NCAA Must Admit Transgender Athletes

I support trans rights - be who you want to be.

This however is an issue where there are no winners.

The worst part as far as I'm concerned is that if you question this decision you are demonized.

One solution could be to have ability-based rather than gender-based competition.
So we could build a really great football program if we get hs football players to identify as females, put on the womens track team, and then have them walk on to the football team.

Satan is probably already on it.
I support trans rights - be who you want to be.

This however is an issue where there are no winners.

The worst part as far as I'm concerned is that if you question this decision you are demonized.

One solution could be to have ability-based rather than gender-based competition.

It comes down to accepting your mental disorder and realizing everyone else shouldn’t be forced to participate.
not even worth the debate other than to say I disagree with your assessment

That’s fine. I feel people shouldn’t be forced to participate with people who want to pretend they’re something they’re not. You want to live in a make believe word? Fine. Just don’t expect, and damn sure don’t try and force, people to participate.
The world of professional psychology/psychiatry has let these people down.

Exhibit “A”

I support trans rights - be who you want to be.

This however is an issue where there are no winners.

The worst part as far as I'm concerned is that if you question this decision you are demonized.

One solution could be to have ability-based rather than gender-based competition.

Or biological basis.

If you’re bone with a penis you compete in this group. If you’re born with a vagina you compete in this group.
I support trans rights - be who you want to be.

This however is an issue where there are no winners.

The worst part as far as I'm concerned is that if you question this decision you are demonized.

One solution could be to have ability-based rather than gender-based competition.
So...... do away with women playing sports?
I support trans rights - be who you want to be.

This however is an issue where there are no winners.

The worst part as far as I'm concerned is that if you question this decision you are demonized.

One solution could be to have ability-based rather than gender-based competition.
The thing I don’t understand..... they won’t let guys participate in sports if they take the wrong cold medicine due to a slight competitive advantage but will allow this.
I support trans rights - be who you want to be.

This however is an issue where there are no winners.

The worst part as far as I'm concerned is that if you question this decision you are demonized.

One solution could be to have ability-based rather than gender-based competition.

Why would you support a mental illness?

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