Music and Fist pump

Arian DJing was an impromptu thing not planned by anyone but the players and VFLs around the area loved it. It's the spring game and was a homecoming party of sorts for a lot of people. I wouldn't expect that same thing during the season.
Music was awesome. I hope we do it all season. I like the band too. You can do both. Mic the band so the volume matches the music.
I was standing on the sideline, very near the "DJ booth". I can tell you that the former players seemed to be having a great time. I was within arms reach of Al Wilson, Heath Shuler, Justin Hunter, Montario Hardesty, Arian Foster, and more. The recruits that I saw mingling around really dug the atmosphere.

I am generally very traditional, but the atmosphere on the sidelines was amazing and palpable. For those of you saying that you left early because you were disappointed that it wasn't what you expected; realize that the UT you knew died years ago. This is the first sign of life in almost half a decade and you act disappointed.

To the people that are saying that the band is a great tradition, it is, but it is there to support the football team. When you make an argument that things have to be done for you to hear the band, it is like telling the football players to sit down so you can watch the cheerleaders. You are looking at the wrong thing.

Personally, I think things have been reborn. Perhaps it is time and everything is in it's infancy, but I really like where this is going.
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What is a mellophone? The band is great but it isn't why people come to the game. They don't need any help. I have never sat there and thought, 'Damn I wish I could hear the mellophone playing.'

I played mellophone and yeah, I'd like for it to be heard
I loved Arian DJing, and when I heard "Wonderwall" I was way is Arian still in the booth. I looked back up at the screen and there he was, jamming out to Oasis
you are right i am a heck of a fan. so what, i have an opinion if you don't like it don't read my posts. apparently the university of Tennessee considers me a fan as they put my picture in the program for the 2nd year in a row. so what ever floats your boat, or sinks it. i am all vol and an alumni by blood not a piece of paper.
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you are right i am a heck of a fan. so what, i have an opinion if you don't like it don't read my posts. apparently the university of Tennessee considers me a fan as they put my picture in the program for the 2nd year in a row. so what ever floats your boat, or sinks it. i am all vol and an alumni by blood not a piece of paper.

Your statements confuse me. Forgive me but I need some clarity to understand. So, how does one go about becoming an alumni by blood, without that "piece of paper"? I know how I earned my paper, and there was blood, sweat and tears involved. Does my dad being a degree holder from UT mean that I too, am a Vol by blood?

So you are telling us all that you are important, hence the reference to your picture being in the program for a second year. I think I got that part, but let me ask: does that picture in the program mean that UT asks you, a super fan by birth and donation, your opinion on anything? If not, what is the point of you telling us how important you are? If they do, why did they not take your advice this time, about whatever opinion you had that got you all upset to begin with?

Man, enjoy the ride. None of us, well very very few, have any direct say in what happens.
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I love how so people care more about the band, and a little rap music at a scrimmage more than winning. SMH. If you haven't realized it, people under the age of 20 hell about 25 don't know anything about UT other than we are a perennial loser in the SEC. Kids don't give a crap about tradition. Jones has to do something to make this program look exciting to them. Yet, some of you old blue ticks supported Dooley to the end of his losing days just because he was also a boring southerner who doesn't understand the new age. If your fan-hood is broken by some rap music then you aren't going to enjoy where the world is heading.
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Mellophone is marching French horn. Who are you to say people don't go to see the band? They may not be the main reason I go, but when I'm there, a marching band is part of the college football experience and I expect to hear them when I'm there. The full sound that includes all instruments. Not some hollow drum and trumpet sound.
Ask carson Newman about it. Took one game without a marching band to have a pep band put back in the stands and one homecoming to suddenly have the funds for one again.

I also have sat and heard many a band during a halftime show or in the stand and said "damn, they sound so hollow. Wish I could hear x instrument more to round the sound out."

I have a degree in saxophone performance and spent 9 years in a football band of some sort (see above where my 5th year in college we had no marching band because of "budget cuts") that would explain my biased stance.

I gave ya'll 2 pages and no one responds to 9 years of flute tooting? VN is slipping!
I love how so people care more about the band, and a little rap music at a scrimmage more than winning. SMH. If you haven't realized it, people under the age of 20 hell about 25 don't know anything about UT other than we are a perennial loser in the SEC. Kids don't give a crap about tradition. Jones has to do something to make this program look exciting to them. Yet, some of you old blue ticks supported Dooley to the end of his losing days just because he was also a boring southerner who doesn't understand the new age. If your fan-hood is broken by some rap music then you aren't going to enjoy where the world is heading.

