NC St -vs- S Carolina (merged)

Probably doesn't mean anything. Their defense looks pretty good. But its hard to tell against NC State. I guess spurrier left his high flying offenses back in florida. Because the teams he has fielded in recent years bear no resemblance. I guess it is true your only as good as your players.
the saliva machine had excuses and leaned on the kicking game. That's strong (and funny as hell).
Posted via VolNation Mobile
sent that SAME text to my friend earlier

can't do it with nfl talent, or south carolina's talent. and apparently neither can his son.
Lou said "they should be sorta happy.. they've played okay defense and have a good kicking game in succup"

...atleast we don't have "guys it's okay we have lincoln" threads..
Their starter threw 3 INTs in the last scrimmage.. but got the job because smelley threw 5..
I'm still not sure when Lou is going to prove he's an "expert". Right now he looks like being a perfect example of why you shoud try to catch the symptoms of senility as early as possible.
I am not putting down anyone that's mentally handdicapped, but this Dr. Lou crap is retarded. There's no other word to use.

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