Mueller Report Imminent

The answer was in your own quote, Mick. The report did not conclude that the President committed a crime. It doesn't matter that it didn't exonerate him either. Innocent until proven guilty. If he cannot be proven guilty, what is he?
Just because you cannot be proven guilty by the court of law doesn't mean you're not guilty now does it?
I believe some inept attempts were made in support of Hillary, only that Trump appeared to have Russian intelligence running a unprecedented disinformation/propaganda/fakenews operation for his benefit. The same could be done against Trump. Awareness of the methods is my point.
Russia is a Nothing-burger" Van Jones
There’s no spinning this. Rumor has it there were a total of 4 FISA warrants issued (Page, Flynn, Papadopoulos, Manafort) on American citizens as part of the FBI’s counter-intelligence investigation.

To put this in context, a FISA warrant is issued to allow for wiretapping a "foreign power or an agent of a foreign power" (which could include American citizens) suspected to be engaged in espionage or terrorism.

So it’s pretty obvious they used alleged FARA violations to get FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.
Yep, Flynn will be cleared. Sidney Powell's got this.
The Dems lost because folks don't forget. First they were bitter small town folks, clinging to their bibles and guns and then they became a basket of deplorables living in fly-over country.
A guy comes along with a ton of bravado and hyperbole, calls them Americans and gives them a voice. He's not PC or concerned about hurting feelings. He's not concerned about getting called all the names that they've been getting called for years. He goes directly after the ones who went after them, so they elect him POTUS.

Y'all did it to yourselves. America doesn't forget.
Keep ignoring them and their concerns.
Keep putting the illegals before them.
Keep trying to take their hard earned money.
Keep trying to destroy, by any means possible, the guy they voted for.
They'll simply elect him again.
Mikcy and LG and Luther will never get that. It's way over their heads.
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So the Russians didn't help Trump during the election and Trump didn't know they were helping? Not being able to prove Trump was involved in the conspiracy does not equal Witch hunt, no collusion, or total exoneration regardless of your mental deficiencies.
"Ruissa is a nothing burger" CNN's Van Jones
Just because you cannot be proven guilty by the court of law doesn't mean you're not guilty now does it?
This is true. But you're now the other side of the "get Hillary" coin. No one is going after Trump. Impeachment is off the table. No court is going to dole out a punishment. Just as it is with Hillary. Maybe it is time both sides move on.
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Just because you cannot be proven guilty by the court of law doesn't mean you're not guilty now does it?

OK, so please explain something to inquiring minds.
Y'all consistently equate Trump to being dumber than a box of rocks, a stance that would lead one to believe he was to dumb to do this on his own.
If that box of rocks is the only untouchable as far as an indictment is concerned, why then were none of the folks around him indicted under the actual premise of the special council investigation?
They threw crap at folks for unrelated things yet no indictments have been forthcoming concerning collusion or obstruction for anyone on the box of rock's staff.
Why is that?
Surely if the box of rocks were guilty his surrounding staff would be in on it as well.
Sure, people are gullable, and that's my main point. I don't have special insight as to who was actually coordinating the social media disinformation efforts, just that it was massive and almost entirely in support of Trump.

I actually spent a fair amount of time on Facebook at the time, and watched people falling for the crap that was going on. So, essentially users would get several friend requests from odd people supposedly living in your community, and most people would accept. No big deal right.. Well, once they've been accepted, everything these new "friends" have posted, liked, and commented on became part of your "news feed". This isn't the point where anything seems odd.

These new "friends" were also members of larger groups who by all appearances, support a candidate or a cause. These new "friends" have access your interests and the list of groups you were already a member of, and instantly profile you. With this information they could decide which of their tailored groups you would likely accept an invitation to... Whether it be "America for Bernie" or "God Bless America" etc.. name a cause, they had a group for it. You would receive invitations to these groups based upon which aligned with your interests. No big deal, your news feed has been infiltrated, and you unwittingly joined a group that looks as if it supports just what it describes. All the while your real life acquaintences in your community are being targeted in the same way.

At this point, the disinformation campaigns are already underway in these dubious groups, but just subtle suggestions between members of the groups, most who are not real people at all, often accompanied by a funny suggestive picture. All the while, you see these interactions on your "news feed".

As the number of real people who join these groups grow and election day draws near, the disinformation and propaganda level of these groups and interactions steadily grow. At this point your Facebook feed has transformed to a degree that it's a steady stream of politically motivated influence and disinformation.

A week out from election day, these groups and "new friends" have gone full-on propaganda/meme trolls. "America for Bernie" is now incessantly posting about Hillary killing people, and suggesting she'll be in jail by election day. "God Bless America" is doing the same and mixing in some Pizzagate... The scale of this being the whole country with emphasized targeting of communities that polling data suggests are integral.

Was this being done by Russia? I cant tell you, but the planning, coordination, and execution were surgical.

Sorry but I didn’t read past the first paragraph.
I will here in a minute but haven’t yet.

I stopped there because you’re not correct in your first thought. I’m a registered Democrat and can testify that there was just as much disinformation on both sides of this. It was in no way one sided. The Russians may have been one sided but they weren’t the only player in the game. They were actually quite minor compared to the others
Hillary may have done far more to lose the election, and I didn't support her, and by default Trump got my passive support. People can argue the level of influence of Russian efforts, and to what extent it affected the election, but we have not seen the last of it. If anyone chooses to downplay it, that's their choice.

Yea Obama
"If we had confidence the President did not commit a crime, we would have said so"
"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,"

It’s not the job of a special council to try and exonerate. The fact that they found no crime is exoneration regardless of how anyone including Muller want to spin it.
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This is true. But you're now the other side of the "get Hillary" coin. No one is going after Trump. Impeachment is off the table. No court is going to dole out a punishment. Just as it is with Hillary. Maybe it is time both sides move on.

It’s almost like......nothing is going to happen
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Sorry but I didn’t read past the first paragraph.
I will here in a minute but haven’t yet.

I stopped there because you’re not correct in your first thought. I’m a registered Democrat and can testify that there was just as much disinformation on both sides of this. It was in no way one sided. The Russians may have been one sided but they weren’t the only player in the game. They were actually quite minor compared to the others
Well thanks for not reading. Your experience could have been completely different than others.
Well thanks for not reading. Your experience could have been completely different than others.
You being a left lean think it was only the right doing these things. The right leans think it’s only the left doing these things.
Me being a former Democrat who is disappointed in what my party has become.....and used to think as you do now....has realized that both parties are exactly the same. Neither side has morals or convictions with very few exceptions.

Edit: and by looking at it with clear unbiased eyes, there was no difference in the amount of propaganda pouring out of both parties
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You being a left lean think it was only the right doing these things. The right leans think it’s only the left doing these things.
Me being a former Democrat who is disappointed in what my party has become.....and used to think as you do now....has realized that both parties are exactly the same. Neither side has morals or convictions with very few exceptions.

I like the term "lean", it more accurately describes most of us here.

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