NCAA panel recommends marijuana be dropped from banned substance list

Who cares if they do? There have been multiple NBA and NFL players come out and say they smoked before every game. It's not like they're driving or operating machinery. They are literally playing a game.
You don't think it makes a person less safe to be under the influence of any substance while playing?!? Laughable and sad.
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If I was a coach and a player smoked on Saturday before the game, I would crack down and make his life miserable. Revoke scholly for repeat offense.

If I was a coach and players smoked on Friday night, I would tell them to stay hydrated, don't drive, and avoid sweets.

I won't say recreational use is good for you, but my doctor has told me it will be the most effective treatment for my anxiety when it is legalized here.
Weed always made me paranoid and anxious as hell. It doesn't work the same for every body.
I don’t think QBs are gonna be doing that. You have more expectations with that position. You might see the occasional WR or DE get in hot water for that. I think this would be more of a post-game thing. I really don’t think players are gonna be rippin gravity bongs out of the ice tub before kickoff lol.

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Although not a drug test, Kadion Salter comes to mind immediately. Over the years plenty of UT players have gotten into trouble with weed. I find it problematic that a substance can be "legal" in places and still be banned. I get why that is, I just find it absolute hypocrisy, not unlike most things we see in the world today.
Recently there have been very few, if any and it's not because they aren't smoking it
Its not just a collegiate problem...the company I work for has stopped testing for it. Want to bet that if someone gets hurt bad that they test them anyways to protect their own rearend? The new plant manager was just caught hitting a thc vape inside breakroom. The employee that caught him was told if they say anything they will be fired. Lawlessness and its only going to get worse.

Lol scary
It appears the NCAA is simply trying to keep up with reality "on the ground". So be it. Cannabis products have become so universally available, both legally and otherwise that their use by college athletes should be assumed rather than made into a huge, big issue. The bottom line is that athletic performance is the final arbiter. If Cannabis helps a player's performance...he or she will use it and fans will love it. If it hurts performance, the coach will take the appropriate steps, up to and including pulling a scholarship. Those are the facts and we all know it. As someone already pointed out...we're in a new world regarding "Student athletes". HUGE money is now a factor, legally and totally above board.
Whether we like it or not friends, I'm afraid it's time to drop many of the historical fantasies we've held.
As far as drugs enhancing performance...I'm reminded of my days as a competitive shooter. From time to time during a match, between relays I'd casually ask my fellow competitors about the use of performance enhancing drugs in our competitions. It's amazing how many would loudly decry allowing such things into our sport...while sucking down cigarettes as fast as possible before returning to the line to shoot..!!!
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They don't use it for performance enhancement, they use it for pain relief and sleep. Sure some is recreational, but not everyone wants to pop another toroidal when they could achieve the same result from something that won't give them ulcers, or get them addicted.

You guys are still stuck in Ronald Reagan's drug policy. It cracks me up how so many people want to punish other people for doing something that has no effect on the first group. It is a personal choice. Besides prohibition doesn't work, has never worked.

When you prohibit something that more than 50% of the people believe should be legal, you develop contempt for the law. Especially when one state will put you in jail for possession and a bordering state has legal sale.

You know guys, if the NCAA drops it from their testing, there are going to be some athletes who will make a college choice due to drug policy of the state where the school is located. Not so much that using it is that important, but they, specially the black athletes, know "the smell of marijuana" has been used as a pretext for a lot of kids getting arrested and potential careers disrupted. Why take the risk. Go to UVA, or Maryland or USC or even Oregon.
They don't use it for performance enhancement, they use it for pain relief and sleep. Sure some is recreational, but not everyone wants to pop another toroidal when they could achieve the same result from something that won't give them ulcers, or get them addicted.

You guys are still stuck in Ronald Reagan's drug policy. It cracks me up how so many people want to punish other people for doing something that has no effect on the first group. It is a personal choice. Besides prohibition doesn't work, has never worked.

When you prohibit something that more than 50% of the people believe should be legal, you develop contempt for the law. Especially when one state will put you in jail for possession and a bordering state has legal sale.

You know guys, if the NCAA drops it from their testing, there are going to be some athletes who will make a college choice due to drug policy of the state where the school is located. Not so much that using it is that important, but they, specially the black athletes, know "the smell of marijuana" has been used as a pretext for a lot of kids getting arrested and potential careers disrupted. Why take the risk. Go to UVA, or Maryland or USC or even Oregon.
And of course, we have wing nuts here in Tennessee trying to legislate morality to their liking
It may not be the proposal but it will occur more often than it already does if there isn’t any testing.
It's going to occur wether u test for it or not. I think you would be amazed of the sheer number of guys that smoke before a game and it's damn near impossible to know. The kids that dont use it, won't all of a sudden become stoners because they dont test. Just like the stoners won't stop because they do test. Personally if they have to have something for pain after these crashes on Saturday I would rather it be pot instead of opioids.
No one is saying it's ok to smoke pot before a game. That's not the purpose of this proposal. Get a grip

If you are a smoker you will smoke before a game to get that sense of calmness and its what you do, its almost a given if its deemed OK no violation. If you are just an occasional take a toke at a party or in a car pass around, probably not . JMO
If you are a smoker you will smoke before a game to get that sense of calmness and its what you do, its almost a given if its deemed OK no violation. If you are just an occasional take a toke at a party or in a car pass around, probably not . JMO
Agree 100%. I would add that while teams might not test for it, they will prohibit it on school property. Because players are at team functions hours before games, it's unlikely they will be getting "high" before games.
If you just tell your players "smoke weed all you want but come to practice ready to practice" that would, on the one hand, wipe out 2/3 of the suspensions due to team rules. But on the other hand, I would think it would lower the quality of practice and game time too, I would think. I don't use it, but I figure it would be pretty tempting to have some when you need to not have it.

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