Mueller Report Imminent

Remind me of the outcome of Mueller's Report again? No collusion. Arguments of possible obstruction. What was so important about it again?

We had a Democrat as POTUS who said Russia was not a problem. Then Hillary loses the election and all of a sudden Russia is a problem. So of course let's blame Trump for Obama's inaction. Makes perfect sense.
So Russia is a problem? A person wouldn't be able to tell by the way the Republicans and Trump Administration have treated the situation. A person can see that Obama was unprepared to take on Russian hostilities but Trump hasn't done anything to rectify the situation and even embraced it during the campaign and continues to deny it today. It was all laid out in the Mueller report in case you haven't read it. You seem firmly entrenched in the belief that Romney was right in 2012, blame Obama, screech No Collusion, and give Trump a free pass on his inactions. You are such a joke.
Obama was unprepared......what an understatement. That you don't hold him and his administration to the same standard as Trump is funny, I mean, he said no way could any election be threatened from Russia. I mean, positive like it wasn't possible, under his watch.....naive and gullible and completely wrong....

How about oblivious and under qualified and completely out of his element and should be held accountable for something that had no probability of happening,and yet, about head in the sand.......

Yeah, I blame Obama and don't give a free pass to Trump, but, it is squarely on Obama.
So Russia is a problem? A person wouldn't be able to tell by the way the Republicans and Trump Administration have treated the situation. A person can see that Obama was unprepared to take on Russian hostilities but Trump hasn't done anything to rectify the situation and even embraced it during the campaign and continues to deny it today. It was all laid out in the Mueller report in case you haven't read it. You seem firmly entrenched in the belief that Romney was right in 2012, blame Obama, screech No Collusion, and give Trump a free pass on his inactions. You are such a joke.
The 1980s called and they want their foreign policy back
So Russia is a problem? A person wouldn't be able to tell by the way the Republicans and Trump Administration have treated the situation. A person can see that Obama was unprepared to take on Russian hostilities but Trump hasn't done anything to rectify the situation and even embraced it during the campaign and continues to deny it today. It was all laid out in the Mueller report in case you haven't read it. You seem firmly entrenched in the belief that Romney was right in 2012, blame Obama, screech No Collusion, and give Trump a free pass on his inactions. You are such a joke.

Obama was more unwilling than he was unprepared. He didn't see it as a threat until Hillary lost. Then it became the sole reason she lost. Forget she ran a piss poor campaign and skipped campaigning in certain states, no, it had to be Russia.

No collusion. Did they attempt to interfere? Yes. Did they affect the outcome of the election? Most likely not from what I've read. Could Trump do a better job of addressing the issue and acknowledging Russia's actions(even though he was not complicit in those actions)? Yes. Should you be calling Obama on the carpet and holding him responsible as well for completely ignoring the warnings? Absolutely.

But of course you only want to blame one side, and it isn't even the side that was in a position of power to do something about it while it was happening, but chose to do nothing. So it seems the joke is on you.
Obama was more unwilling than he was unprepared. He didn't see it as a threat until Hillary lost. Then it became the sole reason she lost. Forget she ran a piss poor campaign and skipped campaigning in certain states, no, it had to be Russia.

No collusion. Did they attempt to interfere? Yes. Did they affect the outcome of the election? Most likely not from what I've read. Could Trump do a better job of addressing the issue and acknowledging Russia's actions(even though he was not complicit in those actions)? Yes. Should you be calling Obama on the carpet and holding him responsible as well for completely ignoring the warnings? Absolutely.

But of course you only want to blame one side, and it isn't even the side that was in a position of power to do something about it while it was happening, but chose to do nothing. So it seems the joke is on you.
He didn't see it as a threat until hillary lost? Who told you that and what is all the bitching and moaning that his IC was investigating Russian hacking? There is just no way for you to point your finger at Obama for anything the Russians did and are still doing and Trump's willingness to allow it to happen. Mueller's report really laid out Trump and Campaign knew more about what the Russians were doing than Obama.

