Mueller Report Imminent

GOP Sen. Kennedy: Democrats Should ‘Go Hard or Go Home’

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) warned potential 2020 Democrats to “go hard or go home” in their impeachment efforts against President Trump.

“Impeachment polls right up there with skim milk with the American people. But my advice to my Democratic friends is, if you want to do it, go hard or go home,” Kennedy told CBS’ Face the Nation on Sunday. “Go to Amazon, buy a spine. If you’re not going to do it, let us get back to work.”

GOP Sen. Kennedy: Democrats Should 'Go Hard or Go Home' | Breitbart
I like this guy. He reminds me of the folksy, country lawyer, Dem. Senator Sam Ervin, from the Watergate hearings. They both play the simple country rube, but are smart as a whip.
The evidence of collusion was "insufficient" to charge, not nonexistent.

The evidence of obstruction is overwhelming and convincing. Its up to the Congress what to do about it.

You are innocent until proven guilty, too. And theoretically unless there's sufficient evidence to convict, not accused of a crime, too. If Mueller had anything, he should clearly have said so; what Mueller did is cowardly innuendo ... character assassination. If he couldn't charge Trump because of policy, then he should have presented the charges to congress. If you really want to get to Mueller's credibility, then you really have to consider the fact that he was willing to carry out the whole charade based on flawed beginnings by the political opposition.

Just out of curiosity. If a president commits murder, and congress is stacked with his party's faithful, does he get away with it? Or does the bogus DOJ hand wringing go away? I really wish somebody would do something because I want to get back to the beginnings ... FISA warrant, Steele dossier, biased FBI agents, etc.
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You are innocent until proven guilty, too. And theoretically unless there's sufficient evidence to convict, not accused of a crime, too. If Mueller had anything, he should clearly have said so; what Mueller did is cowardly innuendo ... character assassination. If he couldn't charge Trump because of policy, then he should have presented the charges to congress. If you really want to get to Mueller's credibility, then you really have to consider the fact that he was willing to carry out the whole charade based on flawed beginnings by the political opposition.

Just out of curiosity. If a president commits murder, and congress is stacked with his party's faithful, does he get away with it? Or does the bogus DOJ hand wringing go away? I really wish somebody would do something because I want to get back to the beginnings ... FISA warrant, Steele dossier, biased FBI agents, etc.

I’m surprised the accomplished and esteemed Robert Mueller wasn’t able to pin charges related to collusion or obstruction on anyone else involved with the scheme. There is no DOJ precedent not to file charges against the co-conspirators (who don’t hold the title of president).
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I’m surprised the accomplished and esteemed Robert Mueller wasn’t able to pin charges related to collusion or obstruction on anyone else involved with the scheme. There is no DOJ precedent not to file charges against the co-conspirators (who don’t hold the title of president).

Maybe he was chapped that they were just chaff. I did notice they legally tortured a few people will the carrot/stick threat of jail or forgiveness to get them to turn. You might know the one worm who did was a lawyer, and I doubt much of anything that comes from his mouth.
I'm still waiting on someone to convince me this wasn't all a massive temper tantrum because Hillary lost. The left keeps saying that isn't so, but I've yet to see a convincing argument otherwise.
You fail to see any convincing arguments because the premise of your belief is idiotic.
You fail to see any convincing arguments because the premise of your belief is idiotic.
Remind me of the outcome of Mueller's Report again? No collusion. Arguments of possible obstruction. What was so important about it again?

We had a Democrat as POTUS who said Russia was not a problem. Then Hillary loses the election and all of a sudden Russia is a problem. So of course let's blame Trump for Obama's inaction. Makes perfect sense.
You fail to see any convincing arguments because the premise of your belief is idiotic.
Even if you don't buy the temper tantrum theory, you're kidding yourself if you think there aren't a ton of people cheerleading this getting drawn out just for the sake of obstructing an agenda.
Remind me of the outcome of Mueller's Report again? No collusion. Arguments of possible obstruction. What was so important about it again?

We had a Democrat as POTUS who said Russia was not a problem. Then Hillary loses the election and all of a sudden Russia is a problem. So of course let's blame Trump for Obama's inaction. Makes perfect sense.

What threw my "I'm suspicious of this accusation" flag up, was that it was right after the election was when the "Trump colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary" narrative started. No investigation, no report, but somehow the D party and the MSM all said it together. It's like everything was backwards. They somehow divined the end result of a multi year investigation before any investigation ever happened. The order of events was backwards. First what happens is you notice election irregularities. So then you do an investigation into election irregularities to see what happened. Then you find you think there was outside influence. Then you you start narrowing down details into what happened and who was involved.

They skipped the entire investigation, made their accusations following the election, then ran an investigation to prove that accusation.

It's like The D party and the MSM are playing a game of CLUE and made their accusation before the board was opened up and the cards dealt out.
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