You do realize that when I was 20 years old and at UT we didn't listen to marching band music at our parties. The band and gameday traditions will last because they are great and are timeless. The world has been heading that way forever but kids will always complain about the grown-ups and the grown-ups will get their way because they pay for everything. Rap music was probably more popular when Dooley was in college than it is now. Current music and DJ's are fine for a spring game.
I'm sure CBJ was mostly wanting to play this music for his players and the recruits in the stands. This is a practice. A practice that we are able to come watch. All I believe the music was for is to get the recruits feeling the atmosphere. Heck, everyone around me was having a good time as well.

At times between drives, there was a good 1-2 mins before the team was back on the field. The band wasn't playing, so why not have some music. I'm not taking up for AF, but when he said that to the band, he was already playing music and the band started in on top of him.

Just wait till August before you go bashing what CBJ is doing.
you are right i am a heck of a fan. so what, i have an opinion if you don't like it don't read my posts. apparently the university of Tennessee considers me a fan as they put my picture in the program for the 2nd year in a row. so what ever floats your boat, or sinks it. i am all vol and an alumni by blood not a piece of paper.

I don't care if they name a building after you. It sucks to have that much venom toward a guy who played his guts out because he dared to have a couple of inopportune fumbles over the course of 4 years.
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You do realize that when I was 20 years old and at UT we didn't listen to marching band music at our parties. The band and gameday traditions will last because they are great and are timeless. The world has been heading that way forever but kids will always complain about the grown-ups and the grown-ups will get their way because they pay for everything. Rap music was probably more popular when Dooley was in college than it is now. Current music and DJ's are fine for a spring game.

Don't know why, but that made me laugh. Good post.
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I loved everything about Saturday, including the extra music and Foster getting up and playing DJ.

It was a time to have fun, for everybody. Fans, former players, recruits, and the guys on the field.

The players got a good "game day" feel as far as the number of fans in the stands. And if they can't run plays in spite of some alternate music, what are they gonna do in the swamp, or Oregon, or bama? They better be ready to stay focused in spite of things that aren't "traditional".
I loved everything about Saturday, including the extra music and Foster getting up and playing DJ.

It was a time to have fun, for everybody. Fans, former players, recruits, and the guys on the field.

The players got a good "game day" feel as far as the number of fans in the stands. And if they can't run plays in spite of some alternate music, what are they gonna do in the swamp, or Oregon, or bama? They better be ready to stay focused in spite of things that aren't "traditional".

It's what a Spring Game is supposed to be . . . a carnival disguised as a football game. No point in analyzing the particulars as long as everybody has a good time and injuries are minimal.
I don't care if they name a building after you. It sucks to have that much venom toward a guy who played his guts out because he dared to have a couple of inopportune fumbles over the course of 4 years.

Some will always ignore the facts of the stat sheet on Foster. He had, what?, 5 career fumbles and one of those should have been on the QB.
I loved everything about Saturday, including the extra music and Foster getting up and playing DJ.

It was a time to have fun, for everybody. Fans, former players, recruits, and the guys on the field.

The players got a good "game day" feel as far as the number of fans in the stands. And if they can't run plays in spite of some alternate music, what are they gonna do in the swamp, or Oregon, or bama? They better be ready to stay focused in spite of things that aren't "traditional".

Exactly. If people go to the O&W game for great football and the Neyland gameday experience they are at the wrong event. It is an open practice and I am also glad they made it a fun fan-friendly atmosphere.
I loved everything about Saturday, including the extra music and Foster getting up and playing DJ.

It was a time to have fun, for everybody. Fans, former players, recruits, and the guys on the field.

The players got a good "game day" feel as far as the number of fans in the stands. And if they can't run plays in spite of some alternate music, what are they gonna do in the swamp, or Oregon, or bama? They better be ready to stay focused in spite of things that aren't "traditional".

This! :good!:


It's what a Spring Game is supposed to be . . . a carnival disguised as a football game. No point in analyzing the particulars as long as everybody has a good time and injuries are minimal.

And This! :good!:

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