Mueller Report Imminent

You want clarity? Trump can't win without the Russian disinformation campaigns. Actually, he probably can't even win with it.
Based on the debates we just witnessed, my dog has more sense than the folks on that stage. You may hate the man but his policies are better than those idiots. That is why he will be your president until 2024.
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Nice to see Trump sarcastically joking with Putin at the G 20 about election meddling.

Seriously, it is well settled that Putin DID meddle and is trying to do so again. Trump's dismissal of it is nothing short of alarming. He needs to go.
Better start campaigning counselor.
So they invested how much?


You're drinking too much Kool-Aid.

I don't drink that stuff. But I can tell you the amount of people who believed the propaganda was not negligible. Most of it didn't cost anything, but was well planned and executed. Setting up support pages for a candidate, amassing up to millions of members, and turning it into a weapon against that candidate in the crucial weeks before the election.

I can see how people would believe it was only about memes, but it goes way deeper than that.
Trump throws a temper tantrum against anyone else that makes fun of him.

Weird that doesn't include Russia.

You can't be that dense. You want them to bring out the boxing gloves at summit meetings? I bet you enjoyed seeing Obama basically suck him off 4 years ago? You really think last year was the first time the Russians interfered in an election? Can you imagine what we try to do to the Russians on a daily basis, other countries? Its dog eat dog out there. You Democrats want a war with Russia and you are well on your way to getting it.

What on earth makes you think that Trump is a tough guy behind closed doors with Putin? Absolutely nothing. There is no evidence that he has been the slightest bit difficult with Putin. To the contrary, he accepts Putin's word over that of our own intelligence agencies. Trump is an absolute disaster when it comes to foreign and military policy.
I keep reading about Trumps great policies. What policies? What are y'all referring to?

I was only aware of the one policy: give rich people more money.
“I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments — that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election,” Mueller said Wednesday at the Justice Department, his first public remarks since taking over the nearly two-year investigation. “That allegation deserves the attention of every American.”

-- Robert Mueller

Trump denies this. Trump is a wholly owned subsidiary of Putin.

Even worse, the GOP stands idly by, watching as their President sells us out, over and over again. Those few that dare step forward and call him out on this are ostracized by the FoxNews/Trump ideologues.
Yes, there's actually massive amounts of evidence of collusion. Nowhere in the report does it ever imply "nO cOlLuSiOn." He only says there wasn't definitive evidence of criminal conspiracy, because that's a crime that is near impossible to prove.

So why was NOBODY charged for it but only every other irrelevant bs crime?
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You want clarity? Trump can't win without the Russian disinformation campaigns. Actually, he probably can't even win with it.
LOL. That is butthurt at it's finest there. He will win again and it will not have anything to do with Russia just last time. You guys are so gullible on the Russia hoax.
“I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments — that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election,” Mueller said Wednesday at the Justice Department, his first public remarks since taking over the nearly two-year investigation. “That allegation deserves the attention of every American.”

-- Robert Mueller

Trump denies this. Trump is a wholly owned subsidiary of Putin.

Even worse, the GOP stands idly by, watching as their President sells us out, over and over again. Those few that dare step forward and call him out on this are ostracized by the FoxNews/Trump ideologues.
Good grief you are a weak idiot.
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“I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments — that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election,” Mueller said Wednesday at the Justice Department, his first public remarks since taking over the nearly two-year investigation. “That allegation deserves the attention of every American.”

-- Robert Mueller

Trump denies this. Trump is a wholly owned subsidiary of Putin.

Even worse, the GOP stands idly by, watching as their President sells us out, over and over again. Those few that dare step forward and call him out on this are ostracized by the FoxNews/Trump ideologues.
Mueller should have never said squat.

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