Mueller Report Imminent

I honestly had no idea that was racist.

I asked that question to coug in another thread out of shear curiosity.

My apologies to any and all on the forum that may have found my question offensive.
It was not my intent.

It's not considered racist, but it "should" be offensive to black people. If you remember or notice in pictures there are a lot of references to Colored from the 1960's. What does that mean exactly? The fact the society is making it fashionable today as a way to lump black, latino, Palestinian, Asian, etc in together as minority groups is insulting to me. This is led by liberals groups and has been "catchy". Whether it is "people of color" or "colored people"'s the same verbiage.
Yes. Extremely stupid.
Who said I want them to share my outrage, I'm just asking for a modicum of responsibility and accountability.
No you aren't. You want Trump out by any means necessary. You haven't accepted the beatdown he handed your girl, and you haven't accepted the farce that the Mueller investigation was.
I vote we emulate the shithole countries or Somalia, Detroit, SF, Chicago, Memphis.

Sometimes correlation presents a false fact. I think this issue is not racial. These places have in common is liberal policy leadership. People congregate to the larger cities for opportunities but with that comes naturally more opportunity for crime. Corruption comes from both sides of the aisle but there are certain factors that contribute to tougher conditions. Even the great city of Nashville is struggling with this and the black population is not very high. Anybody that has been noticing has seen me discuss getting rid of David Briley. Currently the city is dealing with a wave of illegal immigration like many places that takes additional resources that the government can use to improve schools, pay quality teachers, firefighters and especially policemen. But I realize the issue is more complicated than this and I can elaborate if needed.
LMAO at people of Whiteness. I've never had a problem, either. but you do make a good point. I do know that there is division there by observing and reading. In the political forum, you don't know who you are going to offend.

Anyone that participates in this forum should have thick enough skin not to get personally offended, unless the attack is directly personal and I bet Freak has a cure for those types of attacks.
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Nice try, Amigo. I would not release my transcripts if I were running for office because there is no established precedent for it. W is the only one who released his - because he actually wanted to prove his ignorant a$$ went to Yale. There is an established precedent, however, for presidential candidates to release their income tax returns. Obama released his. Why can't Trump?
Oh puleeeez

Things like this has more to do with the state legislators but we know liberals are in charge there. I'm sure they are living like Kings and Queens. Cummings could have some influence and should be concerned though. But it's policies at the federal level the filter to the local levels. The height of hypocrisy of these people.
Sometimes correlation presents a false fact. I think this issue is not racial. These places have in common is liberal policy leadership. People congregate to the larger cities for opportunities but with that comes naturally more opportunity for crime. Corruption comes from both sides of the aisle but there are certain factors that contribute to tougher conditions. Even the great city of Nashville is struggling with this and the black population is not very high. Anybody that has been noticing has seen me discuss getting rid of David Briley. Currently the city is dealing with a wave of illegal immigration like many places that takes additional resources that the government can use to improve schools, pay quality teachers, firefighters and especially policemen. But I realize the issue is more complicated than this and I can elaborate if needed.

I agree and that was my point and why I included SF, which is not a predominate black city with only 6% of population. All the listed cities have been under D policy for a long time.
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D@mn right! It is backwards at the very freaking least. We got rid of that in the 1960's and people want to bring that BS back like it's cool -un freaking believable. Slaves in the mental plantation of liberalism.
It goes right to the heart of the lie that is the all inclusiveness of liberalism. They want everybody to be the same... so they say... yet they have everybody with some sort of hyphenated add on to their race, sex, national origin, religion... anything that makes an individual stand out for special treatment. good or bad. Just being an "American" is not good enough for the libtards.
Things like this has more to do with the state legislators but we know liberals are in charge there. I'm sure they are living like Kings and Queens. Cummings could have some influence and should be concerned though. But it's policies at the federal level the filter to the local levels. The height of hypocrisy of these people.
It is his district though.

It goes right to the heart of the lie that is the all inclusiveness of liberalism. They want everybody to be the same... so they say... yet they have everybody with some sort of hyphenated add on to their race, sex, national origin, religion... anything that makes an individual stand out for special treatment. good or bad. Just being an "American" is not good enough for the libtards.

I've never really thought about it like that. There's some truth in that. There's definitely groups that promote identity politics for specialized treatment. Some of it is valid to know your citizenry but who cares if you are a heterosexual, homosexual or trans.
I've never really thought about it like that. There's some truth in that. There's definitely groups that promote identity politics for specialized treatment. Some of it is valid to know your citizenry but who cares if you are a heterosexual, homosexual or trans.
I dont think there should be any qualifier on any federal gubbamint job application and all interviews should be over the phone with a device that disguises the applicant's voice. When you apply you have no age, race, sex, religion... none of the stuff they use to apply quotas. Make it truly blind. Then we will see how it falls out
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We're a society that wants unity but we highlight racial differences. How does that work?

Most of the things they highlight as differences affects everyone. It’s crazy. Some people want to feel oppressed, be given special treatment, then be praised for doing basic sh**.
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