My opinion on things........

Okay, several things:

1) Kiffin was like Butch in that he recruited at a high level. But he is not like Butch in that he sold the NFL, Butch sells UT. Kiffin recruited talent, Butch recruits talent and character. Look where Kiffins class got us. Guarantee you that unless its a coaches decision, 85% of Butch's players stay the full 3-5 years here.

2.) Butch is like Kiffin in that the fan base is excited again. But for different reasons. Kiffin got us excited because he wasn't Fulmer. He was bringing in a high quality NFL staff and recruits were noticing. Butch has gotten us excited because he truly is passionate about the University of Tennessee and has proved even after falling so far, we are still one of the greatest universities in the world.

3) Butch is NOT like Kiffin in the fact that Kiffin never respected the traditions of UT. Butch is not only respecting it, but adding to it, and educating players on it.

4) I hope that Butch does have a similar season as Kiffin. Knocking off USC and UGA in one season was great. And if Butch could get us as close as he did with Bama, I will take it. Though my heart couldn't take that again. Darn that fat boy.

All that aside, I'm glad we have Butch. I really think we will be looking at Dave Hart in a few years thinking the man discovered a diamond in the rough.
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Oh, and hopefully Butch is not like Kiffin and won't be a dirty cheater who leaves our program worse than he found it.
I don't think Lane Kiffin was very good. A lot of "flash," especially when it came to running his mouth and getting the program a bad reputation. He was a better coach than Derek Dooley, but I think that there are monks in Tibet who don't know what football is that would have been better on the sidelines than Dooley.

In any case, the bottom-line for me with Kiffin is this: If the Taliban had a football team and were playing against a USC team coached by Lane Kiffin, I would root for the Taliban.
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They had no business being preseason #1, even if Saban had been their coach. However, they should have been a 9 or 10 win team. I'd say the expectations screwed them up a good bit. That said, here's to Kiffin's demise.
Lane didn't think #1 was too high of expectations. He voted his team #1 in the preseason as well.
Went to the Ole Miss game in Oxford when Kiffin was here. Got smoked, didn't look like a helluva year from where I was sitting.

My first trip to Ole Miss... The only thing that was good about that day was the weather and The Grove. I think McCluster just scored again.
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I may be one of the few, but I don't hate Kiffin. I'm pissed about all of the dog crap he left us with, infractions wise, but I can't blame him at all for leaving.

I really believe that if USC didn't call, he would still be here. Not saying it's a good thing they didn't. But I don't blame the guy. To me, it wasn't a slap in our face, it was just your dream job. I can understand.

However, Orgeron texting our recruits was just dirty, and he can choke on a dirty sock
I understand the how 2013 being like 2009 can be considered a good thing. Remember, we only went 7-6 that year. We had no business losing to UCLA. We should have never gotten blown out by Ole Miss and VT, and probably should have beaten them both.

Shouldn't have hung with Bama as well as we did though. I hope Butch NEVER coaches a game like Kiffin did against Florida that year. That still makes me sick, he never played to win that game, he just didn't want to get blown out.
Some on here want to claim Kiffin was such a bad coach, but yet this fanbase is in the exact position it was in 2009. We were pumped the hell up, just like in 2009. CBJ will embrace UT more than Kiffin (some say, including myself, he's already neared that point, if not passed it) and we will have a good season. This is a 7-5 team or better. Think about it folks, Kiffin comes in and gets the players, the fanbase and even ESPN pumped. Has one hell of a year his very first year and this is right after Fulmer had already "destroyed the program". This is gonna be a 2009 type year, if not better.
Destroyed the program 13 and 0 in 98 and HALL OF FAME COACH destroyed the TENNESSEE FOOTBALL PROGRAM.:eek:lol:
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Okay, several things:

1) Kiffin was like Butch in that he recruited at a high level. But he is not like Butch in that he sold the NFL, Butch sells UT. Kiffin recruited talent, Butch recruits talent and character. Look where Kiffins class got us. Guarantee you that unless its a coaches decision, 85% of Butch's players stay the full 3-5 years here.

2.) Butch is like Kiffin in that the fan base is excited again. But for different reasons. Kiffin got us excited because he wasn't Fulmer. He was bringing in a high quality NFL staff and recruits were noticing. Butch has gotten us excited because he truly is passionate about the University of Tennessee and has proved even after falling so far, we are still one of the greatest universities in the world.

3) Butch is NOT like Kiffin in the fact that Kiffin never respected the traditions of UT. Butch is not only respecting it, but adding to it, and educating players on it.

4) I hope that Butch does have a similar season as Kiffin. Knocking off USC and UGA in one season was great. And if Butch could get us as close as he did with Bama, I will take it. Though my heart couldn't take that again. Darn that fat boy.

