Navy Seals Save the Captain

Shortly after Obama's envoy, Richard Holbrooke, visited Pakistan, that country surrendered to the Taliban and al-Qaeda, putting the entire world in danger.

In a shocking abdication of responsibility, the Pakistani government now says the Taliban has the authority to impose sharia law in the northern part of that country. That means the Pakistani government is allowing these terrorists to do whatever they want, and that will include continuing their attacks on American forces in neighboring Afghanistan.



White House defends Obama's silence in pirate ordeal

Personally, I think every U.S. ship should carry weapons with a couple of trained military personnel on board. Blow the pirates away, and they will soon refrain from attacking U.S. cargo ships. You don't discourage piracy by paying the ransom.
Personally, I think every U.S. ship should carry weapons with a couple of trained military personnel on board. Blow the pirates away, and they will soon refrain from attacking U.S. cargo ships. You don't discourage piracy by paying the ransom.

One current theme advocated is for shipping companies to hire private security to man the ships to deter this activity.
The USS Bainbridge is named in honor of Capt. William Bainbridge who dealt with islamic pirates two centuries ago.


Captain Bainbridge was a hostage of the muslim pirates of his day for nearly three years.

Never again would America pay tribute.


The USS Bainbridge is equipped with 2 x 25 mm, 4 x 12.7 mm guns plus a large quantity of missiles, and 2 heli’s with missile and 7.62 mm guns and carries two twin Terrier missile launchers, two twin 3″ .50 caliber radar controlled gun mounts, two torpedo mounts, an ASROC launcher, and was equipped with state of the art electronics and communications suites.
The USS Bainbridge is named in honor of Capt. William Bainbridge who dealt with islamic pirates two centuries ago.


Captain Bainbridge was a hostage of the muslim pirates of his day for nearly three years.

Never again would America pay tribute.


The USS Bainbridge is equipped with 2 x 25 mm, 4 x 12.7 mm guns plus a large quantity of missiles, and 2 heli’s with missile and 7.62 mm guns and carries two twin Terrier missile launchers, two twin 3″ .50 caliber radar controlled gun mounts, two torpedo mounts, an ASROC launcher, and was equipped with state of the art electronics and communications suites.

Just thought you should know the ship you're referencing was struck in 1996.

This is the current USS Bainbridge of recent fame:
USS Bainbridge (DDG-96)

Right sport, wrong field GSVol.

Thanks for the spot. I suppose it saw the ")" and thought it wasn't part of the URL. Corrected.
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Just thought you should know the ship you're referencing was struck in 1996.

This is the current USS Bainbridge of recent fame:
USS Bainbridge (DDG-96)

Right sport, wrong field GSVol.

Thanks for the spot. I suppose it saw the ")" and thought it wasn't part of the URL. Corrected.

Thanks for snagging that fly ball DC.

I noticed in the top link the fourth Bainbridge was listed until '97 but my windows was about to crash so I just went with what I had.

I can't wait til I can trash out windows and load ubuntu if what everyone says is true.

Nice to know someone intelligent is reading.
Thanks for the correction. :)

I used to get some very up close looks at some of our guided missile frigates back in the sixties when they made port in Southern Europe. Man did they ever look sleek and fast, dangerous looking too with those two surface to surface missiles sitting on their forward decks.


The current USS Bainbridge.

I thought it interesting that this particular ship ended up the one to catch the pirates considering the historical significance of it's name.

Maybe more shipping companies will consider sailing under American license and hence flying the American flag, it might just be financially wise for them to do so.

Who knows, maybe Americans will once again be able to make a living as merchant marines.

I knew a guy who could have his choice of a half dozen rides most any day back in the sixties, but in the nineties he might have to wait months to get any ride at all.
More details on the rescue.

Even if the obvious White House lie were true and Obama acted within 'a few hours', that is a couple of hours and fifty nine minutes too long, imo.

If Obama's yoyos in charge at central command waited nearly a day and a half to inform the president, that is sheer incompetence to me. (FWIW, I don't believe they waited that long, the president should be notified within seconds of an incident of this magnitude, the goal being zero time.)

Allah said, ‘No Prophet before Muhammad took booty from his enemy nor prisoners for ransom.’ Muhammad said, ‘I was made victorious with terror. The earth was made a place for me to clean. I was given the most powerful words. Booty was made lawful for me. I was given the power to intercede. These five privileges were awarded to no prophet before me.’

So enjoy what you have gotten of booty in war, lawful and good. [Koran verse 8.69]

So when Hitlery calls the pirates 'criminals', isn't she being bigoted according to their way of thinking??

