NCAA Must Admit Transgender Athletes

Imagine the first time someone who "identifies" as a female comes out wearing a gymnastics leotard.

Now imagine the first time they slip on the beam and straddle it on the way down...

If the tranny hurt its ankle, would the coach carry it off the floor?
Noem is directing the Department of Education to create policy banning transgender girls from playing K-12 sports designated for girls, while the second order encourages the state’s Board of Regents, which oversees public universities, to do the same but only so far as it won't jeopardize the state's standing with organizations like the National Collegiate Athletic Association, which has inclusion policies allowing transgender athletes to play in sports of their choosing.

SD Gov. Noem Reacts to Rejection of Trans Bill Revision with EO
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Kills Bill to ban transgender athletes from female sports


South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem killed legislation Monday that would bar transgender athletes from girls’ and women’s sports, refusing to sign the bill after it was returned to her unchanged despite her request for revisions.

The Republican governor insisted she had not vetoed House Bill 1217 after the House sent it back to her on a 67-2 vote, but the legislation died after the Senate adjourned before voting on whether to override her decision.

The American Civil Liberties Union of South Dakota declared victory, saying the “bill that would ban transgender women and girls from competing on sports teams that match their gender identity won’t be signed into law.”

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem kills bill to ban transgender athletes from female sports
I have never seen a political party so hell bent on destroying the rights of the vast majority to cater to the whims of a few.

The result of 1865. The federal government wanted to overstep their bounds and tell the states what they can and cannot do. You're seeing the result of that war more than ever today.
Kristi Noem Defends Herself in a New Op-Ed, but I Don't Think It Helped Matters

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has found herself mired in a controversy involving one of the chief cultural battles going on right now. She vetoed a bill barring biological men from competing against and dominating women in sports. That we are even needing to have states pass these laws says nothing good about the intellectual heft of our society, but I digress.

In an attempt to smooth things over, Noem recently wrote an op-ed for National Review offering her defense. To be honest, though, I don’t think it really helped matters.
That is why we need to get this right. Since November, my team and I have worked to find the best way to defend women’s sports effectively — not just to feel good, but to do good. We have to be able to win in court.

It is for that reason that I asked the South Dakota state legislature to make revisions to HB 1217. As passed, this bill was a trial lawyer’s dream. It would have immediately been enjoined had I signed it into law, meaning that no girls in South Dakota would have been protected.​
That’s really the only substantive mention of HB 1217 in her op-ed. The rest is her bragging about other things she’s done. And while she deserves credit for those things, they hold little relevance in any discussion of this issue.

Kristi Noem Defends Herself in a New Op-Ed, but I Don't Think It Helped Matters
'Kids can't drink beer but they can be chemically castrated?': Tucker Carlson rips into Arkansas Gov Asa Hutchinson for vetoing bill to ban hormone treatments for transgender children

Tucker Carlson ripped into Arkansas Gov Asa Hutchinson over his decision to veto a bill that would ban gender confirming treatments and surgery for transgender youth, accusing him of supporting the 'chemical castration' of children.

Carlson and Hutchinson engaged in a heated debate on Fox News on Tuesday night after Arkansas' Republican legislature voted to override the governor's veto and move forward with enacting the bill.

Tucker Carlson rips into Arkansas Gov Asa Hutchinson for vetoing transgender treatment ban bill | Daily Mail Online
Texas Senate Defies NCAA, Gives Transgender Athlete Ban Initial Approval


The Texas Senate approved legislation limiting transgender athletes to competing only in categories that correspond to their birth gender in contravention to the NCAA’s recent decision to allow transgender people to play in their choice of categories.

The Texas bill focuses on “biological sex.” It maintains that athletes born as males will be banned from competing in girls’ sports, although girls would be permitted to play with biological boys if there is no comparable female sport.

Texas Defies NCAA on Transgender Athlete Policy, Adds New Restrictions

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