My Pillow In Trouble Financially

Mattresses and pillows are personal things. It takes a lot of experimentation to find the right combo of pillow and mattress.
And it is expensive to find the right combo.

Needs to be a rental service where a person can rent for a few weeks. Sanitary, hygienic, and sterile of course. Find the perfect fit and then purchase.
And it is expensive to find the right combo.

Needs to be a rental service where a person can rent for a few weeks. Sanitary, hygienic, and sterile of course. Find the perfect fit and then purchase.

Rental beds? Lulz
I think we mostly agree, we just disagree about what it means to be political/active. I count donations. I count putting up a flag.
In your mind, putting up a flag is a political action? Damn man….since when is showing support for your country political? Wait….. I’m today’s poon world I guess it could be
I don't want any company I support to have a level of political activism. I do like companies which are active in their local communities...which could be the same thing as political activism.

But yeah, ole Mike made some colossal bad judgment on which hill to die on.
Business owners, celebrities and other high profile individuals are much better off keeping their political beliefs private….IMO
Business owners, celebrities and other high profile individuals are much better off keeping their political beliefs private….IMO
SEC Coaches?
High school coaches?
Little league coaches?
Pro Athletes?
Project managers?
Cub Scout Leaders?
Sunday school teachers?

Or better yet, who should feel free to voice their political beliefs publicly?
Love our Purple mattress but damn I hated the pillow. IDK what it was I just couldn't get comfortable with it.

After 7 years, just used the warranty to replace our purple. Feels good. My ass groove got to be too much.
SEC Coaches?
High school coaches?
Little league coaches?
Pro Athletes?
Project managers?
Cub Scout Leaders?
Sunday school teachers?

Or better yet, who should feel free to voice their political beliefs publicly?
Everyone should feel free. Though I am now a little nervous about that American flag out front.
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SEC Coaches?
High school coaches?
Little league coaches?
Pro Athletes?
Project managers?
Cub Scout Leaders?
Sunday school teachers?

Or better yet, who should feel free to voice their political beliefs publicly?

WHUT? Everyone is free to voice their political beliefs, that doesn’t mean it’s smart to do so.
After 7 years, just used the warranty to replace our purple. Feels good. My ass groove got to be too much.

We’ve had ours maybe 3 years, I don’t remember how long the warranty is but did they give you any problems?
WHUT? Everyone is free to voice their political beliefs, that doesn’t mean it’s smart to do so.
Of course. I didn't ask who was free, I asked who should feel free?
I guess my question should have been worded "who can be smart in exercising their freedom to voice their political beliefs?"
SEC Coaches?
High school coaches?
Little league coaches?
Pro Athletes?
Project managers?
Cub Scout Leaders?
Sunday school teachers?
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Maybe he spends too much on advertising? You can't watch any of the cable news networks and not see Mike. Even MSNBC. And why so much on cable news?
We’ve had ours maybe 3 years, I don’t remember how long the warranty is but did they give you any problems?

No, it was easy. Warranty was 10 years for me. May have changed the policy since I bought. All I had to do was demonstrate with a photo that it was bowed in, which was a little tricky because it was only bowing like 1/2" when I wasn't laying on it. I took the photo with light coming in strong through the window with a ruler across the bow and there was no denying you could see daylight coming from under the ruler.
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