Mueller Report Imminent

Nope. That mandate comes from the public. People knew Trump was a grifter when they elected him and there are enough who don’t think his conduct is impeachable that impeachment is not required.
So in other words, he won the election and all of those who have since tried to undo the election don't have a pot to piss in. And yet haven't you and others on here been pushing for impeachment? I may have my posters mistaken, so please, correct me if I'm wrong.
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I don't disagree with what you're saying, but I question why you never made such statements when a Democrat was in the Oval Office? Do you want accountability because it's the right thing, or do you want accountability because it's Trump? Obama and his staff participated in questionable behavior as well without a peep from those on the left. Accountability should be an across the board thing with partisanship being a non-issue. When you defend the questionable actions of one while damning the questionable actions of another, it's hard to see your argument as credible. If it's wrong, it's wrong no matter who does it. People in your own party shouldn't get a free pass.
That’s like when Senator Flake was waffling on a vote related to Kavanaugh. He voted and then flat out said he would have voted the other way if staying in office. It isn’t about the beliefs of our politicians or the needs of their constituents. The politicians are all about scratching each other’s backs, stepping on each other, and whatever else it takes to gain power and influence. That goes for both sides. I agree with you that right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of party but the values of our politicians are for sale to the bidder that helps them gain the most power. That’s why Trump drives them nuts. He doesn’t subscribe to the normal political backscratching and deal making and the politicians have no idea how to control him. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure Trump does those same things but it happens in a corporate setting rather than a political one which is whole different ballgame.
So in other words, he won the election and all of those who have since tried to undo the election don't have a pot to piss in. And yet haven't you and others on here been pushing for impeachment? I may have my posters mistaken, so please, correct me if I'm wrong.

It wasn’t a profound statement. It’s an option. They can do it or not. It won’t be successful, so it’s not even a good option. Some of them will likely lose their seats, either way.

If public sentiment reaches the point where it would likely be successful, I’d consider that a mandate.

I’m not calling for impeachment. Personally, I do think it’s warranted, but I also think that the federal government should be trimmed back to pre-civil war levels so I guess I’m just used to not advocating that everything I believe should or will actually happen.
It wasn’t a profound statement. It’s an option. They can do it or not. It won’t be successful, so it’s not even a good option. Some of them will likely lose their seats, either way.

If public sentiment reaches the point where it would likely be successful, I’d consider that a mandate.

I’m not calling for impeachment. Personally, I do think it’s warranted, but I also think that the federal government should be trimmed back to pre-civil war levels so I guess I’m just used to not advocating that everything I believe should or will actually happen.
Did you read/watch Barr's interview on CBS the day after Mueller's presser? If so, what do you think of his legal interpretation of the findings and other tangential issues?

William Barr interview: Read the full transcript

Rudy Giuliani DROPS A BOMB on the Biden Crime Family — Accuses Joe Biden and his “Drug Addict” Son Hunter of pay-to-play worth billions in China, and Extortion & Bribery worth millions in Ukraine. Then admonishes the corrupt media for lack of coverage.
Imagine if the people running a fine tooth comb through the Russia investigation applied the same scrutiny to inconsistency in the things Trump has said or done over the same period.

It would be quite mind-blowing to them.

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