There is a good run down of Obama's friends and associates at the bottom of the page in the above link and here re some things I didn't know.

William Ayers, in addition to being a communist, Ayers apparently converted at some point to Islam, giving his children Nation of Islam names and adopting for himself the Muslim honorific “Abu Zayd,” meaning “father of Zayd.” Thus Ayers named both his son and himself after Black Panther/Nation of Islam thug Zayd Malik Shakur, who murdered NJ policeman Werner Forrester in 1973.

Especially for Emain; there is a witness signature to the Odinga/muslim pact that Odinga, who like Obama claims to be a Christian, rationalized on his own website until recently!!!!

How 'bout dem apples Emain????? Another outrageous claim for you to try to discredit!! You can even download via pdf and examine more closely.

Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki called Obama a “stooge” of Odinga.

Good write up of outright racist teachings of Jeremiah Wright who calls Jesus a 'prophet' unlike any other Christian sect but the same as muslims do.

Khalid Al-Mansour, who managed Obama’s admission to Harvard Law, is another radical Nation of Islam racist, who once declared that God wanted blacks to go around cutting white people’s noses off.

I didn't know early communist mentor of Obama, Frank Marshall Davis was a pedophile, that might explain why Barry has been accused of having an affair with the homosexual minister of music at he Chicago 'church' (read racist, socialist indoctrination center) before song leader's untimely murder.


Abduhl Wali-i-Musi, the surviving Somali of the recent incident arriving in NYC.

He was due to appear in federal court in New York on Tuesday. He is the first pirate to be tried in the United States in more than century.

Ron Kuby, a New York-based civil rights lawyer, said he has been in discussions about forming a legal team to represent the Somalian.


Ron was a host last year on a segment of the now defunct "airhead America" liberal talk radio network that went broke because all the libs were listening to Rush.

Kuby called his show "Doing Time With Ron Kuby" and his theme song was Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On."

On his first show he spoke of Hitlerly's bowing out of the demo primary as "amazing and fantastic." :crazy:

Another slightly related situation.

There are 17 Uighurs (pronounced WEE-gers) at Guantanamo. A U.S. official familiar with the discussions over their release said that as many as seven could be resettled in the U.S., possibly in two or more small groups.

The move would also incense Chinese officials, who consider the Uighurs domestic terrorists and want those held at Guantanamo handed over for investigation. U.S. officials no longer consider the Chinese Muslims to be enemy combatants and fear they would be mistreated in China.

Officials have not said where in the United States they might live. But many Uighur immigrants from China live in Washington's Virginia suburbs, and advocates have urged that the detainees be resettled near people who speak their language and are familiar with their customs.

The release is a slap in the face to Beijing, which has requested that the Uighur prisoners be repatriated to China to stand trial for separatist activities. In their testimony before the Guantanamo tribunal, the Uighurs admitted that their purpose in going to Afghanistan was to receive military training to fight Chinese rule over Xinjiang.

"If these people are terrorists, they should be punished. If they are not terrorists, the United States should apologize to China for holding them so long and make compensation," said Zhang Jiadong, an expert in terrorism at Fudan University's Center for American Studies.

In 2006, the U.S. released five Uighurs into Albania. After pressure from Beijing, which also urged other countries with Uighur communities not to accept the released detainees, Albania declined to take any more.
It doesn't even take private secruity on "ALL" the ships..
Just drown (walk the plank) the one's that are caught.

This UN crap is crazy, countries rescue ships, decide they have no authority in Somali, so they turn the priates loose..
It doesn't even take private secruity on "ALL" the ships..
Just drown (walk the plank) the one's that are caught.

This UN crap is crazy, countries rescue ships, decide they have no authority in Somali, so they turn the priates loose..

I like this plan, I would tell the pirates they are free to go home and kick them off my ship.
now let's see if he has the stones to tackle the larger problem the pirates pose to international commerce.

Piracy attacks almost doubled in 2009 first quarter

A dramatic increase in activity by Somali pirates led to a near doubling in the number of ships attacked during the year’s first quarter compared with the same period in 2008, according to a report issued today by the International Chamber of Commerce’s International Maritime Bureau (IMB).

A total of 102 incidents were reported to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) in the first three months of 2009 compared to 53 incidents in the first quarter of 2008. The quarterly report also said attacks increased by almost 20% over last quarter of 2008.

The increase in the first quarter of 2009 is due almost entirely to increased Somali pirate activity off the Gulf of Aden and the east coast of Somalia. The two areas accounted for 61 of the 102 attacks during the first quarter compared to six incidents for the same period in 2008.

