I think Chism is the player most fit to develop in the NBA physically because he has adequate height and has very good footwork and is pretty athletic for his height. He also can shoot the outside ball and has been dominant at times. I think the thing with him is can he play hard every game for 82 games. I dont think he'll ever be a star or anything or even break a starting lineup for that matter but he could find a spot as a role player on alot of rosters. Without an outside shot I dont like Tyler Smiths chances in the NBA. He lacks elite ball handeling to be playing the 3 spot and doesnt have near the shooting ability. If he was just a few inches taller he would make a good 4 but in the NBA 6'7 is way undersized. T Smith is a victim of being a twinner type player and he will likely make a roster for a few seasons but I dont see him making a huge impact. As for JP Prince I won't even entertain the thought of him in the NBA.