NCAA panel recommends marijuana be dropped from banned substance list

It's basically anything goes for student-athletes these days. Hey, you want cash in addition to your free four-year education worth $200K? No
problem! You wanna smoke pot before playing? No problem. Activists on the one hand and greed on the other are ruining college athletics.
No one is saying it's ok to smoke pot before a game. That's not the purpose of this proposal. Get a grip
No one is saying it's ok to smoke pot before a game. That's not the purpose of this proposal. Get a grip
Who cares if they do? There have been multiple NBA and NFL players come out and say they smoked before every game. It's not like they're driving or operating machinery. They are literally playing a game.
Its not just a collegiate problem...the company I work for has stopped testing for it. Want to bet that if someone gets hurt bad that they test them anyways to protect their own rearend? The new plant manager was just caught hitting a thc vape inside breakroom. The employee that caught him was told if they say anything they will be fired. Lawlessness and its only going to get worse.
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Who cares if they do? There have been multiple NBA and NFL players come out and say they smoked before every game. It's not like they're driving or operating machinery. They are literally playing a game.
Rasheed Wallace schooled many great players while he was stoned out of his mind. Bill Walton too.
Not trying to be argumentative, but really wondering, then why do they need it?
Just my personal opinion and experience, but if you need pain management then weed is the way better option. Opioid dependency is the devil and it’s ruined a lot of our lives, family, and community. I would recommend thc over pain medication any day.
Just my personal opinion and experience, but if you need pain management then weed is the way better option. Opioid dependency is the devil and it’s ruined a lot of our lives, family, and community. I would recommend thc over pain medication any day.
Lol. Weed is definitely not a pain med. That's like a pothead answer. It might help with a headache but not serious pain.
Lot of businesses stopped testing for weed after covid in order to hire someone.
Also some will test preemployment and won't test you again unless you have an accident that causes damage.
Not really a fan of piss drug test. Guy can hit a line of coke Friday night after work and more than likely will pass the urine test. Guy smokes a joint Friday night and will likely fell their test.
Even worse are the pill poppers that basically get a free pass because they have an Rx.

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