IMB reported that worldwide a total of 34 vessels were boarded, 29 vessels fired upon, and nine vessels hijacked. A total of 178 crew members were taken hostage, nine were injured, five kidnapped, and two killed. In the majority of incidents, the attackers were heavily armed with guns or knives. In addition, violence against crew members continued to increase.

In January 2009, one in every six vessels attacked was successfully hijacked, with the rate decreasing to one in eight for February 2009 and one in 13 for the month of March.

The east coast of Somalia recorded 20 attacks in the first quarter of the year, with 18 of the incidents reported in March alone − including four hijackings.

In addition to Somalia, Nigeria continues to be a high risk area. In the first quarter of 2009 IMB received reports of only seven incidents, although unconfirmed reports would suggest that at least a further 13 attacks had occurred in the same period.

The report said that Peru has seen an increased level of incidents in its waters, with seven attacks reported to the PRC, all of them successful.

And he doesn't need a UN treaty to do it.
Here is something I hadn't heard before.

Somali pirates pull double cross.

The ship's second mate, Ken Quinn, told CNN by telephone that Capt. Phillips was being held in a lifeboat, even after the crew handed over a pirate they had been holding as an exchange. "We returned him but they didn't return the captain," he said.

Another interesting thing, one of our favorite news services, Reuters, was evidently able to contact the pirates in the lifeboat via satellite cell phone.

Is reuters a news source or a muslim propaganda outfit??

I haven't been a huge Obama supporter, but he gave the commanders on the ground the authority to make a command decision, and they did.
Then the shooters executed perfectly..

In reality Bush had a 14 point plan issued in December of 2008 that gave our Navy much more leeway than the Obama micro-management of the situation that was so reminiscent of Dhimmi Carter's massive failure in an attempt to rescue hostages in Tehran of which that he helped to enable to begin with.

Bush's plan evoked a response from one observer that brought to mind Halsey's comment from WWII when FDR turned him loose in the Pacific; "It's the best order from Washington that I ever received."

These pirates don't seem like your average Muslim extremist pre-occupied with martyrdom. They want money.

Even though you have expressed that you have me on your 'ignore' list for some, as yet, unexplained reason, I will reply.

Au contraire Pierre!

In spite of the news media distancing the recent attack on a cruise ship off the coast of Somalia from global terrorism, intelligence experts believe this is just the latest operation initiated against the United States and the West by Al-Qaeda.

Recently a failed assassination attempt on the prime minister of Somalia, as well as the attempt to hijack a luxury American cruise ship, has intensified apprehension and fear that the shaky Somalian government is losing to Al-Qaeda and Wahhabi terror groups.

Since 2003, Somalia has witnessed the growth of a brutal network of Jihad with strong ties to Al-Qaeda. In fact, when the US forces faced a bloody battle in 1995 during what became known as the Black Hawk Down incident, it was Al-Qaeda joining with a local warlord who killed and wounded US special operations soldiers.

(Thanks to the piss poor administration of Billy Bubba Clinton, aka 'slick Willy.')gs

During the 1990s, a group of Saudi-educated, Wahhabi militants arrived in Somalia with the aim of creating an Islamic state in this dismal African country. Also, the renowned Al-Qaeda established an operations base and training camp. They would routinely attack and ambush UN peacekeepers.

(They also arrived in the Balkans and our pal Billy Bubba Clinton aka 'slick willy' dropped more bombs on a traditional ally than we dropped in Vietnam to further their cause.)gs

In addition, they used Somalia to export their brand of terrorism into neighboring Kenya.

(With the avid and personal support of a man by the name of Barack Hussein Obama.)gs

I was wondering how this would be spun into a joke or insult at Obama. No bias on this board. :sad:


This is insanity. I wonder if any news organization will write a story about the pirates plight, and how they were treated brutally by the U.S.?

Check out the Associated Press releases for starters.

You don't think for one second that Obama will approve any action against a 'muslim country' do you???

The man who described the overthrow of the despotic tyrant Saddam Hussein as;

"a botched and ill-advised U.S. military incursion into a Muslim country."

Just more target practice for the "SEALS".:machgun:

Having known a couple of Seals, I have tremendous respect for the things they have to do to qualify to become a Seal. They test the limits of human endurance.

My next door neighbor spent two winters a Chosin in South Korea. A place he described as probably one of the coldest places in the world.

He was probably a forerunner of the present day Seals, they were trained to swim underwater for an amphibious

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