NCAA panel recommends marijuana be dropped from banned substance list

Ok, good point, but I'm not certain I would want my QB to have a buzz during a game

I don’t think QBs are gonna be doing that. You have more expectations with that position. You might see the occasional WR or DE get in hot water for that. I think this would be more of a post-game thing. I really don’t think players are gonna be rippin gravity bongs out of the ice tub before kickoff lol.
It's basically anything goes for student-athletes these days. Hey, you want cash in addition to your free four-year education worth $200K? No
problem! You wanna smoke pot before playing? No problem. Activists on the one hand and greed on the other are ruining college athletics.
Wait, coaches and universities have had an "anything goes" monopoly for over a century. WTF are you talking about?
If we're being 100% honest when is the last time a UT player was banned for a failed drug test due to weed?
Although not a drug test, Kadion Salter comes to mind immediately. Over the years plenty of UT players have gotten into trouble with weed. I find it problematic that a substance can be "legal" in places and still be banned. I get why that is, I just find it absolute hypocrisy, not unlike most things we see in the world today.
It's basically anything goes for student-athletes these days. Hey, you want cash in addition to your free four-year education worth $200K? No
problem! You wanna smoke pot before playing? No problem. Activists on the one hand and greed on the other are ruining college athletics.
Lol smoke pot before playing ?? They going to do tequila shots too?
Its not just a collegiate problem...the company I work for has stopped testing for it. Want to bet that if someone gets hurt bad that they test them anyways to protect their own rearend? The new plant manager was just caught hitting a thc vape inside breakroom. The employee that caught him was told if they say anything they will be fired. Lawlessness and its only going to get worse.
Lol get off my lawn !!
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If I was a coach and a player smoked on Saturday before the game, I would crack down and make his life miserable. Revoke scholly for repeat offense.

If I was a coach and players smoked on Friday night, I would tell them to stay hydrated, don't drive, and avoid sweets.

I won't say recreational use is good for you, but my doctor has told me it will be the most effective treatment for my anxiety when it is legalized here.
I can’t tell if you’re trolling or actually believe weed isn’t an effective medicine.
Weed smoke!...and no its not. Smoke in the lungs will never be a medicine other than to people who want to get high.

If its a medicine, then why is my hip killing me? I just smoked enough to get Snoop high.

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