Mueller Report Imminent

But it obviously does. Since it's usually the job of the DOJ to charge or recommend charges and it's who Mueller reports to.

Otherwise why all the vituperation directed towards him by the libs if "what he believes doesn't really matter?"
The above is what I said.
That's different than what you said. Of course Barr can give his opinion. But it is not binding on Congress.

Yet, it was represented to have some official conclusion status. False.

I also said that Congress can do as it likes.

Any of that wrong?
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they got it minus stuff that they can't legally have like Grand Jury testimony.
There are laws that would allow them to see that stuff and basically all Barr has to do is ask for it to be released to congress. I will ask again Why did Trump appoint Barr? Do you know the answer but afraid to say since it would destroy every argument you have made?
There are laws that would allow them to see that stuff and basically all Barr has to do is ask for it to be released to congress. I will ask again Why did Trump appoint Barr? Do you know the answer but afraid to say since it would destroy every argument you have made?
I have no idea besides the fact he was AG before in a prior administration and is imminently qualified? Senate approved, BTW.
I have no idea besides the fact he was AG before in a prior administration and is imminently qualified? Senate approved, BTW.
So you are hinting, not saying, that Trump picked him solely because he would do his bidding?

Prove it.
Mueller outlined incidences of obstruction and Barr decided not to refer it to congress with the supporting evidence.
Yesterday Trump had a feelz meltdown on Fox Business News claiming Mueller nuked texts and emails. Just a complete lie. And he's perpetuating these right wing superficial falsehoods for the express purpose of continuing to delude his low information, poor thinking skills, base.

Sadly, they are so stupid that it is working.
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Nope but he could refer it to the House for impeachment.

LOL, watching you and your ilk melt down if he did that would truly be a site to behold.

"bbbbbuuutttt Barr said it wasn't a CriMe, how could Mueller go to conGrEsS?!?!"
LOL, watching you and your ilk melt down if he did that would truly be a site to behold.

"bbbbbuuutttt Barr said it wasn't a CriMe, how could Mueller go to conGrEsS?!?!"
If and buts were candy and nuts.

Instead you and your ilk melting down because he didn't is the sight were are seeing now.

BuT wHeN MueLLeR TestifYz. . .
If and buts were candy and nuts.

Instead you and your ilk melting down because he didn't is the sight were are seeing now.

BuT wHeN MueLLeR TestifYz. . .

I don't see anyone melting down. Maybe if you insist, it'll bolster your argument that Mueller could've, but didn't. Then I'll upgrade your status to failure, instead of miserable failure.
I don't see anyone melting down. Maybe if you insist, it'll bolster your argument that Mueller could've, but didn't. Then I'll upgrade your status to failure, instead of miserable failure.
Gee thanks so much.

What you think of me is my only reason for being.

Said no one ever.
Yesterday Trump had a feelz meltdown on Fox Business News claiming Mueller nuked texts and emails. Just a complete lie. And he's perpetuating these right wing superficial falsehoods for the express purpose of continuing to delude his low information, poor thinking skills, base.

Sadly, they are so stupid that it is working.

So they finally proved collusion? Lol nope. I think it has been proven that it was a hoax perpetuated by the weak dims in which case I’m sure most rational people wouldn’t care if there was obstruction. If a man is innocent I dgas what he does to prove his innocence. I just hope justice gets served to the real crooks in this whole charade.
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So they finally proved collusion? Lol nope. I think it has been proven that it was a hoax perpetuated by the weak dims in which case I’m sure most rational people wouldn’t care if there was obstruction. If a man is innocent I dgas what he does to prove his innocence. I just hope justice gets served to the real crooks in this whole charade.

Yup. Trump's lies are coming home to roost.

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