Mueller Report Imminent

The only one that I could consider would be Delaney. He seemed to be sane, but I don't know all of his views.

He’s interesting.
he seems capable of being bi-partisan. He was pro wall and imagination reform......till Trump ran on it. I believe he’s still in favor of securing the boarders but would never say so.
He’s also for replacing the ACA with something better.
Delaney has become a popular first name for girls.
Not that I’d want to assume her gender.

Or his.....

Or it’s
What’s the proper word here?

I honestly wouldn't know what's PC in that instance.. "their"?.. , but I like the Delaney name's translation, or meaning.. "child of dark defiance", "from the alder grove". He could use all the mystique he can conjure. I liked what he's had to stay.
I honestly wouldn't know what's PC in that instance.. "their"?.. , but I like the Delaney name's translation, or meaning.. "child of dark defiance", "from the alder grove". He could use all the mystique he can conjure. I liked what he's had to stay.

We will see.
He’s in favor of cutting spending so he’s got no chance.
Republican lawmakers, as well as prominent allies and legal advisers to this president, want to turn it into a hostile referendum on the nexus of the “deep state” and sexual dalliance and infidelity—which is to say that they want to use Mueller’s testimony to zero in on the duo that President Trump has repeatedly slammed as “the FBI lovers.”

“I think the American people would kinda like to know,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), “when [Department of Justice Inspector General] Mr. Horowitz told [Mueller] about Peter Strzok, and Peter Strzok was on his team, and Lisa Page had been on his team, how’d he handle all that? Did he really check into how biased Mr. Strzok was and how that impacted his work?”

Team Trump’s Game Plan to Destroy Mueller: Hound Him About ‘FBI Lovers’
New study shows Russian propaganda may really have helped Trump - The World Breaking News

by way of researchers on the College of Tennessee, Knoxville, demonstrates that Trump’s beneficial properties in reputation all the way through the 2016 marketing campaign correlated carefully with top ranges of social media process by way of the Russian trolls and bots of the Web Analysis Company, a key weapon within the Russian assault.

“Our effects display that the weeks when Russian trolls had been collecting likes and retweets on Twitter, that process reliably foreshadowed beneficial properties for Trump within the opinion polls,” wrote Damian Ruck, the learn about’s lead researcher, in an editorial explaining his findings.

The learn about discovered that each 25,000 re-tweets by way of accounts attached to the IRA predicted a 1 % building up in opinion polls for Trump.

In an interview with NBC Information, Ruck mentioned the analysis means that Russian trolls helped shift U.S public opinion in Trump’s desire.
New study shows Russian propaganda may really have helped Trump - The World Breaking News
“Our effects display that the weeks when Russian trolls had been collecting likes and retweets on Twitter, that process reliably foreshadowed beneficial properties for Trump within the opinion polls,” wrote Damian Ruck, the learn about’s lead researcher, in an editorial explaining his findings.

So people using twitter are idiots, tell me something I didn't already know.
Mueller terminated the emails! LOL

Maria would boost her credibility significantly by wearing the dress she wore to the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner. Then most of us wouldn't actually remember or even care about what she has to say.
Sure there was probable cause. The driver has a long history of dealings with people in the illegal drug business and then was stupid enough to flip off the police as he sped by them after leaving a suspected distribution warehouse.

Just think, Luth, now all a cop has to say is "I saw him/her holding a cellphone while driving", so much easier than claiming a non-working taillight. With a stroke of a pen legislatures have created a whole new class of crime. The funny thing is that people reaching to operate or read a perfectly legal touchscreen display in the middle of the dash are even more dangerous than ones holding a cellphone. And for the record, I do agree with the new anti-phone laws.
Just think, Luth, now all a cop has to say is "I saw him/her holding a cellphone while driving", so much easier than claiming a non-working taillight. With a stroke of a pen legislatures have created a whole new class of crime. The funny thing is that people reaching to operate or read a perfectly legal touchscreen display in the middle of the dash are even more dangerous than ones holding a cellphone. And for the record, I do agree with the new anti-phone laws.
No different than,

Turning on the radio
Turning the radio
Lighting a cig
Lighting a bowl(had to throw one for dink in)
A bee flying around the car
Why should I bother?

It’s all open source Mick.

The information has been steadily coming out for over a year and a half and you’ve yet to acknowledge that something isn’t adding up in regards to Steele.
But it does add up with Deripaska and Manafort. Deripaska is under US sanctions and Manafort is in jail.

Seriously I would like to see you connect the dots to Steele and Deripaska and "what it means".
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