I pick at some Republicans too, but most choose to ignore those posts or pretend they don't exist. Most of my posts picking at Democrats are over their outrage about Trump. It's over the top, IMO, so yeah, I call it out.
Trump is loud and pompous, so you know where he stands. Other than his taxes, he doesn't hide who he is very well. There's nothing subtle about him. Obama, on the other hand, was a true politician. In this country, there has long been an under current of a black vs. white struggle. Obama fed that. He was in the unique position to get people to realize how little skin color matters, that people should be measured by who they are, not the color of their skin, but he decided to go the other way and highlight the racial divide for popularity points. He did nothing to actually break down racial barriers and unite this country. Instead, he pushed harder at the divide. Obama had the chance to do something truly great, but he didn't. I've never expected greatness from Trump, so I'm not disappointed. That's why I consider Obama a worse President. His failure was greater.
And Obama never embraced anyone other than his base either. Think of his most famous soundbites. Most highlighted sticking it to the right in some way. And his base ate it up. "Elections have consequences." The left cheered. Trump gets elected and they all cry out.
The left acts as if Trump playing to his base is a horrible thing, yet never complained when Obama did the same. Then it was great. That's why I hate politics. I've said it over and over. Each side holds the other side to a standard they themselves do not adhere to. It's hypocrisy to the nth level.