Music Artist or Band you absolutely hate and why

My mom has always been a big Eagles fan. Growing up she either played them or Rod Stewart the majority of the time. I would definitely have to go with the eagles over RS for sure.
There are certain songs I want to sling the radio out of the truck if they come on (take it easy, Hotel California I'm looking at you) but there are a bunch of others I really like Wasted time, teenage jail etc.

I hate Led Zeppelin. Lol.
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There are certain songs I want to sling the radio out of the truck if they come on (take it easy, Hotel California I'm looking at you) but there are a bunch of others I really like Wasted time, teenage jail etc.

I hate Led Zeppelin. Lol.
Hotel California is a must during karaoke night.
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They're boring! Their music is boring. The "Edge" is a boring guitar player. Plus Bono is a pretentious douche bag who has an overinflated sense of self-importance.


Talk about a manufactured musical importance. I remember back when I first heard Nirvana, my thoughts were "meh they're alright I guess". I never and WILL never understand the status they've ascended to in music. There were way, WAY better bands doing similar stuff at that time.

Motley Crue

Never understood the big deal with them. Their very first album Too Fast For Love was pretty good and the band had potential. But everything they did after did not live up to their potential IMO. Plus I never thought Vince Neil was a particular great singer/front man. To be perfectly honest, I thought their album with John Corabi was better than everything they had done since Too Fast For Love. Not a popular take, I know but that was album was actually VERY good!

Greta Van Fleet

Crappy Zeppelin wannabes who's songs are uninspired and boring! Their very first album "From the Fires" showed potential but everything they've released since then has gotten worse and worse.

Imagine Dragons

A bunch of weak, wimpy beta males providing neutered gateway rock for teenage girls looking to move on to something "edgier" than Ariana Grande. Plus the stupidest band name ever!


Very talented musicians but their music puts me to ****ing sleep! Their songs are bloated and completely devoid of any hooks or memorable riffs. If anybody is looking for this kind of music, go listen to Porcupine Tree. They have way better songs IMO.
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Billy Eilish. Not her, or even her music, at least to the point of saying hate. But the straight up garbage she has inspired, for that I hate her.

I have heard a number of songs and artists that take her style and dows something with it and it's just straight terrible. Some of her stuff is passable, but I have yet to hear any good knock offs.

Dont ask me their names, I never knew it just blocked them as soon as i did.

Unpopular opinion but, Kiss. The merchandizing is what lead to so much crap from commercial artists for like 3 or 4 decades. Their music is decent, but they cared more about selling merch than they did records and it shows imo. And it opened up the doors to record labels owning the music more than the artist did. *completely observational opinion, I have no idea if their contracts were actually different*

Paul McCartney, should have hung it up a long time ago. If he hadnt been in the beetles he would have maybe 1 hit. Just completely overrated, not bad, just overrated to the point of derision.

All those eilishs are exactly the same, just packaged a little differently. She'll fade as fast as kesha. They all have about a 2 year life span. Maybe less.
I used to like u2, and rem. The the lead singers have become such loud mouth d-bags, I've grown to hate them. Same with Eddie vedder
All country after 1999.
Never was a big fan of nirvana..
hate most bands from 1994-2000's. Post grunge bands are bad.
Don't like alot of that eagles, Doogie bros, etc....
I hate Dave matthews band fans more than the band, at least the fans during their peak.

They're boring! Their music is boring. The "Edge" is a boring guitar player. Plus Bono is a pretentious douche bag who has an overinflated sense of self-importance.


Talk about a manufactured musical importance. I remember back when I first heard Nirvana, my thoughts were "meh they're alright I guess". I never and WILL never understand the status they've ascended to in music. There were way, WAY better bands doing similar stuff at that time.

Motley Crue

Never understood the big deal with them. Their very first album Too Fast For Love was pretty good and the band had potential. But everything they did after did not live up to their potential IMO. Plus I never thought Vince Neil was a particular great singer/front man. To be perfectly honest, I thought their album with John Corabi was better than everything they had done since Too Fast For Love. Not a popular take, I know but that was album was actually VERY good!

Greta Van Fleet

Crappy Zeppelin wannabes who's songs are uninspired and boring! Their very first album "From the Fires" showed potential but everything they've released since then has gotten worse and worse.

Imagine Dragons

A bunch of weak, wimpy beta males providing neutered gateway rock for teenage girls looking to move on to something "edgier" than Ariana Grande. Plus the stupidest band name ever!


