Wages are only taxed once as regards the activity of working. Wages paid, as part of expenses, work to reduce profit and are therefore not taxed as any part of Corporate Income. A single activity should only be taxed once, if at all, by a certain entity (e.g., the Federal Government should only tax your wages once; the State Government should only tax your wages once).
This is no more than a rhetorical device to divert the argument and you know it. A dollar is not an activity; working, investing, purchasing, etc. are activities. If you support taxing non-activities, then why not simply institute a dollar-amount tax across the board of which everyone, to include those who are not working, investing, or purchasing, is subject to?
Then close those loopholes. Prohibit companies from using losses in prior years to offset tax liability in the future.
This is a solid class warfare argument. What is wrong with being taxed twice on a single activity is that one is taxed twice on a single activity while everyone else is only taxed once. The income that the shareholders are entitled to is already being taxed at over 35% for most large corporations (well above most individual income tax rates); then, the shareholders must pay another 15% on "their share"...but, they have already paid a 35% tax on the entire pot, which means they have already paid a 35% tax on their share.
However, if you still think that is only worrisome and troubling for "the investor class" (even though a vast majority of Americans have holdings in mutual funds), then maybe you should think deeply about what it is that this "investor class" provides: capital. Without capital, businesses are going to have a very tough time staying in business; if they cannot stay in business, they cannot provide jobs.
The extra-taxes on capital gains are deterrent taxes; they are actually a disincentive to investing and, therefore, a disincentive to production. Without production, resources are not exploited and developed. Money is only a symbol of resources (it is not simply paper that is printed off); therefore, by the extra-tax is actually a deterrent to money. It is absurd.