NCAA Must Admit Transgender Athletes

I think this is the answer. The LGBT community sees sex and gender as two different things. Since biological males absolutely have an unfair advantage competing against females in sports it should be based on sex rather than gender.

They'll have none of it. These sodomites have no morality.
So...... do away with women playing sports?

no - have differing levels depending on ability. Within a level it could be a mix of male/female/whatever.

currently most men's sports do not bar women if they can compete - just extend that with ability levels.

not saying it's perfect
no - have differing levels depending on ability. Within a level it could be a mix of male/female/whatever.

currently most men's sports do not bar women if they can compete - just extend that with ability levels.

not saying it's perfect


Top level is all male.

Theoretically next level would be a mixture, but it really probably would not be. Would probably still be dominated by men. But would be non scholarship males dominating scholarship females I guess.

All female college sports barely generate interest now, do we think second rate males and a few top of the line females is going to draw interest?

You'd also be throwing most females down to a new level of bottom rung sports.
I think this is the answer. The LGBT community sees sex and gender as two different things. Since biological males absolutely have an unfair advantage competing against females in sports it should be based on sex rather than gender.

Or tell the alphabets that they didn’t write the book of anatomy and they can shove their attempt at hijacking a word into whichever orifice they desire.
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can you just identify or do you have to go full Bobbitt to take advantage? can you re-identify as male after you use up your eligiblity?

That's the cutoff - where you determine the truth ... where the rubber meets the road. If surgical measures aren't involved, it's still just a tranny in drag. Identifying as is not good enough; commitment is the determining factor ... no going back.
Well I think this has been in play for some time already. Remember the Brittney Gainer dude that played for Baylor 10 years or so ago. She had an adams apple as big as my sack and a deeper voice than Richard Sterban of the Oak Ridge Boys.
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If this is accurate, how long will it be before female athletes loose an uproar of protest?
Not only that, but it seems like the LGBT community (and everyone else) should agree with this. I don't know who is pushing it.

The alphabets are just like every victimhood group. They’ll never be satisfied and every concession you make will only lead more radical demands. The political panderers are only trying to buy votes from the “feelz” and weak minded.
The alphabets are just like every victimhood group. They’ll never be satisfied and every concession you make will only lead more radical demands. The political panderers are only trying to buy votes from the “feelz” and weak minded.

But there are plenty of lesbians in womens sports. Wouldn't they find this problematic?
Exhibit “A”

Struggling but might actually look better as a woman.......still not good........
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If they allow men with an anotomical advantage to compete against women they should allow those women to use performance enhancing drugs to equal the playing field

Those are usually the ones wanting to be men. What a conundrum.
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If they allow men with an anotomical advantage to compete against women they should allow those women to use performance enhancing drugs to equal the playing field

I think some liberal use of hands and feet might be an equalizer. Running and other activities can be tough when someone is bent over in pain so bad it's hard to even breathe.

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