Mueller Report Imminent

You know as well as I do that cherry picking attorneys to sign a letter is just as much BS as taking a Fox News analyst as gospel.

Former prosecutors... Stated they believe there's enough to make a case, that's all. If dershowitz is going to be trotted out multiple times in this thread as an appeal to authority, then you'll need to deal with me pointing out there's a mountain of others that disagree.
All this was just a diversion tactic to delay the cabal from being exposed. It’s almost like he was being forced to say all this with a gun held to his head.

Brennan, Comey, etc are going down.

And deep down you all know they are guilty.

Brennan, Comey, et al should go down hard, but I can't share your optimism. This is politics, and DC protects its own. Many DC players on both sides of the spectrum understand that uncovering one thing invariable leads to another and then another, and they don't want to be one of those others. Pelosi may be tempering things because impeachment would simply make them look foolish. On the other hand impeachment is very risky because it has an extremely high probability of uncovering the dirty and illegal stuff that started the whole Mueller debacle. Unlike some of the new Dim players in congress, that stuff might snare Pelosi and other long term Dim inhabitants.
It wasn't a comeback, it was an observation. Personally, I don't think you're laughing at all - you strike me as the type that is easily triggered.
👌 (<- racist symbol)
Actually it was a recommendation. You not thinking I was laughing and was triggered was an observation 😂
It's really not difficult, he wasn't wanted in DC, he is "somewhat" an outsider (he is somewhat a part of the shell game as he had been involved in both parties for his own business gains), and he does want, I believe, to get rid of as much of the good ol boy network and party corruption where elected officials are nothing more than puppets and jesters in the kings court that is DC.

That is exactly right tennvols77! But just to add on a little bit...
The reason that Septictank, Lucifervol and others (mainly the left) cant seem to understand this is because the media is in the swamp too. They still think the media doesnt lie for their gain. They think that CNN wouldn't try to pit black against white or rich against poor for their personnel gain. They still think that if a person in the Gov says something on record at a press conference that it is true.
People who dont think its wrong to kill babies, people who are greedy enough to want to take another persons hard earned money, and people who dont want others to be able to protect themselves.....well those kinds of people feed off of the madness going on right now.

The media are gifted "inside information" from these knuckleheads in Gov who are scared ****less that an outsider (Trump) is going to ruin all of their swampiness and monetary shenanigans.
The media is gifted this information so that they will spread the hate and discontent to people who cant tell they are being scammed.
The media also has now started just making stuff up themselves for clicks and views (monetary gain) and people eat it up.

The swamp Gov and Media are scared that all of the lying to the people, all of the manipulating of the people, all of the racebaiting and war mongering to gain power over the people......that all of this will come to light by an outsider who wasn't part of any of it.

It really is pretty easy to see whats going on here.
I cant wait till people wake up
Im not sure how I messed up posting this, but here is what the edit was

That is exactly right tennvols77! But just to add on a little bit...
The reason that Septictank, Lucifervol and others (mainly the left) cant seem to understand this is because the media is in the swamp too. They still think the media doesnt lie for their gain. They think that CNN wouldn't try to pit black against white or rich against poor for their personnel gain. They still think that if a person in the Gov says something on record at a press conference that it is true.
People who dont think its wrong to kill babies, people who are greedy enough to want to take another persons hard earned money, and people who dont want others to be able to protect themselves.....well those kinds of people feed off of the madness going on right now.

The media are gifted "inside information" from these knuckleheads in Gov who are scared ****less that an outsider (Trump) is going to ruin all of their swampiness and monetary shenanigans.
The media is gifted this information so that they will spread the hate and discontent to people who cant tell they are being scammed.
The media also has now started just making stuff up themselves for clicks and views (monetary gain) and people eat it up.

The swamp Gov and Media are scared that all of the lying to the people, all of the manipulating of the people, all of the racebaiting and war mongering to gain power over the people......that all of this will come to light by an outsider who wasn't part of any of it.

It really is pretty easy to see whats going on here.
I cant wait till people wake up
Im not sure how I messed up posting this, but here is what the edit was

That is exactly right tennvols77! But just to add on a little bit...
The reason that Septictank, Lucifervol and others (mainly the left) cant seem to understand this is because the media is in the swamp too. They still think the media doesnt lie for their gain. They think that CNN wouldn't try to pit black against white or rich against poor for their personnel gain. They still think that if a person in the Gov says something on record at a press conference that it is true.
People who dont think its wrong to kill babies, people who are greedy enough to want to take another persons hard earned money, and people who dont want others to be able to protect themselves.....well those kinds of people feed off of the madness going on right now.

