Mueller Report Imminent

Wiretaps Of Flynn And Kislyak Could Be A Game Changer. Why Prosecutors Refuse To Release It.

Joshua Geltzer, a former Justice Department official told the New York Times, Sunday that intelligence collection “would be a rare step to make public.”

“What you see in today’s filing is the government trying to avoid disclosing that material,” he said.

Interesting, again since it was the government that made it public in the first place.
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Such hostility from you. Must be that Russian influence. Seen any good meme's lately?

If truth is hostility, so be it.

Is a requirement for being a democrat being a smartass? I know it's a defense mechanism growing up for fat kids and those that are socially awkward and all around wienie types as a way to try and fit in with your peers, but, do you never grow out of it?
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Nope, sure don't. Look like a fool in front of your peers, take ridicule, and try and backtrack and have the group forget the ridicule with a smart ass comment meant to be funny to cover your insecurities and work your way back into the group in hopes nobody calls you on it, just reiterating your wienie existence that started the ridicule in the first place. It's where you go when you got nothing. And for the crap you posted it is understandable.
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Nope, sure don't. Look like a fool in front of your peers, take ridicule, and try and backtrack and have the group forget the ridicule with a smart ass comment meant to be funny to cover your insecurities and work your way back into the group in hopes nobody calls you on it, just reiterating your wienie existence that started the ridicule in the first place. It's where you go when you got nothing. And for the crap you posted it is understandable.

Geez, you sure do whine a lot.
What could Obama have done to prevent what the Russians were doing (hacking our institutions and social media campaign) and what can Trump do now to prevent it?
What's truly funny is Blaming Obama for anything the Russians were doing when he didn't have the tools to secure our internet. Basically he couldn't have stopped the Russians from influencing feeble minded Americans. You were an easy target.

Well Obama did tell Putin to his face “to cut it out”. He made a big deal out of it from what I remember. What was Obama talking about?
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Well Obama did tell Putin to his face “to cut it out”. He made a big deal out of it from what I remember. What was Obama talking about?

He also said he’d be “more flexible” after his re-election. Maybe “more flexible” was turning a blind eye and saying it was impossible for them to affect our elections.
Because she wants to see him in prison is precisely why she IS NOT for impeaching at this momment.
Umm, OK. If he is impeached and then the Senate trial removes him from office he is no longer President so they can indict him and he can go to prison.

Otherwise. . . . but then you don't have anything that rises to the level to make that all happen, now do you?

But he says mean things!
Umm, OK. If he is impeached and then the Senate trial removes him from office he is no longer President so they can indict him and he can go to prison.

Otherwise. . . . but then you don't have anything that rises to the level to make that all happen, now do you?

But he says mean things!
Everyone knows that the Senate will not currently remove him from office and Pelosi is smart enough to know that timing is crucial..
It’s cute that you think Pelosi is doing anything other than playing you and those like you for a fool.
It's even cuter that you think we're the ones being played like a fool.
The cutest of all however, is how Pelosi has owned Trump at every step.
Because you got:

LOL....There is already plenty for impeachment, just no enough to get the Senate to do their job; but the search isn't over.
I'm thinking it will be one of those "you always find it in the last place you look" scenarios.
LOL....There is already plenty for impeachment, just no enough to get the Senate to do their job; but the search isn't over.
I'm thinking it will be one of those "you always find it in the last place you look" scenarios.
So list that "plenty" for us why don't you? Why isn't it enough for the Senate? Because it's piddly BS isn't it?

But he says mean things!
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So list that "plenty" for us why don't you? Why isn't it enough for the Senate? Because it's piddly BS isn't it?

But he says mean things!
I went with knoxnews in the spirit of the upcoming season.
Should Donald Trump be indicted? These former East Tennessee prosecutors say yes
The two-time U.S. attorney found what he read so disturbing he joined nearly 800 former federal prosecutors this week in signing a letter declaring the report lays out a textbook case for obstruction of justice charges against President Donald Trump. Two other veteran East Tennessee prosecutors signed the letter as well.
"It's not a Republican or a Democratic thing," Dillard said. "It's an American thing. Based on what I know, if this was an ordinary individual, the case would certainly have severe consequences, and there is ample evidence that any U.S. attorney could make that decision. We need to hear from (special counsel) Robert Mueller. Otherwise the country at large is not going to know the truth."

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