I assume you have to give it to him in two doses per day, how many mg per dose? I'm not sure what you mean by "it has done wonders". Was he having seizures everyday and now hasn't had any? Behr hadn't had one in about a week when I started him on the meds and didn't have one for another 12 days afterwards. The only difference was the side effects, and like I said in my previous post, they are pitiful to see.
I wasn't told he would get immune to the meds. I was told that we would try the phenobarb first because it's the most common and not as hard on the kidney's as the other options, but if we couldn't find a satisfactory level in his system, we would have to go another route. He is on 90 mg twice a day for a total of 180 mg a day (theres your math lesson for the day)
Behr will be 9 years old next month. As far as "do they get harder to control as he gets older".....I don't know. I still don't have them under control at all yet. I know they don't get any easier to watch and I stress to the max everytime hoping it doesn't last more than 5 minutes. I take him back in two weeks to get blood work done to see what the Phenobarb level is. Accourding to his age, weight and size, his vet wants the level between 22-24 units, last time it was 18 so we upped the dosage from 120 to 180.
After a seizure Behr pants like he just ran a marathon and will raise his head up to see if I'm there, and licks my face as if he were thinking "thank God you're here........ W- IN -T - F was that?", then he gets up and wanders the house for 20-30 minutes running in to walls, doors and furniture, and drinks about a gallon of water.
I wish you the best and bless you for taking on the responsibility. The hardest part of it with me, besides seeing it, is wondering how he is when I'm not home....having that 1 that last for more than 5 minutes when I'm not there. I'm not home right now.......