Absolutely nothing you have said suggests this is all because hillary lost the election. It's you trying to place blame on Obama for what the Trump Campaign and Russians were doing. In other news Manafort is being moved to Rykers and the Trump Administration is fighting to keep from being transparent about Mueller's findings.
Obama was unprepared......what an understatement. That you don't hold him and his administration to the same standard as Trump is funny, I mean, he said no way could any election be threatened from Russia. I mean, positive like it wasn't possible, under his watch.....naive and gullible and completely wrong....

How about oblivious and under qualified and completely out of his element and should be held accountable for something that had no probability of happening,and yet, about head in the sand.......

Yeah, I blame Obama and don't give a free pass to Trump, but, it is squarely on Obama.
What could Obama have done to prevent what the Russians were doing (hacking our institutions and social media campaign) and what can Trump do now to prevent it?
What's truly funny is Blaming Obama for anything the Russians were doing when he didn't have the tools to secure our internet. Basically he couldn't have stopped the Russians from influencing feeble minded Americans. You were an easy target.
Lord.......under his (Obama)watch, under his administration, and someone else is to blame.......And the cake.......Trump, a guy running for office, knew more than the head of the ******* country, the most powerful man in the world, the head man of the CIA and FBI and NSA and all it's underlings he are ******* delusional.

"There is just no way for you to point your finger at Obama for anything the Russians did "'re right, it's about pointing the finger for what he didn't do and the things he didn't do to stop or even try to deal with the Russians.

And you're statement, if you really believe it, "Mueller's report really laid out Trump and Campaign knew more about what the Russians were doing than Obama. " Then you can never call Obama anything other than the worst failure as a leader and the biggest unaware idiot dolt to occupy any office of any sort. The level of complete idiocy here and trying to pass the buck in any way only makes Obama look far more incompetent and worthless than anyone has ever mentioned before at anytime.
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What could Obama have done to prevent what the Russians were doing (hacking our institutions and social media campaign) and what can Trump do now to prevent it?
What's truly funny is Blaming Obama for anything the Russians were doing when he didn't have the tools to secure our internet. Basically he couldn't have stopped the Russians from influencing feeble minded Americans. You were an easy target.

As usual, didn't vote Trump you brainwashed lunatic democrat party line toting loser. Pull your head out of your parties ass.
What could Obama have done to prevent what the Russians were doing (hacking our institutions and social media campaign) and what can Trump do now to prevent it?
What's truly funny is Blaming Obama for anything the Russians were doing when he didn't have the tools to secure our internet. Basically he couldn't have stopped the Russians from influencing feeble minded Americans. You were an easy target.

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What could Obama have done to prevent what the Russians were doing (hacking our institutions and social media campaign) and what can Trump do now to prevent it?
What's truly funny is Blaming Obama for anything the Russians were doing when he didn't have the tools to secure our internet. Basically he couldn't have stopped the Russians from influencing feeble minded Americans. You were an easy target.

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What could Obama have done to prevent what the Russians were doing (hacking our institutions and social media campaign) and what can Trump do now to prevent it?
What's truly funny is Blaming Obama for anything the Russians were doing when he didn't have the tools to secure our internet. Basically he couldn't have stopped the Russians from influencing feeble minded Americans. You were an easy target.

This post brings to mind the old saying......."It is better to not say anything................"
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He didn't see it as a threat until hillary lost? Who told you that and what is all the bitching and moaning that his IC was investigating Russian hacking? There is just no way for you to point your finger at Obama for anything the Russians did and are still doing and Trump's willingness to allow it to happen. Mueller's report really laid out Trump and Campaign knew more about what the Russians were doing than Obama.

Absolutely nothing you have said suggests this is all because hillary lost the election. It's you trying to place blame on Obama for what the Trump Campaign and Russians were doing. In other news Manafort is being moved to Rykers and the Trump Administration is fighting to keep from being transparent about Mueller's findings.
Obama told the press and American public exactly that.


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