My opinion on things........

Exactly, I was there to. Couldnt stop one skinny running back.

You do know said skinny RB blew past our beloved E. Berry often, right? So if you're going to get all hot and bothered, make it inclusive to avoid hypocrisy. No, I'm not a Kiffin apologetist but if you're going to call someone out, be fair all around and not just selective. Better yet, let go, that era is over, let go. Why do you folks keep bringing him and DD up over and over? We're in a new era, try getting excited about that instead of rolling the LK and DD boulder uphill only to have it roll back down and over you repeatedly. Please, all you Sisyphus people put the futility aside. Hades left town long ago so leave the boulder at the bottom of the hill and just go home.
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Spurrier and Saban were bad NFL coaches too, BUT.....

As much as I dislike Spurrier and Saban, Kiffin is not and never will be the caliber coach as these two. You should be ashamed of yourself for even trying to compare Kiffin with 2 coaches with multiple National Championships.
The UCLA game was very poorly coached at the end. Run three straight times up the middle inside the 5. Really? How bout try something a little more creative and catch UCLA off guard?:shakehead:
I don't hate Kiffin. I don't like Kiffin. To me he's just another coach now. But if I'm not mistaken he took over a complete mess with the Raiders, had a falling out with Davis and was gone. Although his record that year in Oakland was not good, many will say that he left the Raiders in better shape than when he arrived. Now for Tennessee, I blame his ability to leave on Mike Hamilton. He told Hamilton that he would leave UT for USC only if the job opened up. Of course Hamilton screwed up the Dooley contract by giving him an incredible buyout. But we now have CBJ. It all worked out well.
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Yeah, we got beat by Ole Miss, but what about the a** whoopings we layed on Georgia and SC? Also, traveling to Tuscaloosa, only to lose 12-10 to the eventual NATIONAL CHAMPS? I don't like what Kiffin did any more than the next person, but he brought excitement to the program. CBJ has brought just as much, if not more, and will do it with class instead of bs guaranteed victory tactics. That's what i like about this coaching staff, they're not gonna talk about it, they're gonna show it on the field and we're gonna be happy with how this season turns out.

Gonna show it on the field? And exactly where are we gonna get 7 wins again? I just don't see it. 6 wins tops. Defense will be improved but too much will be asked of them as they will be on the field too long. Offense will be our weakest link for sure. Just grin and bear it this year guys. Butch will get us to where we need to be.
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Gonna show it on the field? And exactly where are we gonna get 7 wins again? I just don't see it. 6 wins tops. Defense will be improved but too much will be asked of them as they will be on the field too long. Offense will be our weakest link for sure. Just grin and bear it this year guys. Butch will get us to where we need to be.
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Butch doesn't coach Vandy...wrong thread
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Some on here want to claim Kiffin was such a bad coach, but yet this fanbase is in the exact position it was in 2009. We were pumped the hell up, just like in 2009. CBJ will embrace UT more than Kiffin (some say, including myself, he's already neared that point, if not passed it) and we will have a good season. This is a 7-5 team or better. Think about it folks, Kiffin comes in and gets the players, the fanbase and even ESPN pumped. Has one hell of a year his very first year and this is right after Fulmer had already "destroyed the program". This is gonna be a 2009 type year, if not better.

He may have got some high rated players. But he went after the one that wouldn't qualify or get kicked off the team.
He is a turd who doesn't seem to care about anyone but himself. When M. Lee got hurt a few days ago, all he said was I didn't see it happen and I don't know anything about it. I guess asking your med staff about a key team member is below him.

He also has a daddy complex because Monty knows football and him...not so much.

He is a Bobby Petrino prototype that doesn't know nearly as much about offense or how to score with the groupie bimbos.
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Some on here want to claim Kiffin was such a bad coach, but yet this fanbase is in the exact position it was in 2009. We were pumped the hell up, just like in 2009. CBJ will embrace UT more than Kiffin (some say, including myself, he's already neared that point, if not passed it) and we will have a good season. This is a 7-5 team or better. Think about it folks, Kiffin comes in and gets the players, the fanbase and even ESPN pumped. Has one hell of a year his very first year and this is right after Fulmer had already "destroyed the program". This is gonna be a 2009 type year, if not better.

Fulmer did not destroy our program, the program had been in decline with a few peaks after 2001, that is true. He hired a bad OC that did not work out in the SEC in 2008. The defense was very good and with a good offense you are looking at a 9-3 season. I get sick of hearing about how bad Fulmer was, the man dominated the SEC for years and is in the HOF. He was 152-52, if Butch does that he will be a hero...period.
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As much as I dislike Spurrier and Saban, Kiffin is not and never will be the caliber coach as these two. You should be ashamed of yourself for even trying to compare Kiffin with 2 coaches with multiple National Championships.

Yes I agee with you, but Spurrier has as many NC as Fulmer.
As much as I dislike Spurrier and Saban, Kiffin is not and never will be the caliber coach as these two. You should be ashamed of yourself for even trying to compare Kiffin with 2 coaches with multiple National Championships.

