Mueller Report Imminent

I went with knoxnews in the spirit of the upcoming season.
Should Donald Trump be indicted? These former East Tennessee prosecutors say yes
The two-time U.S. attorney found what he read so disturbing he joined nearly 800 former federal prosecutors this week in signing a letter declaring the report lays out a textbook case for obstruction of justice charges against President Donald Trump. Two other veteran East Tennessee prosecutors signed the letter as well.
"It's not a Republican or a Democratic thing," Dillard said. "It's an American thing. Based on what I know, if this was an ordinary individual, the case would certainly have severe consequences, and there is ample evidence that any U.S. attorney could make that decision. We need to hear from (special counsel) Robert Mueller. Otherwise the country at large is not going to know the truth."
That's a letter from former prosecutors, BFD. If it was a textbook case why didn't Mueller make a recommendation? Instead he ducked and weaved and made excuses and then passed the buck. Doesn't sound so textbook to me based upon the person responsible for the investigation actions. And he doesn't want to discuss it, answer questions about it or appear before Congress about it. The only prosecutor that matters right now is the AG, who heads the DOJ. So that letter carries no water, except the political kind, and that kind of water will always leave you thirsty because it's a mirage. It has no legal effect on the matter of the President's impeachment/indictment whatsoever.

Get back to my original post: List the specific actions that rise to the level of impeachment and then an indictment. Leave the "But he says mean things!" BS out of it.
Hey, luther. . .
luther, while you're at it, list all those things that Trump has done while President that makes him a once in 300 years catastrophe, as you describe him.

Leave out all the "But he says mean things!"

That's a letter from former prosecutors, BFD. If it was a textbook case why didn't Mueller make a recommendation? Instead he ducked and weaved and made excuses and then passed the buck. Doesn't sound so textbook to me based upon the person responsible for the investigation actions. And he doesn't want to discuss it, answer questions about it or appear before Congress about it. The only prosecutor that matters right now is the AG, who heads the DOJ. So that letter carries no water, except the political kind, and that kind of water will always leave you thirsty because it's a mirage. It has no legal effect on the matter of the President's impeachment/indictment whatsoever.

Get back to my original post: List the specific actions that rise to the level of impeachment and then an indictment. Leave the "But he says mean things!" BS out of it.
Get a clue.
Barr is a stooge.
I can't cure your blindness. If you're going to wave off the opinions of over 800 former prosecutors with a BFD, why would I bother trying to convince you of anything?
Yea, you all have nothing.
Had to have high, high hopes for a living
Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing
Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision
Always had high, high hopes
Had to have high, high hopes for a living
Didn't know how but I always had a feeling
I was gonna be that one in a million
Always had high, high hopes
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Get a clue.
Barr is a stooge.
I can't cure your blindness. If you're going to wave off the opinions of over 800 former prosecutors with a BFD, why would I bother trying to convince you of anything?
What about Mueller? He passed the buck to Barr, now didn't he?

Come on, man, if they had anything substantive they would have done more than they did but they didn't, now did they? Because they didn't have anything substantive that would lead to impeachment/indictment, you now hold out hope that further inquiry will find something "probably in the last place they look."

You are the one that is blind, luther, you know you got nothing and are trying desperately to find something, holding out for a faint glimmer of hope in your dark, dark night, that you have brought onto yourself.
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What about Mueller? He passed the buck to Barr, now didn't he?

Come on, man, if they had anything substantive they would have done more than they did but they didn't, now did they? Because they didn't have anything substantive that would lead to impeachment/indictment, you now hold out hope that further inquiry will find something "probably in the last place they look."

You are the one that is blind, luther, you know you got nothing and are trying desperately to find something, holding out for a faint glimmer of hope in your dark, dark night, that you have brought onto yourself.
Mueller did what he felt he was charged to do.
Only the blind would claim that 900 former prosecutors (many repubs) claiming enough evidence to indict any other person is nothing.
Mueller did what he felt he was charged to do.
Only the blind would claim that 900 former prosecutors (many repubs) claiming enough evidence to indict any other person is nothing.
BTW, Dershowitz, doesn't agree with them, so what?
It is nothing, as it is only opinions that have no effect on whether or not anything legally happens in Congress, the DOJ or a court of law. But, hey, it gives you "feels" then that's all that matters, right?

So back to posting up a list, luther, where is it? A letter that is based upon opinions isn't a list. Where are the specific actions that rise to the level of actually getting an impeachment/indictment? Where?

Mueller, was charged to find if there was Russian influence/collusion/conspiracy. He found that Russia did try and influence but found no collusion/conspiracy. He also investigated obstruction and did not find enough sufficient evidence to make an indictment or referral for action but instead gave it to the AG to decide. Both Barr and Rod Rosenstein concluded that there was insufficient evidence of obstruction.

Deal with it.
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The Executive Branch doesn't pass laws. That's the job of Congress, the Legislative Branch.

He said "signed" into law you doofus. Nothing is a "law" until it's signed. You must be thinking about passing bills:
I'll give you one that encapsulates many; even though I realize you will be unable and/or unwilling to process.

Georgia ranks near the bottom in education so obviously anything to change that is a “catastrophe”.
Gotta keep those demons going to keep the cash flowing in.
Perfectly sums up why the left is keeping this impeachment narrative up as well. Shill to the base and watch money pour in. How much have you sent in?
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LOL....There is already plenty for impeachment, just no enough to get the Senate to do their job; but the search isn't over.
I'm thinking it will be one of those "you always find it in the last place you look" scenarios.

Keep going your own way, and don't stop believing, but remember we've all tried to tell you that you are in over your head. I'm guessing you know in the back of your mind that you can't go back.
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