NC State DC says about Vols …

Some of us can recall the 2022 South Carolina game and the prediction of a vol blow out. Well it was very one sided. Just saying.
As has been stated numerous times...that game was a special case. It is much easier to play a team when you have their signals and know what is coming on most of the snaps. Don't this that will happen this game.
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Its been stated over the years, you can practice the "Tempo" all you want and think you are prepared. But its nothing to the actual in game speed. The scheme Kirby has for Heupels offense is the only thing that has worked. And it works because of the Talent at Star and LB that UGA has.
I was just going to point that out. The only times we have been beaten in the CJH era is when we have inaccurate QB play, our DL gets neutralized, or you have a UGA level defense that can out talent us. If u don't have Kirby's talent, your only hope is the first 2 boxes. It was just 1 game but Nico looks just as accurate as Hendon if not more accurate, and it's probably our best DL in the CJH era so good luck with that.

"Yeah so we are doing a good job of that, just trying to get everybody to hurry up and get back to the ball," Kaufman said. "Just trying to get everyone to hurry back and get back into position. It will be easier in the game because we will know where the ball will be placed on the hash because at practice they switch hashes, so it's really even harder at practice."

We got ‘em in the cross hairs…
As has been stated numerous times...that game was a special case. It is much easier to play a team when you have their signals and know what is coming on most of the snaps. Don't this that will happen this game.
Hopefully, there is no overconfidence in the Orange and White. If a team has not played against this offense, they will find it hard to adapt. It’s one thing to simulate the movement, but facing the skill and speed of our backs and receivers is another story, especially without substitutions.
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It was faster. They slowed it down with the backup QBs, but the plays per minute when Nico was QB was higher than it was in 23 or 22.

We certainly seemed faster against Chattanooga than we were last year. Not a lot but noticeably faster to me at least. Everybody was racing back to the LOS after every down. Impressive.
I was watching some NC State Youtubers today and they seem to think that the NC State WR (Kevin "KC" Concepcion) is going to be the best player on the field Saturday. I beg to differ we probably have at least 3-4 athletes better than him:
Nico, James Jr., Thornton, and maybe Bru (because of the dog inside him)
I am worried about our secondary against him. Dude is an elite WR and even against Chatt we still saw the SAME mistakes we have seen since Heupel arrived, CBs failing to turn their head around. They will have to play better.
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There were stretches in the first and second quarters where we were running plays every 9-10 seconds. Not 9-10 seconds after the ball was set, but 9-10 seconds after the runner/receiver was tackled on the previous play to the moment the ball was snapped on the next play. I don't remember that happening much in 2022, and it definitely didn't happen in 2023. That might be a product of the in-helmet communication that we have now. Regardless of why, we are definitely playing faster.
It must be really painful to not understand our defensive philosophy.

So bad fundamentals is part of the philosophy? UT can score as fast as they want to. If the opposing team turns around and burns the secondary to score, how much good will it do. Good offenses will absolutely shred the secondary if it's not fixed.
So bad fundamentals is part of the philosophy? UT can score as fast as they want to. If the opposing team turns around and burns the secondary to score, how much good will it do. Good offenses will absolutely shred the secondary if it's not fixed.
So. You don’t understand man coverage vs zone either… either learn the difference or continue to be fully recognized as miserable. 😭

Consider this: Ever notice that occasionally, not everytime, but occasionally, when the qb breaks containment of the pocket and heads downfield, he can get ten, fifteen yards downfield before the DBs react to him? That’s because they are playing the receiver, not zone. Learn what the DBs are being taught.

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There were stretches in the first and second quarters where we were running plays every 9-10 seconds. Not 9-10 seconds after the ball was set, but 9-10 seconds after the runner/receiver was tackled on the previous play to the moment the ball was snapped on the next play. I don't remember that happening much in 2022, and it definitely didn't happen in 2023. That might be a product of the in-helmet communication that we have now. Regardless of why, we are definitely playing faster.
That in helmet I think is a game changer and gives Nico that little extra from the coach pre snap that will boost him even more… just to understand the situation with a quick reminder will enhance his efficiency
Vols should dog walk them (no pun intended) but seeing how literally everyone is picking Tenn and most by double digits, I'm very nervous. McCall will be a lot better but this is just a bad matchup for them.
McCall doesn’t have a great arm from what I saw. Backyard football player but average passer.

Edit: and now he’ll throw for 400 lol.
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Staes was terrific in the game as he led Notre Dame’s pass catchers in receptions, yards, and touchdowns. Staes finished the game with 115 receiving yards and two scores on just four receptions, also ending the contest as the game’s fourth-leading player in total offensive yards behind ND QB Sam Hartman, NCSU QB Brennan Armstrong, and ND running back Audric Estime.
Yeah, the best & maybe only way to stop the Vol O is 3 and outs. You need to get them behind the sticks with lineman jumping and 5-yard penalties etc. and or bad snaps causing a blundered play or a tipped or missed pass becoming an interception. I think the Vols will have to stop themselves to keep NC State in this game. JMO

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