Need a New OC/Spread Sucks

So much disinformation in this thread particularly when it comes to the type of offense Auburn runs. Auburn does not run a spread. It's the old wing-t offense ran from the shotgun.

The spread isn't really an offense. It's a formation. Spread teams have wide splits along the line of scrimmage(Auburn does not do this). They will also generally deploy 4 wide receivers on a consistent basis(to spread defenses out). Auburn does not do this either. That's not to say that Auburn doesn't spread you out on occasion by going 4 wide. It just means that that is not the core of the offense.

The Delaware Wing-T Offense

and a sample

Malzahn's Playbook: Shotgun Buck Sweep - YouTube
Guys we are two or three plays from being where we should have been 6-6 possible 7-5. Get behind your coach and players this could be the biggest off season we have had in a long time. Butch and staff have the system we are closing in on good and great times. Speed kills on both side of the ball. We should have that after this next class. GBO
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"Spread" is way too general of a term. Many coaches run what they call a "spread" offense but are doing completely different things.

Ultimately, I don't really think it matters whether you are "spread" or not. If you have either a great running game or have an elite QB, you can win in the SEC. Whether that be out of a pro style offense or a "spread."
Auburn just wanted to remind everyone that the spread offense doesn't work in the SEC, and that we need a pro style quarterback so we can run the I formation.

O and Nick Saban loves going against spread teams! He eats them for dinner!

And yes, I did start drinking before noon. Go vols!

Not sure I understand you here because Auburn runs a read option spread...

Urban Meyer and Ohio State/Florida make the spread look like more than just a gimmick. Although outside of that, I can't really think of a spread team that actually won a NT.
Hopefully next yr. TN will have offensive linemen who don't move like their feet have concrete blocks strapped to them.
So much disinformation in this thread particularly when it comes to the type of offense Auburn runs. Auburn does not run a spread. It's the old wing-t offense ran from the shotgun.

The spread isn't really an offense. It's a formation. Spread teams have wide splits along the line of scrimmage(Auburn does not do this). They will also generally deploy 4 wide receivers on a consistent basis(to spread defenses out). Auburn does not do this either. That's not to say that Auburn doesn't spread you out on occasion by going 4 wide. It just means that that is not the core of the offense.

The Delaware Wing-T Offense

and a sample

Malzahn's Playbook: Shotgun Buck Sweep - YouTube

I would say he's far more single wing than he is wing t. And a lot of people run buck sweep from the gun. Look at CUM. His pin n pull zone scheme at Florida was essentially buck sweep. Which is basically a variation of power.
Malzahn's roots are in the wing T. He coached that in high school before moving to the open spread offense he uses now. So there are some similarities. But it isn't the same offense.
You're both right. It was that auburn passing game that won the west for them.

'spread' is a generic term . Auburn runs zone read based out of wing T forms. Passing is not a necessity out of their offense ...but guys that run 4.4s and less is a necessity .

Our version of the 'spread' is based on the 4 verticals philosophy . Our running game is extended to the receivers. We need a QB that can complete short and intermediate routes.

Just for the sake of discussion ...Aalbubba is in a 'spread' for 40-50 % of the time. Peyton Manning runs a 'spread' formation. I think when the 'spread' is discussed we are just referring roughly to the formation ...not the scheme or philosophy . Sprint draw concepts , zone read, air raid , fun and gun , pro style , triple option , wing t concepts , veer ?
Who cares if it is the spread, wildcat, single Wing, pro style, run and shoot or fun and gun or whatever as long as you win the game is all that matters..
Baylor- zero national championships, spread offense

TAMU- zero national championships, spread offense

Oregon- zero national championships, spread offense

USCjr- zero national championships, spread offense

Auburn- one national championship, spread offense

Nick Saban- 4 national championships, pro style offense

LSU- one national championship, pro style offense

NFL teams that run the spread offense that have won Super Bowls or have produced MVP QBs, zero.

Um, you do realize Baylor, A&M and Oregon have sucky defenses? Think that has anything to do with it?
USCjr has only been good the last couple years. I don't think the style of offense they run has much to do with them always having 2+ losses. Besides its SCjr they have Spurrier and still can't expect to be better than the Bamas or LSUs of the world.
Auburn has went 25-1 with Malzahn with an outside shot at a 2nd NC. Really?
Auburn ran for just under 300 yards. The advantage of having the qb involved in the running game is undeniable.

