First and foremost, to me its an issue of intellectual honesty and fairness. Defenders of the special tax treatment of income derived from investment contend that it is a policy choice based on doing what's good for the economy.
I think that is utter crap.
I think that such treatment is purely a result of Congress effectively being bought off by the wealthiest, including individuals and business groups to which they belong. Its purely quid pro quo.
Second, and related, I don't think it would slow the economy significantly because the reality is that those dollars are being hoarded or going overseas now, anyway.
So, third, when weighed against the non-existent benefit to such special treatment for capital gains, and considering how it came to be that such special treatment was adopted, I am personally offended by it. It makes me angry.
Heck, when you see Romney talk about it in terms of his own personal fortune, he looks like he feels guilty about it. You know why? He does.
He should.