All that aside, I'm glad we have Butch. I really think we will be looking at Dave Hart in a few years thinking the man discovered a diamond in the rough.

I never wanted Fulmer gone so im debating number 2. Kiffin was a good coach and was creating excitement.

Kiffins motto was negative publicity was still publicity and ill admit it was fun being the bad guy.
But he wasnt worth all of the off field trouble, and its probably best he left when he did
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Okay, several things:

1) Kiffin was like Butch in that he recruited at a high level. But he is not like Butch in that he sold the NFL, Butch sells UT. Kiffin recruited talent, Butch recruits talent and character. Look where Kiffins class got us. Guarantee you that unless its a coaches decision, 85% of Butch's players stay the full 3-5 years here.

2.) Butch is like Kiffin in that the fan base is excited again. But for different reasons. Kiffin got us excited because he wasn't Fulmer. He was bringing in a high quality NFL staff and recruits were noticing. Butch has gotten us excited because he truly is passionate about the University of Tennessee and has proved even after falling so far, we are still one of the greatest universities in the world.

3) Butch is NOT like Kiffin in the fact that Kiffin never respected the traditions of UT. Butch is not only respecting it, but adding to it, and educating players on it.

4) I hope that Butch does have a similar season as Kiffin. Knocking off USC and UGA in one season was great. And if Butch could get us as close as he did with Bama, I will take it. Though my heart couldn't take that again. Darn that fat boy.

All that aside, I'm glad we have Butch. I really think we will be looking at Dave Hart in a few years thinking the man discovered a diamond in the rough.

i agree with everything but Hart,I actually think he had run out of his list for coaches and UT lucked up in getting CBJ,i have serious reservations about how good Hart is,of course he will be judged by the CBJ hire,I think it was a stroke of pure luck

and Coach Fulmers record speaks for it's self,I'm one of the few that still think he would have turned it around
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I do agree with the idea that Butch and his coaching staff bring a fresh new excitement to the Hill for football. I think he is more of a "football coach" than anybody we've had since the early Fulmer years.

I am in awe over the amount of your posts. How do you get anything done? Impressive.

68K posts!
Since 2004...
7555 posts per year
629 posts per month
20.69 posts per day!!

Now that is dedication
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Kiffin has proven himself to be a loser at every job he has been given. He had no respect for Tennessee Football Traditions, he has no class, and soon he will have no job. Just another bonehead move by Mike Hamilton that has led to UT's athletic program being in the shape it now is.

Kiffin was here one year and he underachieved with a lot of talent (UCLA, Ole Miss, and the bowl game were big time flops). His one recruiting class turned out to be the single worst recruiting class in Tennessee history. Glad he is gone and wish he had never been here.

He embarrassed the University while he was here, he embarrassed the University in the way he left and if he had stayed, he would have gotten UT in big trouble with the NCAA.

Why anyone would be pining for this loser and trying to glorify his short stay here is beyond comprehension.
Kiffin has proven himself to be a loser at every job he has been given. He had no respect for Tennessee Football Traditions, he has no class, and soon he will have no job. Just another bonehead move by Mike Hamilton that has led to UT's athletic program being in the shape it now is.

Kiffin was here one year and he underachieved with a lot of talent (UCLA, Ole Miss, and the bowl game were big time flops). His one recruiting class turned out to be the single worst recruiting class in Tennessee history. Glad he is gone and wish he had never been here.

He embarrassed the University while he was here, he embarrassed the University in the way he left and if he had stayed, he would have gotten UT in big trouble with the NCAA.

Why anyone would be pining for this loser and trying to glorify his short stay here is beyond comprehension.

Glad to see someone else remembers these blunders. You can add Auburn to that too, I can understand losing that tho, but still it was not as close as the score indicated. The most garbage TD in UT history may have happened on the last play of the game to make that one look better than it really was.
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if he was still here we would have gotten the death penalty already. he was a known cheater and a piece of **** with no respect for the history of our program. and that florida game was the most pussy **** ive ever seen playing to not get blown out for recruiting instead of trying to win. **** him and **** usc
if he was still here we would have gotten the death penalty already. he was a known cheater and a piece of **** with no respect for the history of our program. and that florida game was the most pussy **** ive ever seen playing to not get blown out for recruiting instead of trying to win. **** him and **** usc

and*** b/c#### then*** wtf**** lol
if he was still here we would have gotten the death penalty already. he was a known cheater and a piece of **** with no respect for the history of our program. and that florida game was the most pussy **** ive ever seen playing to not get blown out for recruiting instead of trying to win. **** him and **** usc

Lol. He was playing not to get blown out against UF, but when it comes to Bama, he played it down to the last couple of seconds? Doubt it.
His attitude & smugness was what UT fans hated, especially when he left. His coaching abilities seem to be questionable at best.
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