Saved for posterity
Not the same in the least. There was only a small portion of the nation that felt Obama was a divider (you, volvanjustin, and most PF posters are members of that small group).
Now practically everyone feels the nation is more divided.
Obama tried to unite, which was divisive to some.
Trump tries to divide, which is divisive to all. Some just feel united by divisiveness. (same group)
How do you know that to be true? Gut feeling or can you actually prove it? You make these definitive statements as if they are fact when they are most likely unfounded opinion. It's as if you don't believe you could be wrong.
That doesn't give Trump a pass.
Out of curiosity, why is it you give other politicians a pass? I won't even blame the people around him, Trump himself is an unethical liar. How is that different from past Presidents? From other politicians serving in Congress, on both sides? Why do you not call them out as well?
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There is no Q stuff. He hasn't drained the swamp, unless you count him appointing people to power that he turned around and fired and then put new people in power to continue the same before he fired them. He isn't interested in draining the swamp. He's interested in stroking his ego and having "yes men" in positions of power, nothing more.
I agree. IMO he's joined the swamp. I'm not seeing how he has made all the **** in DC better. It's still as corrupt as ever.
Out of curiosity, why is it you give other politicians a pass? I won't even blame the people around him, Trump himself is an unethical liar. How is that different from past Presidents? From other politicians serving in Congress, on both sides? Why do you not call them out as well?
I can't speak to past Presidents save Obama, I never voted for Bush. Although to compare Obama and Trump in the same breath is laughable. I don't think I've given any politician a pass. I've called out liberal politicians, if that is what you mean.
I can't speak to past Presidents save Obama, I never voted for Bush. Although to compare Obama and Trump in the same breath is laughable. I don't think I've given any politician a pass. I've called out liberal politicians, if that is what you mean.
Disagree. Obama was a better politician, which is to say he spoke nicer, but that doesn't equate to him being decent or honest.
I'm not sure how the article is a stretch. Trump demands complete and total loyalty, so it is going to cause some resignations when he demands loyalty to him as opposed to truth.

The truth should be in the documents they do not want the public to see.
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How do you know that to be true? Gut feeling or can you actually prove it? You make these definitive statements as if they are fact when they are most likely unfounded opinion. It's as if you don't believe you could be wrong.
Most are my opinions, but I believe my opinions are usually rooted in facts, some more than others. It's kind of like Hitler/bad.........Gandhi/good. Those are opinions, but so many agree with those opinions that they are pretty much accepted as facts.
Clinton/good.......Reagan/bad. Those are also opinions, but there is not enough agreement to validate either. Both sides can be supported and countered with facts.
I actually respect and mostly understand your position on the need to accept the results of a legitimate election.
I always followed that policy prior to Trump. That's why I stated at the very start that the best case scenario was for Russia to have influenced the results of the election and the worst case scenario was for the election to have been free and fair.

My opinion is that everyone has a limit as to what they are willing to accept and tolerate in an elected official; Trump is the first president in my lifetime that exceeded my limit.
I realize Obama exceeded some people's limit.
Bush exceeded some people's limit.
Clinton exceeded some people's limit.
Reagan exceeded some people's limit.
The next president (no matter who and no matter which party) will exceed some people's limit.
Trump exceeded more people's limit than any modern day president. I think it has been close to "critical mass" since day one. I do not think that simply represents a trend that will inevitably continue. It can't.
That is why Trump must be viewed as an anomaly and never as the norm. If Trump is the new norm, if all are equally horrendously despicable, .......

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