Not happy the basketball program is facing substantial penalties proves loyalty. Got it.
I don't disagree with anything in the OP. I don't really care about being the darlings of the coaching circle, but I realize that the issue goes deeper.
I think it's important to remember that we don't really have all of the information on the violations. Trying to cover up the violations is obviously not good, but the violations themselves... it's like the 6 minor violations under Kiffin for things like ESPN filming us talking to recruits and mentioning BB once on the radio.
Not all violations are created equal. If it's multiple prospects and every coach on staff is doing it, then that's a bad sign. If it's only Selby right after he decommitted, then don't let it happen again.
Addressing some other random stuff now, barring your charismatic head coach from recruiting off campus is not a cost-cutting measure. If the NCAA even considers that aspect, they must have some kind of vendetta.
As for the paycuts, I'm guessing that has to be in the contracts or it probably doesn't happen. It does show some form of acceptance of wrongdoing, and I think it's punitive rather than money-saving in nature. Maybe it doesn't help the case much, but maybe it does, and it can't hurt.