Mueller Report Imminent

At 11:00 today I was at a memorial service for a longtime friend. 48 years old, 3 kids, 2 the same ages as mine. I coached his son on my son's teams for years, beginning in kindergarten. His oldest daughter is the same age and went through school with my youngest daughter.

Had no idea what Mueller said until around 2:00.

My take:
There is plenty there that warrants impeachment and Barr intentionally mislead the public. (Which is obviously just confirmation of what I already believed.)
To hell with the politics.... Sorry about your friend.
Then you don't understand much about them, and you certainly do not understand the role of special counsel.

I think you do, actually. And I think you know that your above post is utter nonsense.

But it helps your simple-minded MAGA brethren to see "Golly gee, if Mueller did not charge him then there must not be anything to this. I shall not read the report. I shall not learn facts. I shall not independently or critically think about what happened. Trump says case closed, so must be true."

Then why hasn’t congress impeached?

According to our VN legal team and a guy who read a book their is proof of something but no impeachment. Why?
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At 11:00 today I was at a memorial service for a longtime friend. 48 years old, 3 kids, 2 the same ages as mine. I coached his son on my son's teams for years, beginning in kindergarten. His oldest daughter is the same age and went through school with my youngest daughter.

Had no idea what Mueller said until around 2:00.

My take:
There is plenty there that warrants impeachment and Barr intentionally mislead the public. (Which is obviously just confirmation of what I already believed.)

Very sad news Luther. Condolences to his family and friends.
Then you don't understand much about them, and you certainly do not understand the role of special counsel.

I think you do, actually. And I think you know that your above post is utter nonsense.

But it helps your simple-minded MAGA brethren to see "Golly gee, if Mueller did not charge him then there must not be anything to this. I shall not read the report. I shall not learn facts. I shall not independently or critically think about what happened Trump says case closed, so must be true."

I'll repeat it 100 times if I have to, IMPEACH TRUMP. You shat for brains Democrats are hell bent for leather on impeaching Trump. Do it if you think he's guilty.
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I even heard them say quiver in his voice on NPR and they found it strange

Mueller may be a lot like the guy who punches another guy with all he's got and then realizes the other guy didn't even flinch, is a lot bigger, and is really pissed. Exposed and afraid ... and nobody is gonna have his back.
AG's lie?

Wing Man and Big Moma Loretta
Then why hasn’t congress impeached?

According to our VN legal team and a guy who read a book their is proof of something but no impeachment. Why?
I'll repeat it 100 times if I have to, IMPEACH TRUMP. You shat for brains Democrats are hell bent for leather on impeaching Trump. Do it if you think he's guilty.

Impeachment is as much a political issue as it is a pure question of law. It is far more complicated than simply "Did he commit a crime worthy of being impeached?" which he clearly did.

I am torn on this issue, but politically think the wiser course is to continue to investigate and see where that leads. I think it would be immensely helpful if Trump, himself, volunteered to come speak to Congress about this. After all, according to him he's the most transparent President in history. Perhaps he can clear the air. Maybe explain a few things.
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I didn't realize you were this naive.

What am I missing? Does he or doesn't he as a member of the house have the authority to file articles of impeachment?

Are you trying to tell us Kucinich, Wexler and McKinney had more authority in the house than Amash does?
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Impeachment is as much a political issue as it is a pure question of law. It is far more complicated than simply "Did he commit a crime worthy of being impeached?" which he clearly did.

I am torn on this issue, but politically think the wiser course is to continue to investigate and see where that leads. I think it would be immensely helpful if Trump, himself, volunteered to come speak to Congress about this. After all, according to him he's the most transparent President in history. Perhaps he can clear the air. Maybe explain a few things.
LOL. Shirley, you jest.

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Impeachment is as much a political issue as it is a pure question of law. It is far more complicated than simply "Did he commit a crime worthy of being impeached?" which he clearly did.

I am torn on this issue, but politically think the wiser course is to continue to investigate and see where that leads. I think it would be immensely helpful if Trump, himself, volunteered to come speak to Congress about this. After all, according to him he's the most transparent President in history. Perhaps he can clear the air. Maybe explain a few things.

So in other words there is no proof and we need to continue to investigate to find a crime.

How many more years do we need to investigate to find a crime?
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Then you don't understand much about them, and you certainly do not understand the role of special counsel.

I think you do, actually. And I think you know that your above post is utter nonsense.

But it helps your simple-minded MAGA brethren to see "Golly gee, if Mueller did not charge him then there must not be anything to this. I shall not read the report. I shall not learn facts. I shall not independently or critically think about what happened. Trump says case closed, so must be true."

You could be right, but then you could be wrong, but I can't conclude that you are either. However, I've always thought it was up to the courts to decide "guilty" or "not guilty", and that "not guilty" never proved really proves innocence ... simply that the person couldn't be found guilty of the particular charges. But, who knows, that might just be utter nonsense ... I've only been on a criminal trial jury a couple of times and don't have your extensive legal background.
So in other words there is no proof and we need to continue to investigate to find a crime.

How many more years do we need to investigate to find a crime?
I'm hoping one of these other 14 investigations turns up something quickly. I'm still confident we will not surpass the 6.5 years of the Whitewater investigation.
At 11:00 today I was at a memorial service for a longtime friend. 48 years old, 3 kids, 2 the same ages as mine. I coached his son on my son's teams for years, beginning in kindergarten. His oldest daughter is the same age and went through school with my youngest daughter.

Had no idea what Mueller said until around 2:00.

My take:
There is plenty there that warrants impeachment and Barr intentionally mislead the public. (Which is obviously just confirmation of what I already believed.)
Condolences for the loss of your friend. My age. Sobering thought.
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I'm hoping one of these other 14 investigations turns up something quickly. I'm still confident we will not surpass the 6.5 years of the Whitewater investigation.
No worries.

Trump will still be President if it lasts that long.
I believe attempted murder, attempted kidnapping, attempted sexual assault, attempted bank fraud, and attempted obstruction of justice are all crimes.

So where in the process between an evil thought and a trigger pull and a miss does it become "attempted"? And what if it's an uncorroborated she said he did things but nothing actually happened? Big brother and the thought police???
So in other words there is no proof and we need to continue to investigate to find a crime.

How many more years do we need to investigate to find a crime?

There is plenty of proof.

But one major problem we have is that Barr and Trump have manipulated their idiot base with the misleading summary memo, with Trump falsely claiming exoneration, followed by release of the report a month later, well after the idiot Trump base had accepted Barr's and Trump's falsehoods and lies.

Congressional testimony by McGahn for example where he describes getting that call from Trump one night at home, telling him to conjure up a way to fire Mueller, with him telling he won't do it, and Trump asking him not to tell anyone he asked, might just give folks pause before continuing to tout the exoneration line.
So where in the process between an evil thought and a trigger pull and a miss does it become "attempted"? And what if it's an uncorroborated she said he did things but nothing actually happened? Big brother and the thought police???

Trump's actions went beyond "thought" and are documented in the report.
Gregg Jarrett: The two faces of Robert Mueller, and Trump's presumption of guilt

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has peddled two different stories. Only one can be true.
In his final act before resigning his position, Mueller told the gathered media on Wednesday that his non-decision decision on whether the president obstructed justice was “informed” by a long-standing opinion by the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) at the Justice Department that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime. But according to William Barr, that’s not what Mueller told the attorney general and others during a meeting on March 5, 2017. Here’s what Barr told Senators during his May 1st testimony:

“We were frankly surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction and we asked them a lot about the reasoning behind this. Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting, in response to our questioning, that he emphatically was not saying that but for the OLC opinion he would have found obstruction.”

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