We won't pay down or pay off the debt. No will to do this by politicians or the populace.Problem is the debt/gdp ratio sucks the life out of the dollar as it continues to rise. Do we not think inflation won’t/can’t decouple from interest rate increases as we pile on more debt? We don’t need to pay off the debt, we need to pay it down and lower our debt/gdp ratio. And $600k home at $100k gross pay??? Wtf? Back of the napkin math says you’re probably paying more than 40% of your net income on housing. No way, Josè!
What they'll try to do is slowly grow GDP and inflate our way down to a more normal level.
We were close to these levels after WWII and got the debt to GDP ratio all the way down to 31% of GDP (from 119%) until Regan got elected.
Best we can hope for is to slow the increase of debt at some point.