Old Army as in today? We have the cherry pies ready and everything for the jump today, if they get to do it. Pretty low ceiling atm. I think we have two cherries to get today. It's been standard practice in this unit since I showed up almost 5 years ago.
nice. you have had a bigger break than me. i went to jump school in '83 and didn't jump again until ranger school in '92. there wasn't any sort of refresher, we just went into pre-jump and i was lost as things had changed. this one RI that had been on my butt for all of the benning phase came up behind me and i thought he was going to chew me out royally. instead he asked quietly what the heck was wrong. i told him when my last jump was and he simply said, its like riding a bike, just pay attention and you'll do fine. he was right, that jump was a blast. have fun, wish i was going out the door with you.