Mueller Report Imminent

I watched the Muells statement twice. The first time I couldn't believe I was listening to a man that used to be the top law enforcement officer in the land equivocate and avoid responsibility for the last two years of his work. The second time confirmed my initial impression and I left no doubt in my mind that the wording of his report and his statement today are both 100% engineered for the purpose of keeping the flames burning.

It made me ask myself how is this man not being ridiculed, chastised and blasted by all sides?
I agree with you, he was not an unbiased prosecutor in search of the truth. He wanted to be the hero of the left for bringing down the President. Despite 2 years of some collusion crap he tried to leave the window open for attempted obstruction.

If he had any power/evidence to bring the President down he would have been on the left's Mt. Rushmore
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Addressed in the article

You'll have to point it out to me then, I didn't find where he addressed it. He made some BS remark about House leaders restricting the amount of amendments reaching the floor but that's all I saw.
It's funny that y'all are dismissing attempted obstruction because articles haven't been/won't be filed, but dwelling on Hillary's crimes is totally valid, even tho she's not going down either.
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He doesn't have that authority, but you know that.

He doesn't? You might want to tell these guys.

The House brings impeachment charges against federal officials as part of its oversight and investigatory responsibilities. Individual Members of the House can introduce impeachment resolutions like ordinary bills, or the House could initiate proceedings by passing a resolution authorizing an inquiry.

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It's funny that y'all are dismissing attempted obstruction because articles haven't been/won't be filed, but dwelling on Hillary's crimes is totally valid, even tho she's not going down either.
Guess it all depends on whose ox is being gored.
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It's funny that y'all are dismissing attempted obstruction because articles haven't been/won't be filed, but dwelling on Hillary's crimes is totally valid, even tho she's not going down either.
Collusion failed, so you had to move to obstruction, then that fails you have to move to attempted obstruction. You all are so desperate.
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Collusion failed, so you had to move to obstruction, then that fails you have to move to attempted obstruction. You all are so desperate.

Honestly, I don't really care if Trump goes down for this or not (whether it's by impeachment or in the election), other than the fact that it would be funny. It's not like Pence or the D who beats him will be any better.
OK, tell me what your thoughts are, if it is more than the -1 t0 .9999. I guess I'm interested in those specific actions that could be interpreted as being close to a -1.

Having just watched all of Mueller's statement today, the only thing that is really clear is that he wants to be done with all this, doesn't want to appear before Congress and does not want to talk further about this investigation. "The investigation is my testimony."

If the House of Representatives moves forward with impeachment proceedings, don't you think that there is a good chance that Mueller will be called as a witness? If that is the case, Mueller's wish to be a hermit has as much chance as luther wearing a MAGA hat because he supports Trump's reelection.

If they thought there was insufficient evidence for a charge, then they would have said so. Like they did in Volume I. That means at least one charge meets the probable cause threshold. In layman’s terms, probable cause would be reasonably credible evidence that satisfies all elements of a crime. On the scale, probable cause is -.51.

I think you can perhaps infer and even higher degree of certainty, as I think a completed investigation raises the burden for bringing a charge. All prosecutors know they can indict you at probable cause, but a good prosecutor knows it’s irresponsible to indict someone if there is no hope of a conviction.

So what are the Instances of conduct that might rise to that level of probability?

Tier 1
1. Instructing McGahn to fire Mueller.
2. Attempts to get Sessions to limit the scope of the investigation.
3. Public statements that can be read as enticing Manafort not to cooperate.
4. Public statements to and about Flynn effectively doing the same.
5. Public statements towards Cohen.

Tier 2:
6. Asking Comey to let Flynn go.
7. Firing Comey

That said, as I’ve noted before, all of this occurred while Trump was president. Arguably, the law does not even apply to 1, 2, 6, or 7 because there is no clear statement of applicability to the President.

In terms of most likely to result in a criminal conviction, I would choose #3. I give 1 and 2 top billing because this is not a criminal court case and I thought they were the most worthy of impeachment.

If you think about it, the Mueller report is essentially a grand jury presentation. His Grand Jury is the House of Representatives.

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