NCAA Must Admit Transgender Athletes

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The Republicans are so pathetic. Nothing but grievance politics. They have nothing of substance to offer. They're not interested in governing. Just owning the libs.

South Dakota passes bill banning transgender athletes in women’s and girls’ sport

From the story:

"He noted that only one person born male took part in women’s sports in the past decade and that athlete did not dominate."
Sounds like they’re out ahead of the issue in their state then. Good for them.
The Republicans are so pathetic. Nothing but grievance politics. They have nothing of substance to offer. They're not interested in governing. Just owning the libs.

South Dakota passes bill banning transgender athletes in women’s and girls’ sport

From the story:

"He noted that only one person born male took part in women’s sports in the past decade and that athlete did not dominate."

Pathetic is forcing the majority to participate in the fallacies of the mentally ill.
I give you a potential pic of the 2024 Lady Vols...

No....Just your side.

The number of people actually impacted by this is very small. Not that many people are transgender. Among those, the ones wishing to play sports is small. And even smaller are the ones that would dominate. It's a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
The number of people actually impacted by this is very small. Not that many people are transgender. Among those, the ones wishing to play sports is small. And even smaller are the ones that would dominate. It's a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

It’s ridiculous even if there were only one tranny wanting to do it. They should accept their illness and the limitations that come with it.
The number of people actually impacted by this is very small. Not that many people are transgender. Among those, the ones wishing to play sports is small. And even smaller are the ones that would dominate. It's a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

We are waaaay beyond that socially and politically. Acceptance and even promotion, or be cast out.
The number of people actually impacted by this is very small. Not that many people are transgender. Among those, the ones wishing to play sports is small. And even smaller are the ones that would dominate. It's a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

See here is where your sides equality argument fails. Makes should never be in female sports. And females never in male sports. That has absolutely nothing to do with equality and everything to do with common sense.

The problem lies in the gender identity narrative that liberals/progressives have been pushing. They have been pushing that a trans person is the same as the “gender” they identify with. It’s bunk and goes against what science actually says. There are quite a few examples of men getting into women’s sports and dominating.

It doesn’t matter what amount of people are trans or how many want to play sports. They should not be allowed to play whatever sport they want based on nothing but a flawed societal construct.
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The number of people actually impacted by this is very small. Not that many people are transgender. Among those, the ones wishing to play sports is small. And even smaller are the ones that would dominate. It's a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
I wouldn’t bet on that. Seems most transgenders are looking for validation. What would be more validating than a trophy on the mantel “Woman’s Champion” ......even if they don’t love the sport it’ll be for the validation
I wouldn’t bet on that. Seems most transgenders are looking for validation. What would be more validating than a trophy on the mantel “Woman’s Champion” ......even if they don’t love the sport it’ll be for the validation

No doubt..they want not only the acceptance, but the validation. We are changing pronouns, language, bathrooms and law for petes sake. All to accomodate the mentally disturbed >1%
I wouldn’t bet on that. Seems most transgenders are looking for validation. What would be more validating than a trophy on the mantel “Woman’s Champion” ......even if they don’t love the sport it’ll be for the validation

My motto is “do what makes you happy”. I don’t care if you’re homosexual, a tranny, or whatever. I might not agree with your lifestyle or the things you do but who gives a s**t? I’m not stopping you from doing it just stop trying to make me think it’s something beautiful. It isn’t, not to me. If you feel the need to force everyone to accept what makes you happy then you’re just looking for a reason to be miserable. Be like everyone else and don’t care what people think. Also accept the fact we have to have some sense of normalcy as a society. If you’re a biological male and want to be a female that isn’t normal. Accept that and the consequences that come with it and go on living your fantasy without affecting anyone else.
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The number of people actually impacted by this is very small. Not that many people are transgender. Among those, the ones wishing to play sports is small. And even smaller are the ones that would dominate. It's a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
If Lebron James suddenly decides he’s a girl, and plays women’s basketball, there’s not a biological female on the planet that could stop him from scoring 100 points per game.
If Lebron James suddenly decides he’s a girl, and plays women’s basketball, there’s not a biological female on the planet that could stop him from scoring 100 points per game.
That would be the first WNBA game I’d watch.

kind of funny that feminism was built on this anti-male, me and women are equal mantra. Well, here’s your chance to prove it. I say abolish any gender specific sports. Let the best athlete’s compete.

After a few MMA fights and Serena Willimas gets smoked in straight sets to the 50th ranked male, people might start to acknowledge this nonsense.
If Lebron James suddenly decides he’s a girl, and plays women’s basketball, there’s not a biological female on the planet that could stop him from scoring 100 points per game.
This reminds me of the dude that decided to identify as a girl and absolutely crushed every women's lifting record for fun on YouTube.
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My motto is “do what makes you happy”. I don’t care if you’re homosexual, a tranny, or whatever. I might not agree with your lifestyle or the things you do but who gives a s**t? I’m not stopping you from doing it just stop trying to make me think it’s something beautiful. It isn’t, not to me. If you feel the need to force everyone to accept what makes you happy then you’re just looking for a reason to be miserable. Be like everyone else and don’t care what people think. Also accept the fact we have to have some sense of normalcy as a society. If you’re a biological male and want to be a female that isn’t normal. Accept that and the consequences that come with it and go on living your fantasy without affecting anyone else.

Don't leave pedophiles out.
If Lebron James suddenly decides he’s a girl, and plays women’s basketball, there’s not a biological female on the planet that could stop him from scoring 100 points per game.
That'd be something to behold, like Grandmama Johnson


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