Yeah and it doesn't hurt to have 2 of the quickest backs I have seen in a decade. After watching Bamas Mosley look like a tool trying to stop Auburns option runs, I feel a little better about AJ and Sapp played in the Aub game. Oh , I will admit that I thought Bama would completely shut-down the Malzon circus- I bet my son Bama would win by 21. I was off a tiny bit.
Butch is not going to abandon the spread. Many coaches are using it and playing power football. Urban Meyer for one. The problem was not scheme is was the quality and experience of the athletes trying to run it. You can win with any offense if you have superior talent.
Jeez, louis, I don't care what kind of style, pro, college, NFL, I'll take doggy style, just as long as it works for the Vols and we can start winning again.
Do I think we have the ideal personnel for this system? No. But whether Butch should have changed his system for one year is another debate. I don't think our run game would have been any more effective from an I formation nor do I believe our quarterbacks would have been any more efficient.

Probably right but I do believe our run game could have benefitted from quicker north/south plays. The mock spread option runs with Worley were extremely slow developing and seemed pointless at times.
Auburn ran for just under 300 yards. The advantage of having the qb involved in the running game is undeniable.

I agree. The big thing to running the spread Is a good running QB. And speed something our spread attack lacked this yr.
I agree. The big thing to running the spread Is a good running QB. And speed something our spread attack lacked this yr.

You can't win with a pocket passer in the spread - at least not in the SEC. My source - Georgia vs. Hawaii in the Sugar Bowl.

But if you find a very mobile QB and is pretty good at what he does, you can do lots of damage. I personally do not like this offense, but it can work with the right personnel.
You can't win with a pocket passer in the spread - at least not in the SEC. My source - Georgia vs. Hawaii in the Sugar Bowl.

But if you find a very mobile QB and is pretty good at what he does, you can do lots of damage. I personally do not like this offense, but it can work with the right personnel.

Lol you're right. Hawaii should def be able to beat Georgia. Clearly their spread offense was the only problem there.
The only issue I have with the spread is the zone blocking. This is NOT NEW! Tennessee has been zone blocking for years now. They did it under CPF. I teach this technique... I think you need a group of plays where you man up and drive block to keep that skill fresh. You will notice that 3rd and 4th and short spread teams struggle when misdirection fails. Re: Vandy the zone techniques work on angles and getting to a spot before the def does. One of the things teams struggle with is resisting the want to chase when the d lineman cross the face of the lineman. Chasing opens holes for a run thru and leads to negative plays. It is imperative that you have the ability to run inside zone when you want to for that offence to work. For the most part we were able to do that. Our issues were on the edge (outside zone) SPEED! Helps coming
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Mizzou's pro style offense works awesome too. They do it with roster full of 2* and 3* players

Oh my this is heresy ... don't you know that you can't win in this league unless you have 4 & 5 star "talent".
The spread is very effective when you have a great athlete/runner at QB--a guy who can run and throw. When you play the spread/read option like we do, with the QB almost always handing the ball to the back, you defeat the purpose of the scheme! Having Worley run the read/option was DUMB. It's been a little better with Dobbs because he can run a bit--but he's not by any means a great runner in the way that Manzeil or guys like him are.

One read/option play that I really HATE is this play that seems to function much like a draw, except the quarterback is in the shotgun. Dobbs gets the snap, put the ball in Neal's gut and then holds it there for a second or so, and then Neal runs the ball. You are asking your OL to hold their blocks for a long time--which they often can't do. We've run the ball pretty well this year, overall, I will say that. But I'm ambivalent about the read option. It would be more of a threat if our QBs were more of a threat running the ball themselves and throwing. When all you doing is one option, it's not so great.
Gus only runs about 5 different plays. They just run those same plays with slightly varied sets (e.g. Where the fullback and tailback line up). They have 2-4 reads on each of those 5 plays.

When Gus has been around long enough to have a coaching tree we might see his offense all over the NCAA
Gus only runs about 5 different plays. They just run those same plays with slightly varied sets (e.g. Where the fullback and tailback line up). They have 2-4 reads on each of those 5 plays.

When Gus has been around long enough to have a coaching tree we might see his offense all over the NCAA

no coaching tree needed is the Wing T all spread out . They are going to be a nightmare when they figure out how to pass the ball
That's funny because it seems like Baylor, Texas A&M, Missiouri, USCjr, Auburn, and a billion other teams are producing "elite" qb's year in and year out.

Have you ever thought that maybe it's not the qb? Maybe it's the system?

Baylor has mostly been a doormat for 40 years. Texas A&M was mediocre for nearly forever before Manzeil arrived, USC has had some good but certainly not great QBs. But I do agree: If you do not have a special QB, then the spread/read ain't so special.
Baylor has mostly been a doormat for 40 years. Texas A&M was mediocre for nearly forever before Manzeil arrived, USC has had some good but certainly not great QBs. But I do agree: If you do not have a special QB, then the spread/read ain't so special.

So you think Baylor, Auburn, and Missouri have special quarterbacks? And no South Carolina has not had any special quarterbacks, but they've had some fantastic seasons by USCjr standards.

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