NBA Championship: Mavs vs. Heat (merged)

This is an entirely different debate all together.

I will just say this, I have two young sons and it is my responsibility for them to look up to me as their father, not some random guy throwing a ball.

I understand but it's unrealistic. No one wants to pretend to be a marketer or insurance adjuster and sometimes the glamour of sports especially in my house hold will effect my kids (granted I'm only 23 and childless at this moment). Besides if my kid likes bball he better not pretend to be me cause he will suck lol. It's the job of the father to contain the role model effect to just sport related. I hope my kid looks up to me as a person and a man and it is our responsibility but it's not fully realistic to be the one and only in every category. i see it both ways and kind of stand in the middle on the subject.
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Nbaker; Perhaps it's also the perception as if lebron is cheaply getting a ring by joining two other stars because he isn't what people claim he is. He is not a king yet embraces it and goes too far with it. A sense of entitlement without the title itself?
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I understand but it's unrealistic. No one wants to pretend to be a marketer or insurance adjuster and sometimes the glamour of sports especially in my house hold will effect my kids (granted I'm only 23 and childless at this moment). Besides if my kid likes bball he better not pretend to be me cause he will suck lol. It's the job of the father to contain the role model effect to just sport related. I hope my kid looks up to me as a person and a man and it is our responsibility but it's not fully realistic to be the one and only in every category. i see it both ways and kind of stand in the middle on the subject.
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I see what you are saying.

Of course my kids will look up to whoever is great at the time when they get older in the world of sports, but I will teach them to look up to them for what they do on the field, never mind what they do off of it.

That is my job. It's not LeBron's job or any other ahletes job to raise our youth. I'd like to see LeBron be more humble or handle himself a little better but it isn't enough for me to dislike him, cause I enjoy watching him play basketball. the Finals withstanding.:)
This thread is for the Finals series but what are we talking about?

When the Mavs won, more people came on here to say suck it LeBron then they did to say way to go Mavs.

Hate has been thrown out there but even the ones who haven't used the word certainly seem like they feel that way.

I've been rooting for the Mavs the whole time. My wife is from Dallas. I don't think Lebron was calling me a hater. I think he was referring to the millions who were much more excited to see Miami lose than to see Dallas win. Thus "haters" and not "fans".
Nbaker; Perhaps it's also the perception as if lebron is cheaply getting a ring by joining two other stars because he isn't what people claim he is. He is not a king yet embraces it and goes too far with it. A sense of entitlement without the title itself?
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But that is totally unfair, Kobe isn't out winning titles with a bunch of scrubs, whether he left to play with Wade and Bosh is irrelevant, every payer needs help, it was obvious that Cleveland was never going to land a player of that caliber to help him there so he did what he had to do.
I've been rooting for the Mavs the whole time. My wife is from Dallas. I don't think Lebron was calling me a hater. I think he was referring to the millions who were much more excited to see Miami lose than to see Dallas win. Thus "haters" and not "fans".

Nbaker; Perhaps it's also the perception as if lebron is cheaply getting a ring by joining two other stars because he isn't what people claim he is. He is not a king yet embraces it and goes too far with it. A sense of entitlement without the title itself?
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Possibly, but I think that perception is so stupid. Kobe had nothing to do with the Lakers getting Shaq or with the Lakers getting Odom and Gasol. MJ had nothing to do with the Bulls getting Pippen and Rodman. Etc. Why hate on a guy that leaves his original team because they can't put together a winner? Nobody wins on their own. Not even MJ. He was the best player ever and then he won 6 titles because he had the good fortune to have a winner built around him. That "fortune" doesn't diminish his titles anymore than Lebron's departure from Cleveland should diminish potential future titles.

If the situation at Microsoft is less than ideal, nobody in America is going to criticize somebody who leaves the organization for Apple.
This thread is for the Finals series but what are we talking about?

When the Mavs won, more people came on here to say suck it LeBron then they did to say way to go Mavs.

Hate has been thrown out there but even the ones who haven't used the word certainly seem like they feel that way.

Oh, so you're LG now? :p
But that is totally unfair, Kobe isn't out winning titles with a bunch of scrubs, whether he left to play with Wade and Bosh is irrelevant, every payer needs help, it was obvious that Cleveland was never going to land a player of that caliber to help him there so he did what he had to do.

I think people would be fine if he didn't have a show for it and then have a celebration for it and claimed what he did. He put that on himself by not being upfront and being "Hollywood as hell". I don't like lebron because he didn't congratulate Dwight in 2009 and sent mo Williams? To talk to the media. I haven't liked him since that episode of immaturity and he hasnt changed either. Dwight thought they were friends up until that point and was hurt by that lack of consideration.
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Everyone should be a lebron fan because he hasn't committed a crime. That is the only reason to not like a guy. Wow!
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I don't like lebron because when things are going good he eats it up, when things are going bad he won't take the blame for it. That's why he looks so ignorant. Watching him say that quote live definitely struck me as him bragging he is better than everyone.
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I don't like lebron because when things are going good he eats it up, when things are going bad he won't take the blame for it. That's why he looks so ignorant. Watching him say that quote live definitely struck me as him bragging he is better than everyone.
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Except for that he did take blame in the same presser you referenced.
Except for that he did take blame in the same presser you referenced.

I never heard him say it was his fault, they asked him if he choked which he did, and he just looked at wade. The same way he looked at wade to win him a championship.
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I never heard him say it was his fault, they asked him if he choked which he did, and he just looked at wade. The same way he looked at wade to win him a championship.
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He gave credit to Dallas' D and basically said that he was unable to play at a high level. Do you want him to explicitly say, "It's my fault we lost" for you to accept that he is taking ownership? This is ironic when somehow his critics (not saying you) extrapolate, "I'm richer than you" when he didn't even implicitly say that.

What about this one? "It's my fault we got to the NBA finals." I'm sure that would've gone over well, but they don't sniff the finals without him. Wade was much worse in the EF than Lebron was in the Finals.
Hilarious. D. Stevenson was wearing this t shirt today...

Those stats are "much worse" than King's?

Yeah. Lebron had 4 more assists per game, 1 more rebound, and shot above league average (Wade below*). There's a huge difference.

Not to mention Lebron was good enough to carry them to victory despite Wade's poor play, but Wade wasn't good enough to carry the Heat when Lebron played poorly.

The comment was in response to somebody implying Lebron's only hope was to look to Wade for a championship.

*And when you shoot inefficiently, the more points you score the more you are hurting your team.
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Yeah. Lebron had 4 more assists per game, 1 more rebound, and shot above league average (Wade below*). There's a huge difference.

Not to mention Lebron was good enough to carry them to victory despite Wade's poor play, but Wade wasn't good enough to carry the Heat when Lebron played poorly.

The comment was in response to somebody implying Lebron's only hope was to look to Wade for a championship.

*And when you shoot inefficiently, the more points you score the more you are hurting your team.

I am sure that had nothing to do with the Bulls being the best defensive team in the league
Whether or not they were the best defensive team, they weren't stopping Lebron. They were stopping Wade, and that's the point.

Doesn't matter, much like your bs about Malone and Barkley, this crap is a joke. They both had one bad series, unfortunately for Lebron, his was the one that mattered the most.
Because wade didn't play well against the bulls, makes up for lebron scoring a total of 18 points in the 4th quarters of the series.
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That and the Bulls had Deng on Lebron for the most part with Bogans or Rose on Wade. I will let you guess who the better defensive players are.

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