Mueller Report Imminent

Mr Mueller stated:

It's like you guys just listened to Hannity's bullet points and parrot them without any modicum of critical thought.

If I were to take Mueller at his word then there would be no need to include any pages in his report on obstruction. It would be unfair to Trump since any insinuation or accusation could not be resolved in court.

Moreover, if he really believed what he said, why go make more public statements insinuating Trump’s possible guilt during a press conference he scheduled?
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If I were to take Mueller at his word then there would be no need to include any pages in his report on obstruction.
This makes no sense.

It would be unfair to Trump since any insinuation or accusation could not be resolved in court.
That's what he said.

Moreover, if he really believed what he said, why go make more public statements insinuating Trump’s possible guilt during a press conference he scheduled?
I don't think he insinuated anything. Certainly, he wanted to clear up the misrepresentation that Barr made that trump felt was a "complete exoneration"; Mr. Mueller pointed out why that was untrue and not representative of his findings.
In the closed sessions, the Intelligence Committee will have access to the unredacted version of volume I of the Mueller report, which focuses on the question of collusion and conspiracy with the Russian government, while the Judiciary Committee will have access to the unredacted version of volume II, which focuses on obstruction of justice.

Keep the dream alive!!
In the closed sessions, the Intelligence Committee will have access to the unredacted version of volume I of the Mueller report, which focuses on the question of collusion and conspiracy with the Russian government, while the Judiciary Committee will have access to the unredacted version of volume II, which focuses on obstruction of justice.
Yeah... they won’t be transcribing any of the questions or answers, but it’s not classified so Adam Schiff can lie all he wants about it
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Yeah... they won’t be transcribing any of the questions or answers, but it’s not classified so Adam Schiff can lie all he wants about it
It's as if you don't want congress to have the unredacted Mueller report. Why is that?
My thought is the only reason they want to see the unredacted report is to find new targets for subpoenas.

They want to change the ruling of the guy they chose to make the ruling. He did not make the ruling they had agreed upon in advance. They should be made to wear clown costumes to work, Republicans also.

They have him this time for sure, BEEP BEEP!
Nice to see Trump sarcastically joking with Putin at the G 20 about election meddling.

Seriously, it is well settled that Putin DID meddle and is trying to do so again. Trump's dismissal of it is nothing short of alarming. He needs to go.
Nice to see Trump sarcastically joking with Putin at the G 20 about election meddling.

Seriously, it is well settled that Putin DID meddle and is trying to do so again. Trump's dismissal of it is nothing short of alarming. He needs to go.
It's been happening forever dude. Nobody cared until Trump got elected. Obama Meddled in Israel's election also. It goes both ways and always has. This was just a DIM last ditch ploy to try and oust Trump and cover up their illegal BS. It failed but you bought it hook, line and sinker like the rest of the libtard DIMs.
Nice to see Trump sarcastically joking with Putin at the G 20 about election meddling.

Seriously, it is well settled that Putin DID meddle and is trying to do so again. Trump's dismissal of it is nothing short of alarming. He needs to go.

You can't be that dense. You want them to bring out the boxing gloves at summit meetings? I bet you enjoyed seeing Obama basically suck him off 4 years ago? You really think last year was the first time the Russians interfered in an election? Can you imagine what we try to do to the Russians on a daily basis, other countries? Its dog eat dog out there. You Democrats want a war with Russia and you are well on your way to getting it.
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It's been happening forever dude. Nobody cared until Trump got elected. Obama Meddled in Israel's election also. It goes both ways and always has. This was just a DIM last ditch ploy to try and oust Trump and cover up their illegal BS. It failed but you bought it hook, line and sinker like the rest of the libtard DIMs.

In other words: Trump won't say or do anything. Not that it would matter.

I can't blame home though, he needs all the help he can get.

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