Very talented musicians but their music puts me to ****ing sleep! Their songs are bloated and completely devoid of any hooks or memorable riffs. If anybody is looking for this kind of music, go listen to Porcupine Tree. They have way better songs IMO.
Agree on the others, but Crue was the quintessential hair metal band, with killer guitar riffs and the lifestyle to back it up. Dr. Feelgood is an all-time great. Tool is one of the most talented heavy bands ever. Varied time signatures and tunings, Danny Carrey killing the drums, incredible tone, and a live performance that rivals anyone.....

Listen to "Pneuma" and tell me they suck.
Agree on the others, but Crue was the quintessential hair metal band, with killer guitar riffs and the lifestyle to back it up. Dr. Feelgood is an all-time great. Tool is one of the most talented heavy bands ever. Varied time signatures and tunings, Danny Carrey killing the drums, incredible tone, and a live performance that rivals anyone.....

Listen to "Pneuma" and tell me they suck.

Yeah I knew Crue would be an unpopular take but they just never did much for me. I was WAY more into the NWOBHM bands back then like Priest, Maiden, Sabbath with Dio, Ozzy, Motorhead, etc. Plus Metallica, AC/DC, Van Halen, etc. Compared to those bands, Motley Crue just seemed like watered down pop metal.

Tool is definitely a talented band. As musicians they are top shelf but their songs do nothing for me. There's nothing catchy at all about their songs I can sink my teeth into. Plus I dont like the singer's incessant, monotone droning.
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Agree on the others, but Crue was the quintessential hair metal band, with killer guitar riffs and the lifestyle to back it up. Dr. Feelgood is an all-time great. Tool is one of the most talented heavy bands ever. Varied time signatures and tunings, Danny Carrey killing the drums, incredible tone, and a live performance that rivals anyone.....

Listen to "Pneuma" and tell me they suck.

It's crazy to me Tool isn't in the RRHOF yet. I mean that really doesn't mean all that much anymore but still. The live performances are an experience, almost like a crazy ride. Also mixed in is they have a lot of humor in their songs. "Rosetta Stoned" is both a banger and hilarious when you pay attention to the lyrics, especially the part where he sings a very serious sounding part about him being the chosen one then says he forgot his pen to write it down. They're also one of the few bands that can throw out 10-15 minute songs and they don't feel that long to me.

One of my favorite Maynard moments is footage of him on stage with Rage Against the Machine and he looks like a dad trying to be cool with his son and friends and at one point he acts like he has to take a phone call so he can leave the stage.
It's crazy to me Tool isn't in the RRHOF yet. I mean that really doesn't mean all that much anymore but still. The live performances are an experience, almost like a crazy ride. Also mixed in is they have a lot of humor in their songs. "Rosetta Stoned" is both a banger and hilarious when you pay attention to the lyrics, especially the part where he sings a very serious sounding part about him being the chosen one then says he forgot his pen to write it down. They're also one of the few bands that can throw out 10-15 minute songs and they don't feel that long to me.

One of my favorite Maynard moments is footage of him on stage with Rage Against the Machine and he looks like a dad trying to be cool with his son and friends and at one point he acts like he has to take a phone call so he can leave the stage.

Bro, if Judas Priest and Iron Maiden arent yet in the hall, aint no damn way Tool deserves to be there yet.
I saw you post this many years ago in some thread in some forum, don't remember. But every time I see you I think about that. You explained why and I don't remember that either.

Anyway, I'll always remember you as the dude that hates one of my favorite bands. Lol.

Doesn't explain it but I can relate

Since somebody (a couple people) mentioned my #1 (FGL), here's a couple more:

System of a Down: Daron Malakian's absolutely amazing guitar work is ruined by Serj Tankian's stupid vocals.
Smashing Pumpkins: Billy Corgan whines, he doesn't sing.
Audioslave/Soundgarden: Hated Chris Cornell's singing voice.

Lol what? Nirvanas “you know you’re right” is actually quite relatable and tragic. And a fantastic song.
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Almost all any rock music after the early 1980's.

Almost all country music after the early 1990's.

Almost all rap music anytime.
Hands down.....RAP. How many times can you "sing" about drugs, b***ches, hoes, drugs, guns, and money. It a bunch of horseschiiittt.
As opposed to the completely wholesome rock and roll. Careful, Elvis is rolling his hips again.

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