NCAA Must Admit Transgender Athletes

The number of people actually impacted by this is very small. Not that many people are transgender. Among those, the ones wishing to play sports is small. And even smaller are the ones that would dominate. It's a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
A quick look at Connecticut sports show the impact of transgender sports..... a male athlete finished near the bottom in males track and field the year before.... claimed to be female and won the state title.... the next season another male mad at the first male claimed to be famale and then they finished first and second place at state in track. They robbed a female athlete who was trying to be the first female athlete to win state 3 straight years.... All that hard work for nothing.
Let's see if we can simplify this. Humans born with XY chromosomes in the US grow to on average 5'9" tall, only 5% of humans born with XX chromosomes grow to 5'9" tall. 5% of the humans born with XY chromosomes grow to 6'2.5"
If you've ever been 5'9" and played basketball against a 6'2.5" person - male or female you were at a real disadvantage for 80%+ of the time you were on the court.
Males and females don't change.... you can be more masculine or more feminine..... maybe we should have 4 categories for sports.
Let's see if we can simplify this. Humans born with XY chromosomes in the US grow to on average 5'9" tall, only 5% of humans born with XX chromosomes grow to 5'9" tall. 5% of the humans born with XY chromosomes grow to 6'2.5"
If you've ever been 5'9" and played basketball against a 6'2.5" person - male or female you were at a real disadvantage for 80%+ of the time you were on the court.
Males and females don't change.... you can be more masculine or more feminine..... maybe we should have 4 categories for sports.

World And Olympic Athletic Record List
A quick look at Connecticut sports show the impact of transgender sports..... a male athlete finished near the bottom in males track and field the year before.... claimed to be female and won the state title.... the next season another male mad at the first male claimed to be famale and then they finished first and second place at state in track. They robbed a female athlete who was trying to be the first female athlete to win state 3 straight years.... All that hard work for nothing.
Im all for males crushing female sports. Should be a good nail in the coffin for Feminism.
I'm surprised that competitive sports as a whole hasn't been banned. After all, when you have competition, naturally there will be losers and we just have to protect the feelings of all these poor jellyfish and not give them a complex.
Mississippi at the forefront of protecting womens rights and promoting feminism. What a world.
It's performance art. That's all the GOP does nowadays. There were zero transgender athletes in Mississippi competing in women's athletics. This is why the GOP will fade away. Dems govern, Republicans do white grievance theatrics.
Mississippi at the forefront of protecting womens rights and promoting feminism. What a world.
While Mississippi has more than its share of debutants there are plenty of farm girls that would be happy to take care of any "sissy boy" who would venture into their locker room.
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It's performance art. That's all the GOP does nowadays. There were zero transgender athletes in Mississippi competing in women's athletics. This is why the GOP will fade away. Dems govern, Republicans do white grievance theatrics.

Rational people are just getting out in front of these idiotic dim policies.
It's performance art. That's all the GOP does nowadays. There were zero transgender athletes in Mississippi competing in women's athletics. This is why the GOP will fade away. Dems govern, Republicans do white grievance theatrics.
Correct. Republicans were proactive in protecting Womens rights and advancing Feminism. Godd@mn.. that must tear you up inside where your uterus used to be.
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I'm surprised that competitive sports as a whole hasn't been banned. After all, when you have competition, naturally there will be losers and we just have to protect the feelings of all these poor jellyfish and not give them a complex.
Its coming. As idioacracy continues to flourish, and more natural selection refugees (democrats) exist, they will go away. Modern sports are a product of heteronormative White Supremacy which clearly defines winners and losers thus it cannot be allowed to continue due to the irreversible harm it does to millions of left wing types self respect and confidence. Competition makes distinctions between people, good and/or bad, and sets a bar that most liberals can never overcome so in their never ending quest to destroy Western society and values they will do an about face on their individual identity for everyone mantra and try and turn all sports into pure participation trophy sports. This shouldn't be a surprise since the majority of democrats reaped the fruits of participation trophy culture their entire lives which is why we see so many of them, especially here, unable to come to terms with reality.
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SD House Speaker to REJECT Gov. Kristi Noem’s Request to Rework Bill on Transgender Athletes

The battle over legislation in South Dakota to prevent biological men from competing against biological women in school sports will come to a head on “Veto Day,” which takes place on Monday — also the last day of the state’s legislation session.

And now House Speaker Spencer Gosch, a Republican, announced he would recommend lawmakers reject Gov. Kristi Noem’s controversial stance to not veto House Bill 1217 but to ask for revisions to it, including removing the language to eliminate the ban in collegiate sports and removing the requirement for birth certificate sex to be proven annually.

SD House Speaker to Reject Gov. Kristi Noem’s Trans Bill Revision
SD House Speaker to REJECT Gov. Kristi Noem’s Request to Rework Bill on Transgender Athletes

The battle over legislation in South Dakota to prevent biological men from competing against biological women in school sports will come to a head on “Veto Day,” which takes place on Monday — also the last day of the state’s legislation session.

And now House Speaker Spencer Gosch, a Republican, announced he would recommend lawmakers reject Gov. Kristi Noem’s controversial stance to not veto House Bill 1217 but to ask for revisions to it, including removing the language to eliminate the ban in collegiate sports and removing the requirement for birth certificate sex to be proven annually.

SD House Speaker to Reject Gov. Kristi Noem’s Trans Bill Revision

Doesn’t sound like the speaker is a Republican or has some secrets that need to come out.
Policy Leaders Say Gov. Noem Is Handing College Female Athletes To NCAA ‘On A Silver Platter’

  • Policy leaders warned Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem in a Monday letter that her edits to South Dakota legislation would hand collegiate female athletes to “the NCAA on a silver platter.”
  • “The South Dakota legislature got it right with HB 1217,” the 47 national and state policy leaders said in a coalition letter to Noem, “and your original excitement to sign it was on the mark.”
Policy leaders warned Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem in a Monday letter that her edits to South Dakota legislation would hand collegiate female athletes to “the NCAA on a silver platter.”

“The South Dakota legislature got it right with HB 1217,” the 47 national and state policy leaders said in a coalition letter to Noem, “and your original excitement to sign it was on the mark.”

Policy Leaders Say Gov. Noem Is Handing College Female Athletes To NCAA ‘On A Silver Platter’
South Dakota Lawmakers REJECT Transgender sports bill changes by Gov. Noem

The South Dakota State Legislature voted Monday to reject Gov. Kristi Noem’s "style and form" veto of House Bill 1217, a measure that would effectively bar transgender youth from participating in women’s sports at the college level and below.

The state’s House of Representatives rejected Noem’s veto on the "Women’s Fairness in Sports" bill by a 67-2 vote. The governor, who had previously signaled her support for the bill, declined to sign the measure unless lawmakers accepted changes that would exempt collegiate sports from the ban.

"Vote to pass the governor's style and form veto on the Fairness for Woemn's [sic] Sports bill fails 2-67," State Rep. Fred Deutsch, a Republican, wrote on Twitter. "The bill now goes back to the governor for her to either sign or veto. House believes her style-and-form is unconstitutional."

South Dakota lawmakers reject transgender sports bill changes by Gov. Noem

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