From the first line in the article: "We all know how long
college football games can be, even without the lengthy television commercials and injury timeouts."
No, I don't know how long it can be even without the lengthy television commercials and injury timeouts.
I began watching football in the 70's. Just like now, the game was 60 minutes long with 4, 15 minute quarters. Back then, the clock stopped on an incomplete forward pass, just like today. On average, teams were getting more passing yards than rushing yards for the first time in 1982. So teams passing a lot is not a new aspect of the game.
So what has changed? I would speculate that "questionable" injuries could slow the game down, but the NCAA decided against addressing that. There are the timeouts for replays, but on average, there are only two of those per game. What is left? TV timeouts.
There are a minimum of four commercial timeout per quarter, then end of first and third quarters, that is at least 18 commercials per game. 18, three minute commercials, is 54 minutes.
I am at a loss on how anyone could argue that the most popular sports in the United States needs to change the rules of the game to save time.