My mail is suddenly very slow

US faces biggest Strike EVER as 350,000 UPS workers demand better conditions - even though its package delivery drivers already earn up to $95,000-a-year

  • UPS' contract is set to expire on July 31, 2023, and 350,000 of its 534,000 employees are expected to go on strike to demand better conditions
The US faces the biggest strike ever as 350,000 UPS workers are set to protest over better conditions, even though delivery drivers already earn upwards of $95,000 a year.

UPS' contract is set to expire on July 31, 2023, and 350,000 of its 534,000 employees are expected to go on strike to demand better conditions.

Those represented by the Teamsters labor union are demanding air conditioning in the back of trucks, after several workers have been injured or died due to extreme heat, as well as better pay packages and benefits.

If the workers go on strike, it will be the first time the company has since 1997, when employees demanded full-time positions and the union wanted to maintain control over the pension fund.

Labor experts suspect the unionized workers will go on strike sometime during the spring while the contract is being negotiated and it will it affect the whole country.

US faces biggest strike EVER as 350,000 UPS workers are set to strike over better conditions | Daily Mail Online
should make Amazon pay it
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I remember the 97 strike, letting the Union take over the pension fund screwed the members and was a great deal for UPS. I wonder how bad the union will f*** it's members this time.
It wasn't a great deal for the company, basically the union had mismanaged the pension so bad that the company had to take it over and invest millions to make it solvent again. They may strike, I doubt it, this is just posturing because the company pulled a good one on the union last contract.
Maybe America needs to realize that we dont need the USPS in this digital age.
Nothing but a work welfare program.

Strike away..and watch the news focus on Granny not getting her SS check. Just one layer over another layer over another layer of inefficiency and Ponzi.
So you know USPS is not UPS right?
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NM. Can't get video to load.



UPS and USPS employees work damn hard. All the clowns who complain about the post office should try doing the work.
The USPS delivers a huge number of Amazon packages every day; the online shopping biz has probably doubled the work load
of mail carriers (I know one). Though it pays fairly well and is unionized, there is a lot of turnover in the USPS, which creates
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UPS and USPS employees work damn hard. All the clowns who complain about the post office should try doing the work.
The USPS delivers a huge number of Amazon packages every day; the online shopping biz has probably doubled the work load
of mail carriers (I know one). Though it pays fairly well and is unionized, there is a lot of turnover in the USPS, which creates

where in the USC is delivering consumer goods? Amazon was nothing but a lifeline for a failing and increasingly unnecessary gov agency.
LG send $1000 cash to me by mail and if I receive it I will send it back. This will allow us to measure the accuracy and speed of the postal service.

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