Mueller Report Imminent

It doesn't bother you that the Russians wanted Trump to win, deliberately and systematically interfered to help him win, and that Trump absolutely refuses to admit that?

Or do you believe Trump and Putin, who appear to be the only people in the entire world saying that is not the case?

It bothers me that you think spending 100K is enough money in memes to make a country elect someone.
It bothers me that you dont think that the DNC kicking Bernie to the curb for their girl Hillary, in all kinds of illegal or at least morally reprehensible ways, doesnt bother you or any other Libs.
It also bothers me that you think this wasnt going on under your boy hope and change, and he DID NOTHING.

So why does Trump have to specifically say "some russians spent 100K on memes during the election that I won. My opposition spent millions and could not overtake the memes. I wish that we could do it all over again, lets not meme people"

What world do you live in LG?
Did you know that fox news intentionally misleads people with clickbait journalism, too?

You only have two answers here:

1.) Yes, and I don't care because I'm an extremist partisan hack.

2.) No, because I'm either crazy or really naive.

Well there actually is a 3rd answer.
3.) Yes I am aware that all news outlets have clickbait journalism. I know when a journalist is trying to omit or give false truth because I am not a sheep. I am a sheep dog who actually digs for truth and reads full articles and then digs more for proof. I pay attention to journalists to see if they correct their lies once called out with proof (breaking news...most do not). I quietly keep my ammo dry and my weapons oiled so that when the day comes, I can perform my sheep dog duties if needed.
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Well there actually is a 3rd answer.
3.) Yes I am aware that all news outlets have clickbait journalism. I know when a journalist is trying to omit or give false truth because I am not a sheep. I am a sheep dog who actually digs for truth and reads full articles and then digs more for proof. I pay attention to journalists to see if they correct their lies once called out with proof (breaking news...most do not). I quietly keep my ammo dry and my weapons oiled so that when the day comes, I can perform my sheep dog duties if needed.

You're going to murder somebody. So the answer lies within option 2, you're crazy.
It doesn't bother you that the Russians wanted Trump to win, deliberately and systematically interfered to help him win, and that Trump absolutely refuses to admit that?

Or do you believe Trump and Putin, who appear to be the only people in the entire world saying that is not the case?

I'm sure several foreign countries wanted Clinton to win, China would be a good bet.
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Funny but minimizes the actual interference that did occur.

So how would you compare Russian "interference" during the election with post election Dim interference? Since Obama and the libs were running the place while the Russians were interfering with our electoral process, couldn't one also concur that Dims were involved in "interference" both during and after the elections ... like maybe they simply won't accept an election they don't win?

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