Wasn't he the Pizz Boy on a uscW team that won the NC in the dark days of SEC college football?
Oh WE'RE confused are we?...carry on diehardvolfan
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I graduated UT Law in '02. What are you confused about here? There is nothing in any of my posts suggesting I went to Vandy or any other school, much less pull for them. I simply refuse to drink the Kool-aid at this time.
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I graduated UT Law in '02. What are you confused about here? There is nothing in any of my posts suggesting I went to Vandy or any other school, much less pull for them. I simply refuse to drink the Kool-aid at this time.
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Research your posts...there's a theme...I don't dispute your UT accreditation...I'm sure you could present a diploma and referral letters from professors...what you can't any form or a track record of support for this program. The post I responded to...where you inject WE is part of your modus operandi. You make a hopeful claim and maybe two more in a chain..then you throw a dig at Jalen Hurd or a claim that WE'LL never be able to recruit at a level to get out of the SEC also-ran ranks...I threw Vandy out there, mainly because of your post where you "lamented" the fact that Vandy was going to crush the Vols by 20 again this season ,albeit with the interjection of UGH...I originally thought you supported Bama...maybe you don't pull for any team...this might be your release since the blue pills stopped working. I'm not trying to solve any mysteries and usually I'd just let you conduct your self amusing campaign unchecked...but there's something about you that needs see you next time
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I graduated UT Law in '02. What are you confused about here? There is nothing in any of my posts suggesting I went to Vandy or any other school, much less pull for them. I simply refuse to drink the Kool-aid at this time.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

If promoting a team's positives and how they may turn into wins is drinking the Orange Kool-aid???? Then I'll drink it everyday Vandy fan before I grin and bear a damn thing
Gonna show it on the field? And exactly where are we gonna get 7 wins again? I just don't see it. 6 wins tops. Defense will be improved but too much will be asked of them as they will be on the field too long. Offense will be our weakest link for sure. Just grin and bear it this year guys. Butch will get us to where we need to be.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

......and fyi vandy fan, Butch and vols offense will not only surprise this year, they will embarass vandy
Kiffin would have had us back on top QUICKLY. Not because he's an especially good coach--but he put together a HELLUVA staff and they were upgrading the talent in a major way. We would have been a powerhouse in three years. Now, mind you, under the best of circumstances, he would not have stayed more than 5 years, if that: Once he got UT back to prominence, he would have bolted for the first NFL head job that he would have been offered. He wasn't a good 'ole boy who was going to stay in Knoxville longer than necessary to burnish his coaching credentials. He might have also got us into NCAA trouble after leaving--which I think he did anyway--but he did bring us excitement.

Also, unlike most people, I thought Hamilton made a brilliant move to hire him. It was gutsy. It blew up in our faces when he quit but that was nothing but stupid bad luck--nobody expected Carroll to quit USC; indeed, if Kiffin had had an inkling that Carroll was thinking about quitting for the pro game again, he would have never taken the UT job. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I loved the hire--and Kiffin brought some credibility to UT. He was a USC guy, an NFL guy--a guy who benefited from nepotism, no doubt--but he brought some cachet to UT. It was just freak bad luck--and we've had a lot of it for a decade. But when you get down in the SEC, it's hard to climb back up --this ain't the da*m acc.
Kiffin would have had us back on top QUICKLY. Not because he's an especially good coach--but he put together a HELLUVA staff and they were upgrading the talent in a major way. We would have been a powerhouse in three years. Now, mind you, under the best of circumstances, he would not have stayed more than 5 years, if that: Once he got UT back to prominence, he would have bolted for the first NFL head job that he would have been offered. He wasn't a good 'ole boy who was going to stay in Knoxville longer than necessary to burnish his coaching credentials. He might have also got us into NCAA trouble after leaving--which I think he did anyway--but he did bring us excitement.

Also, unlike most people, I thought Hamilton made a brilliant move to hire him. It was gutsy. It blew up in our faces when he quit but that was nothing but stupid bad luck--nobody expected Carroll to quit USC; indeed, if Kiffin had had an inkling that Carroll was thinking about quitting for the pro game again, he would have never taken the UT job. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I loved the hire--and Kiffin brought some credibility to UT. He was a USC guy, an NFL guy--a guy who benefited from nepotism, no doubt--but he brought some cachet to UT. It was just freak bad luck--and we've had a lot of it for a decade. But when you get down in the SEC, it's hard to climb back up --this ain't the da*m acc.

Kiffin would have had us back on top QUICKLY. Not because he's an especially good coach--but he put together a HELLUVA staff and they were upgrading the talent in a major way. We would have been a powerhouse in three years. Now, mind you, under the best of circumstances, he would not have stayed more than 5 years, if that: Once he got UT back to prominence, he would have bolted for the first NFL head job that he would have been offered. He wasn't a good 'ole boy who was going to stay in Knoxville longer than necessary to burnish his coaching credentials. He might have also got us into NCAA trouble after leaving--which I think he did anyway--but he did bring us excitement.

Also, unlike most people, I thought Hamilton made a brilliant move to hire him. It was gutsy. It blew up in our faces when he quit but that was nothing but stupid bad luck--nobody expected Carroll to quit USC; indeed, if Kiffin had had an inkling that Carroll was thinking about quitting for the pro game again, he would have never taken the UT job. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I loved the hire--and Kiffin brought some credibility to UT. He was a USC guy, an NFL guy--a guy who benefited from nepotism, no doubt--but he brought some cachet to UT. It was just freak bad luck--and we've had a lot of it for a decade. But when you get down in the SEC, it's hard to climb back up --this ain't the da*m acc.

Not sure if serious.

There's nothing in Kiffin's body of work to suggest he would have done anything but be mediocre, with a couple "feel good" losses thrown in.

He's all sizzle and no steak.

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