The media are gifted "inside information" from these knuckleheads in Gov who are scared ****less that an outsider (Trump) is going to ruin all of their swampiness and monetary shenanigans.
The media is gifted this information so that they will spread the hate and discontent to people who cant tell they are being scammed.
The media also has now started just making stuff up themselves for clicks and views (monetary gain) and people eat it up.

The swamp Gov and Media are scared that all of the lying to the people, all of the manipulating of the people, all of the racebaiting and war mongering to gain power over the people......that all of this will come to light by an outsider who wasn't part of any of it.

It really is pretty easy to see whats going on here.
I cant wait till people wake up

It doesn't bother you that the Russians wanted Trump to win, deliberately and systematically interfered to help him win, and that Trump absolutely refuses to admit that?

Or do you believe Trump and Putin, who appear to be the only people in the entire world saying that is not the case?
It doesn't bother you that the Russians wanted Trump to win, deliberately and systematically interfered to help him win, and that Trump absolutely refuses to admit that?

Or do you believe Trump and Putin, who appear to be the only people in the entire world saying that is not the case?
All I know is that I would never have voted for Trump if Vlad hadn't personally called and asked me to.
That's fair.

I'd say the smart money is on the guy who investigated and wrote the report, not the guy who failed miserably at 'summarizing' it in a few pages.
Barr was under oath The Mule not
And for the kicker......Barr has witnesses including Rosenstein. Good luck.
It doesn't bother you that the Russians wanted Trump to win, deliberately and systematically interfered to help him win, and that Trump absolutely refuses to admit that?

Or do you believe Trump and Putin, who appear to be the only people in the entire world saying that is not the case?
I would believe Putin over any of you on the left and that includes your media and lying worthless POS politicians.
It doesn't bother you that the Russians wanted Trump to win, deliberately and systematically interfered to help him win, and that Trump absolutely refuses to admit that?

Or do you believe Trump and Putin, who appear to be the only people in the entire world saying that is not the case?
Nope. Does it bother you that Barry knew they were interfering and waved our intel people off to save his Iran deal? That turned out well...😂
It doesn't bother you that the Russians wanted Trump to win, deliberately and systematically interfered to help him win, and that Trump absolutely refuses to admit that?

Or do you believe Trump and Putin, who appear to be the only people in the entire world saying that is not the case?

I am bothered, so much so that if congress has proof then impeach.

I forgot someone screamed at Amash and now congress is afraid to do their job.
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No point in arguing these points further, it's obvious now nothing will deter the Democrats. There is nothing that they can be given that will satisfy them simply because this is the only possible course of action they can take to win the next election. They have nothing to offer other than trying to make the other guy look unelectable. They should be ignored from this point forward until they decide to go back to work for the American people.
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Im not sure how I messed up posting this, but here is what the edit was

That is exactly right tennvols77! But just to add on a little bit...
The reason that Septictank, Lucifervol and others (mainly the left) cant seem to understand this is because the media is in the swamp too. They still think the media doesnt lie for their gain. They think that CNN wouldn't try to pit black against white or rich against poor for their personnel gain. They still think that if a person in the Gov says something on record at a press conference that it is true.
People who dont think its wrong to kill babies, people who are greedy enough to want to take another persons hard earned money, and people who dont want others to be able to protect themselves.....well those kinds of people feed off of the madness going on right now.

The media are gifted "inside information" from these knuckleheads in Gov who are scared ****less that an outsider (Trump) is going to ruin all of their swampiness and monetary shenanigans.
The media is gifted this information so that they will spread the hate and discontent to people who cant tell they are being scammed.
The media also has now started just making stuff up themselves for clicks and views (monetary gain) and people eat it up.

The swamp Gov and Media are scared that all of the lying to the people, all of the manipulating of the people, all of the racebaiting and war mongering to gain power over the people......that all of this will come to light by an outsider who wasn't part of any of it.

It really is pretty easy to see whats going on here.
I cant wait till people wake up

Did you know that fox news intentionally misleads people with clickbait journalism, too?

You only have two answers here:

1.) Yes, and I don't care because I'm an extremist partisan hack.

2.) No, because I'm either crazy or really naive.
No point in arguing these points further, it's obvious now nothing will deter the Democrats. There is nothing that they can be given that will satisfy them simply because this is the only possible course of action they can take to win the next election. They have nothing to offer other than trying to make the other guy look unelectable. They should be ignored from this point forward until they decide to go back to work for the American people.
They don't give a rip about the American people, they have one goal right now and that's bring this President down
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