My Pillow In Trouble Financially

Seems like it would make a lot of noise in your ear. Sleeping on a bag of beans??

But tell me more. I’m about to get new pillows for our room and the guest rooms.
Yes, there is some noise, but I adjusted pretty quick. Plus, I don’t toss and turn as much so dont create as much noise.

The great thing about them is they provide a lot of head/neck support, and they stay cooler than any other pillow I've tried. The buckwheat hulls allow more circulation so they don't get hot. They're definitely firm, though, which some won't like.
I don't want any company I support to have a level of political activism. I do like companies which are active in their local communities...which could be the same thing as political activism.

But yeah, ole Mike made some colossal bad judgment on which hill to die on.

You are assuming that this guy is telling the truth about his finances. I'd suspect he's lying just like he's been doing for the last 3 years....
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Mike is just pulling a page out of the Alex Jones playbook: Claim poverty and legal issues (that were solely his doing) to get $$$$ out of those who are too brainwashed to see what he is doing...
They are heavy and yeah and they have some noise to them when you first snuggle in. But that's the thing, at least with me once I'm out I stay out and don't move much since we got them. No more neck/shoulder pain either.

I may get one of these for me and try it. I’ve got neck and shoulder pain that I haven’t been able to shake for the last six months. It’s why the new pillows. The wife insists we need new ones for the whole house.
I may get one of these for me and try it. I’ve got neck and shoulder pain that I haven’t been able to shake for the last six months. It’s why the new pillows. The wife insists we need new ones for the whole house.
Luther said you should try this for your neck pain.

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