I protest them because the violate the 4th amendment. A cop has to have a reason to stop and harass you. If you really want to take out drunk drivers you're better off distributing the same number of cops throughout town looking for people failing to maintain their lane.
If they are maintaining their lane and driving the speed limit, are they really a drunk driver?
Violating a copy right is not theft because the other person still has their original. When theft occurs you no longer have the stolen item.
Drugs are a personal decision and everyone should be allowed to do with their bodies what they wish.
Taxes are extortion and everyone should lie as much as possible to avoid as many taxes as possible.
A big goal of mine is to organize bike rides without helmets to protest the nanny state. 100s of motorcycle riders riding through town without helmets.
Yes, you're the problem. You're the reason government continues to grow because so many like you have no problem with it.
I want the government involved in as little as possible, and I agree personal choice is paramount. However, personal choices where other's are affected is a different story.
Example, heroin. I don't care about pot or many other drugs, but, heroin is different.
You want to do it, then do not expect the fire department or police to save you with narcan when you screw up.
Go ahead, have your own narcan, and do as you wish. However, these idiots are incapable of this simple thought and when they OD it becomes the "responsibility" of others to save their life at expense in time, money, and other resources.
So, what should we do, what about the law?
I'm all for allowing people to do as they wish, but, most of "these types people" are allowed to screw up and have other's pay for it.
So, would you be ok with allowing the "law" to say that it will not intervene or save these heroin addicts who OD? And if they had to, the person needing saving automatically is responsible for the thousands of dollars wasted in saving their lives and will automatically be jailed for 2 years for saving their life..should the government be allowed to issue cards to the addicts that says do not save my life I know what I was doing and do not expect you to save me and other's that say please save me regardless of the punishments I know I will incur...?
Are you willing to allow the bad personal choices to have real consequences?
The problem lies in what accountability should be leveled versus personal choice.
I think DUI's should not be a law. Why? Because we sell alcohol on every corner at bars and restaurants and assume people can be responsible.
If we didn't want people driving while drunk...... then don't sell it at establishments where you drive to. Pretty simple. So, get rid of the law, institute a very simple chart with offenses and punishments.
You drive drunk and hit someone, sorry, you go to jail for 5 years. No injuries, tough s***, you go to jail for 5 years. You destroy property, you will pay for it and you go to jail for 5 years. You hit and kill someone while drunk, then you go to jail for life. No timely court deliberation or appeals, done.
This is coming from someone who lost a relative to a drunk driver, too. Let people be free, but, there must be real accountability for this freedom. REAL PUNISHMENT WITH NO OTHER OPTION.