Mueller Report Imminent

Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va.:

You have got to come and explain yourself. And it's not true the document speaks for itself. There are many unanswered questions or questions that need amplification in terms of answers in that report.

Judy Woodruff:
What's an example?

Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va.:
Well, one example is, why didn't you summon President Trump personally, the way President Clinton was summoned by Ken Starr? And were you pressured into not doing that?

And did the fact that you didn't do that, and didn't hear from him personally, did that change any opinions in your report? Did it water it down? Did it mean that you couldn't take actions you otherwise might have?
No. That’s what I meant by handsie and I did use the creepy label. Those apply for sure. I don’t think he gets off by it I just think he can’t recognize how inappropriate it is is all.

In other words, he can't help himself to act in accordance with accepted norms? He can't help but to touch young girls inappropriately? Sounds a lot like a pedophile to me.

Okay, I've seen my fill of right wing media completely bastardizing and fabricating headlines based on obvious misstatements of fact, but this one is right up there !! Read the actual text. Muellere resigned. A spokesperson from his office joins a twitter comment by Barr. Not to mention it is an office that no longer even exists.

How on Earth do they come up with a headline that Mueller and Barr have made a joint statement on this? What a bunch of typical right wing media bullshet.
It doesn't bother you that the Russians wanted Trump to win, deliberately and systematically interfered to help him win, and that Trump absolutely refuses to admit that?

Or do you believe Trump and Putin, who appear to be the only people in the entire world saying that is not the case?
It doesn't bother you that a sitting President knew of the Russian interference at the time it was happening and did nothing about it?


there's this:

Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.
Okay, I've seen my fill of right wing media completely bastardizing and fabricating headlines based on obvious misstatements of fact, but this one is right up there !! Read the actual text. Muellere resigned. A spokesperson from his office joins a twitter comment by Barr. Not to mention it is an office that no longer even exists.

How on Earth do they come up with a headline that Mueller and Barr have made a joint statement on this? What a bunch of typical right wing media bullshet.

There....there LG........but ONLY since you have had your FILL.
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In other words, he can't help himself to act in accordance with accepted norms? He can't help but to touch young girls inappropriately? Sounds a lot like a pedophile to me.
I didn’t say he couldn’t help himself. I said he didn’t see the inappropriateness in it. It’s an issue of judgement not depravity. But he should knock it off for sure.
It doesn't bother you that a sitting President knew of the Russian interference at the time it was happening and did nothing about it?


there's this:

Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.
Of course, we do it... other countries should be defending themselves from our attempts, just like we should be doing our best to defend our democracy against them. I have said many times that Obama's inaction was poor leadership. It's also true that Trump's casting doubts against the findings of our intelligence community (and his own DNI, Dan Coats) was also poor leadership. Trump has repeatedly put his own fragile ego ahead of acknowledging what our intelligence agencies have concluded... just because he didn't want to admit that Russia had taken actions to try to help him win the election.
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Okay, I've seen my fill of right wing media completely bastardizing and fabricating headlines based on obvious misstatements of fact, but this one is right up there !! Read the actual text. Muellere resigned. A spokesperson from his office joins a twitter comment by Barr. Not to mention it is an office that no longer even exists.

How on Earth do they come up with a headline that Mueller and Barr have made a joint statement on this? What a bunch of typical right wing media bullshet.
The spokesperson in question was Peter Carr and has been the single public voice for the Muell’s office thru this whole fiasco. It’s legit whether you like it or not.

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